Friday 12 February 2010

What should I do with my life?

A Message from Noelyne.....
Is that a question you have often asked yourself?  Did you get an answer?  Do you remember what you dreamed of being as a child?  Did you follow that dream?  Are you doing what you really really want to be doing right now?  If the anwser to the last two questions is No then the chances are you chose to conform to what was expected, perhaps what your parent's or society thought was best for you.

If you are in your teens are you currently torn by what you want to do and what your parent's want?  Your parent(s) normally want what is best for you.  You've listened to them all your life so far, you've trusted them and they have provided for you so maybe what they are saying is the best thing for you.  If you are not bothered either way then follow their advice.  However, if in your heart of hearts you know that there is something else you would love to be doing, which perhaps your parent's are not so keen on, then I urge you to really really condsider following your heart.  The thing you are passionate about.  If you spend your time doing what you totally love to do then you will be successful and life will be wonderful.  You will wake up each day looking forward to the excitement and challenges that await you.

If you follow what your parent's think is best the chances are that things will be OK.  However, your parent's advice is based on their view of the world, their beliefs, their experiences, their fears.  Depending on what these are you could be limiting yourself.  Let me give you an example based on personal experience.  As a teenager I absolutely loved participating in sport - Athletics, Netball, Hockey, Tennis.  You name it, I loved it and I was a very good standard.  I was selected to run hurdles the County team alongside Kirsty Wade.  I didn't go!  My fears and lack of confidence and the advice from my parent was to go to my Saturday job instead for fear of losing it.  Apart from my PE Teacher I was never encouraged to follow my passion.  My family thought it was not appropriate.  Far better to become a Civil servant or Nurse or Bank clerk.  So I partially conformed and got a job with Kay & Co.  Three years later I became a civil servant and my family were happy.  I will never know if I could have made a career in Sport as it's too late now.  However, I did eventually find something else that I am passionate about when I became a trainer 12 years ago.  Lots happened in between which I will share future life lessons.  

My reason for sharing my story is that I don't want you to make the same mistakes as me.  Don't get to age 30 something and look back wishing you had given it a go.  It could be too late by then.  Follow your heart, your parents will love you no matter what.

And even if you are not in your teens....You know what?  No matter what age you are now it's never too late to do what you really really want to do.  I'll be showing you how to do this in my Membership club which will be launched soon, so drop by again for more information on how you can follow your dreams no matter what age you are.

Enjoy the process of life!

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report here How to Overcome Your Fears

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