Wednesday 26 September 2012

Your career

If you knew you couldn't fail, what would you do?

It's such a wonderful thought provoking question.  Capture your immediate thoughts and write them down.  Avoid telling yourself that you can't do it at this stage.

Another way of looking at it would be to ask the question 'If you won the lottery would you still be doing what you are about to do?'

The answer to these questions will be insightful.

Well look at what you do about it next time.

Enjoy the process of life


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Friday 21 September 2012

Climb that Mountain

I'm looking for a new strap line and wondered if Climb that Mountain would work?  Whilst researching I found a few songs with Climb up the Mountain in the title.  Have a listen to this.

Climb that Mountain!

Noelyne Jones

P.s. free report coming soon

Thursday 20 September 2012

Hello I'm back!

A message from Noelyne....

12 months later and I am inspired to post a blog. Wonders will never cease! The source of my inspiration? My very good friend Yvonne Emery.  While I have been building my new very domesticated life with my lovely family, she has been busy developing her Property Coaching business. And boy has she done well.  The last few months have seen tremendous growth culminating in a nomination for business woman of property in East Anglia and an opportunity to speak at the National Achievers Congress at Excel on 6/10.

I'm joining her at the event which will see Lord Sebastian Coe, Anthony Robbins and Donald Trump on stage.  Very exciting. Watch this space for more inspirational snippets after the event.

I'll be back with more updates soon


P.s. sign up for a free special report here