A Message from Noelyne..

The steps below show exactly how to develop inspiring goals and will result in you feeling so motivated that you automatically start to track for the things you most want.
Stop saying it and start doing.
How to Make a Dream Board
2. Go through each magazine and cut out any random pictures that appeal to you, and search http://www.images.google.com for keywords that apply to your wants and desires. Allow your mind to wander and follow your instinct. Find bright, colourful images that make you feel fantastic or get you thinking about what life could be like if it were you in that picture. Some suggestions for pictures include people, cars, holidays, fashion, books, food, scenes, kids, adventure, jewellery, books, cash, diamonds, houses, shoes, boats etc. Try to minimize the words that you cut out.
3. Purchase a magnetic board or a large blank painting canvas that is pre-strung on a timber frame and paper glue. (These are inexpensive and available at a local art store. I usually buy one which is about 1m * 1.5m – nice and big!)
4. Schedule some time in your diary for cutting and gluing day! You may need 2 or 3 lots of time.
5. On the day, put on your favourite inspiring music, make some coffee or whatever you like to drink. Buy some goodies to nibble on. And go to it!
6. Cut out the pictures neatly and stick them on your board. Paste over any faces of the people you have cut out. This is your dream board! (And we don’t want you thinking about other people!).
7. Place the dream board beside your bed or in your office and look at it at least twice a day for about 5 minutes. Enjoy the images, enjoy your work and imagine yourself leading the life that is in your dream board.
8. You will notice in the following 12 months that you are starting to achieve some of the dreams you have stuck on your board.
9. Begin collecting pictures for next year's dream board.
10. Include family members in this project.
• Often magazine subscriptions are much cheaper and there are many that can be ordered online and delivered right to home.
• Blank canvases for painting are available at your local art or stationery store. The cost is around depending on the size you go for.
• Or you could use a bulletin board
• When making your dream board try to focus on the things you like the most! For example, I love to ski so I have a picture of mountains with a skier and some fabulous skis!
• If you think you are going to need a bigger board then get it! You don’t want to worry you will not have enough space!
The recommended time of year to do a Dream board is January but why wait? Why would you put off having the life that you want? So go to it!
P.S. To overcome your fears forever request a copy of my Free Special Report
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