Wednesday 24 February 2010

How to overcome the recession blues

A Message from Noelyne..

Four tips for success in 2009

1. Make Changes

How much value do you add to the market place? 
Are you being the best that you can be? 
Do you provide the best customer service?
Are your products the best value for money? 
If you are an employee – How do you bring more value to your market place?  Your job? What value you can add to your organisation? Value each hour of every day.  If your organisation or company decides to downsize, make sure that your name is top of the list for people that have to be retained – indispensable!

What you need to do differently today to make a difference to your business?
The tried and tested ways may not continue to work.
What do you need to do to stay ahead?
Put in place the things that will add most value.

Never finish a year without planning the next year
Never finish a month without planning the next month
Never finish a week without planning the next week
Never finish a day without planning the next day

2.  Make a decision to go all the way to the top

If you are not sure where the top is, imagine where you want to go and envision a place even beyond there. This new place may feel less comfortable and maybe a bit scary. Most people stay where it feels safe. And yet, real success requires determination not safety.
What is it that frightens the life out of you?  What are you scared of?  Is this what you need to be doing?
Go past that familiar place and reach for what you really want. We are creatures of habit and without determination we will stay where we have always been. Nothing is wrong with that, but know that you are making a choice. It might be scary and it might push you to learn new skills and systems but if you are determined you will go for it.

3. Positive Mindset - What are you putting into your mind?

Jim Rohn says. "You are a culmination of the 5 people you spend the most time with." Would you rather feel inspired by the people you hang out with or do you like hearing people complain or be negative? We are a culture of complainers and blamers. If you hang out with negative people then it will affect your own state of mind. Negativity will trigger your own fear and make you feel either frozen or stuck. Positive energy is contagious and will make you feel joyful and happy.
Which do you choose?
Do you complain when things don't go right or do you look for solutions?
Be a positive person yourself and your positive state of mind will spread to everyone you touch.
Your attitude determines you altitude. In other words, your mind more than anything else determines how much success you will achieve in your life. Having a positive mental attitude is the first step on that journey. Achieving personal success is a choice and it all starts with taking the time to map out a plan that puts a framework for success around your goals.

4. Learning – Continuing Professional Development. 

When did you last read a book? 
How much time do you spend in front of the TV (The Income Reducer!)? 
What could you be doing instead to improve your knowledge and skills? 
Read a book a week as a minimum.
What have you always wanted to study and just never found the time? 
Look for an evening class locally to increase your skills and knowledge and make new friends.  Who knows where that might lead...

Make the decision to be the best that you can be now.  If you need a positive coach to support you through 2010 then give me a call to discuss which of my coaching packages will best suit you and make your most memorable year yet!

Above all Enjoy the Process of Life!
Noelyne Jones

P.S. Kick start the process by requesting a copy of my Free Special Report
How to Overcome Your Fears Easily

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