Tuesday 16 February 2010

Stay Focused to Achieve Your Goal

A Message from Noelyne....
When you have a project on the go that you particularly enjoy and is quite high priority it's easy to get engrossed and lose track of the time and forget about other important activities that also need to be achieved.  For example, I've been busy writing copy for my new website and membership lessons which I absolutely love to do because it's about sharing my knowledge and skills to help people be happier and get the most out of life.  The problem is that I nearly forgot about doing my ski exercises and finding time to prepare some food, I'm focused on eating healthily.

So Here's some tips to help you remember to fit everything in:
  • Each morning make a list of everything you need to achieve that day
  • Then go through the list and mark them A - High Priority and Must do Today, B - Medium - Could leave until tomorrow C - Low Priority - Could leave until  later in week.
  • Keep checking the list during the day and cross off as you achieve
 It also helps to ask 'How is your current activity moving you towards your goal?

A vision board or pictures of what you want to achieve placed where you will see them also helps to keep you focused on the key activities that will move you forward.

Enjoy the process!

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Sign up for my Free Special Report to Overcome Your Fears Now

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