Sunday, 28 February 2010

Are you living the life that you want?

A Message from Noelyne...

What sort of lifestyle do you want to be living? 

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being low and 10 being high, how much do you want this lifestyle?

If you are not at 10 then it’s not a burning desire so you won’t take whatever action is necessary to achieve your dreams.  I cannot emphasise enough the importance of your Burning Desire.  Without this you will not keep going when the going gets tough.
If you are at 10 then Whoo Hoo! 

Ok so you know your reason why, your burning desire, your dream lifestyle?  You know where you currently are.
Now what vehicle will you use to get it? 
What are your options?

If you are employed, what are the chances of getting a raise or overtime?  Do you have any spare time so that you could consider building a part-time business from home?  What else could you do?

If you are already in business for yourself what do you need to do differently to increase your income?
How happy are you in your current line or work/business?  Are you doing something that you absolutely love to do?  If not, why not?  What’s stopping you make the change?

When you find something that you absolutely love to do then money flows easily to you.  What is it that you love to do?  What are you passionate about?

There are so many opportunities out there you can easily get sidetracked so do some planning first:

Step 1 – Decide on the Lifestyle that you want. 
Do you want to be able to travel, live in a house on the beach, be able to work wherever and whenever you choose? Maybe you like the structure of a 9-5 job?

Step 2 - What’s your passion?
What do you love to do?  If you’re struggling here then I can recommend an excellent Career expert.

Step 3 – Look for a vehicle to help you get to where you want to be.  Here’s some ideas…
•    Internet based business
•    Public speaking
•    Property investment
•    Traditional business venture
•    Home based business
•    Your dream employment

Step 4 – Find a Mentor
Look for someone who is already successful in using your chosen vehicle and model yourself on them.  Join their mastermind group too.  It will pay dividends in the end.

Step 5 – Take action now
If not now when?  The sooner you start the sooner you will get to where you want to be.  Does the thought of taking action horrify you?  Listen to what your feelings are telling you.  Is it excitement or fear?  Go with your gut feeling and intuition.  If it feels right then take action.  If you have some doubts or are struggling with what action to take then maybe the time is not right.  Let it go and come back to it later.  Maybe you need to do some more research or speak to an expert for advice.

Whatever you decide please be happy with who, what and where you are now!  You are a magnificent being of the Universe.  Enjoy the Process!

All the very best,
P.S.  To overcome those fears now request my Free Special Report here

Saturday, 27 February 2010

3 Secrets of Success

A Message from Noelyne...

The 3 Secrets of Success

1.  A Goal

And not just any old goal, it needs to be a proper goal, a rolls Royce goal, a Harrods goal and dare I say it an M&S goal.  Make sure it’s well formed and juicy!  It needs to be totally compelling so that you keep going even when there are setbacks.  How important is this goal to you?  If it’s not important then it won’t be in your life.

Ask yourself:
What is deeply important to me?’
What do I really want?
What am I passionate about?  What gets me fired up?

2.  Energy

Feed your goal with masses of energy.  Identify what you need to do and take action.  Concentrate on the tasks that will make a big difference.  You will need to move out of your comfort zone and stretch yourself to make things happen.  It’s very easy to get distracted by nice to do safe/tasks which you and I know will not move you forward. Stay focused on what you want to achieve and take action with masses of ENERGY.

3. Let it go and Relax
Enjoy the process, have fun, don’t beat yourself up if things don’t turn out exactly how you wanted.  There will be a reason for it. 

If you have Focus and Direction with loads of Energy, Magic will happen.

Enjoy the Process,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. To Overcome Your Fears for ever request a copy of my Free Special Report

Friday, 26 February 2010

How to be Happy now

A Message from Noelyne...

Happiness Update!

How many times have you heard the following?

‘I just want to be happy’ or ‘I’ll be happy when I….. earn more money, change my job, get a divorce, lose weight, buy those new shoes, get a new car, retire, feel better.’

People believe that they will be happy when they get material things, when they are doing something different or thinking that the future will make them happy.  These are all based on the idea that ‘There is better than here’.

Guess what? If you are miserable now then you will still be miserable when you get whatever it is that you think will make you happy.

And likewise if you are happy now then you will still be happy when you get whatever you want.

Happiness is part of our overall level of well-being which comes from within.  The only thing that will make you happy is working on your overall level of well-being.  It’s about adopting an attitude of gratitude for everything that you currently have in your life.


Be willing to get out there and do whatever it is that you want to do.

Be yourself and allow the diamond within you to shine through.

Go for your goals…If not you who?  If not now when?

Enjoy the Prcoess of Life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report to Overcome Your Fears Forever Guaranteed!

Thursday, 25 February 2010

An alternative to setting goals to get what you want in life

A Message from Noelyne..   
Setting goals is something you you are probably familiar with, it’s almost a boring topic! People say things like: "Yes, we know we should set goals."; "Yes, we know we can set goals for health, for leisure, for work, for finance – in fact for all aspects of our lives."; "Yes, we know goals are extremely useful both to strive to achieve and to measure progress against.”  How many of you actually do it and stick to them?
But what if there was an inspiring, fun, exciting way to set goals for your life? What if the inspiring goals, actually helped your subconscious start focusing on them, day and night, without you even being aware of it?
The steps below show exactly how to develop inspiring goals and will result in you feeling so motivated that you automatically start to track for the things you most want.

Stop saying it and start doing.

How to Make a Dream Board

1.    You can either gather a stack of magazines (around 50 to 100), search for specific images on, or both. The magazines should be different types, covering all the topics that you are interested in. Some suggestions include: money/wealth, career, sport, adventure, health, cooking, spirituality/philosophy, fitness, fashion, travel etc.
2.    Go through each magazine and cut out any random pictures that appeal to you, and search for keywords that apply to your wants and desires. Allow your mind to wander and follow your instinct. Find bright, colourful images that make you feel fantastic or get you thinking about what life could be like if it were you in that picture. Some suggestions for pictures include people, cars, holidays, fashion, books, food, scenes, kids, adventure, jewellery, books, cash, diamonds, houses, shoes, boats etc. Try to minimize the words that you cut out.
3.    Purchase a magnetic board or a large blank painting canvas that is pre-strung on a timber frame and paper glue. (These are inexpensive and available at a local art store. I usually buy one which is about 1m * 1.5m – nice and big!)
4.    Schedule some time in your diary for cutting and gluing day! You may need 2 or 3 lots of time.
5.    On the day, put on your favourite inspiring music, make some coffee or whatever you like to drink. Buy some goodies to nibble on. And go to it!
6.    Cut out the pictures neatly and stick them on your board. Paste over any faces of the people you have cut out. This is your dream board! (And we don’t want you thinking about other people!).
7.    Place the dream board beside your bed or in your office and look at it at least twice a day for about 5 minutes. Enjoy the images, enjoy your work and imagine yourself leading the life that is in your dream board.
8.    You will notice in the following 12 months that you are starting to achieve some of the dreams you have stuck on your board.
9.    Begin collecting pictures for next year's dream board.
10.    Include family members in this project.


•    Magazines can be expensive! Consider collecting old magazines from friends, your local library, hairdressing salons, doctors surgeries, gyms, your work, thrift stores, bazaars etc. People are usually ecstatic to have someone recycling their old magazines.
•    Often magazine subscriptions are much cheaper and there are many that can be ordered online and delivered right to home.
•    Blank canvases for painting are available at your local art or stationery store. The cost is around  depending on the size you go for.
•    Or you could use a bulletin board
•    When making your dream board try to focus on the things you like the most! For example, I love to ski so I have a picture of mountains with a skier and some fabulous skis!
•    If you think you are going to need a bigger board then get it! You don’t want to worry you will not have enough space!
The recommended time of year to do a Dream board is January but why wait?  Why would you put off having the life that you want?  So go to it!

I’ll be waiting to hear about your successes.

Best wishes,
P.S.  To overcome your fears forever request a copy of my Free Special Report
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Wednesday, 24 February 2010

How to overcome the recession blues

A Message from Noelyne..

Four tips for success in 2009

1. Make Changes

How much value do you add to the market place? 
Are you being the best that you can be? 
Do you provide the best customer service?
Are your products the best value for money? 
If you are an employee – How do you bring more value to your market place?  Your job? What value you can add to your organisation? Value each hour of every day.  If your organisation or company decides to downsize, make sure that your name is top of the list for people that have to be retained – indispensable!

What you need to do differently today to make a difference to your business?
The tried and tested ways may not continue to work.
What do you need to do to stay ahead?
Put in place the things that will add most value.

Never finish a year without planning the next year
Never finish a month without planning the next month
Never finish a week without planning the next week
Never finish a day without planning the next day

2.  Make a decision to go all the way to the top

If you are not sure where the top is, imagine where you want to go and envision a place even beyond there. This new place may feel less comfortable and maybe a bit scary. Most people stay where it feels safe. And yet, real success requires determination not safety.
What is it that frightens the life out of you?  What are you scared of?  Is this what you need to be doing?
Go past that familiar place and reach for what you really want. We are creatures of habit and without determination we will stay where we have always been. Nothing is wrong with that, but know that you are making a choice. It might be scary and it might push you to learn new skills and systems but if you are determined you will go for it.

3. Positive Mindset - What are you putting into your mind?

Jim Rohn says. "You are a culmination of the 5 people you spend the most time with." Would you rather feel inspired by the people you hang out with or do you like hearing people complain or be negative? We are a culture of complainers and blamers. If you hang out with negative people then it will affect your own state of mind. Negativity will trigger your own fear and make you feel either frozen or stuck. Positive energy is contagious and will make you feel joyful and happy.
Which do you choose?
Do you complain when things don't go right or do you look for solutions?
Be a positive person yourself and your positive state of mind will spread to everyone you touch.
Your attitude determines you altitude. In other words, your mind more than anything else determines how much success you will achieve in your life. Having a positive mental attitude is the first step on that journey. Achieving personal success is a choice and it all starts with taking the time to map out a plan that puts a framework for success around your goals.

4. Learning – Continuing Professional Development. 

When did you last read a book? 
How much time do you spend in front of the TV (The Income Reducer!)? 
What could you be doing instead to improve your knowledge and skills? 
Read a book a week as a minimum.
What have you always wanted to study and just never found the time? 
Look for an evening class locally to increase your skills and knowledge and make new friends.  Who knows where that might lead...

Make the decision to be the best that you can be now.  If you need a positive coach to support you through 2010 then give me a call to discuss which of my coaching packages will best suit you and make your most memorable year yet!

Above all Enjoy the Process of Life!
Noelyne Jones

P.S. Kick start the process by requesting a copy of my Free Special Report
How to Overcome Your Fears Easily

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

How to overcome unhappiness

A Message from Noelyne....

To overcome unhappiness I want us first to focus on Happiness and what it means.
Here’s what happiness means to me.

It’s a feeling you have inside that tells you that all is well in your world.  You are content and happy in that moment.  Any concerns or problems are put to one side and you feel grateful for what you have now.  At peace with yourself, your surroundings and the people you are with.  You may not have all that you want right now however, you are satisfied with your journey so far in life. 

The level of happiness that you experience will vary depending on what is happening and will differ for each person. 

The wikipedia definition states ‘Happiness is an emotion associated with feelings ranging from contentment and satisfaction to bliss and intense joy.’

How do you know when you are happy?  What needs to happen for you to choose to be happy?

In my experience this will vary from person to person.  I have a long list of things that cause me to choose to feel happy.  From feeling happy about having woken up to another day to things like hearing birds sing, driving my car or walking through the woods, the exhilaration of ski-ing to having a coffee with friends or buying new clothes.

One man said to me ‘All I need to do is look down.  I am happy that I am not six feet under!’

Other people say to me ‘I will be happy when I have a new car or win the lottery or when my partner gets a new job’.  These people are putting off feeling happy until something happens, something that is often outside their control.  They have a set of rules or criteria for when they will allow themselves to feel happy that are often hard to achieve.


So what has to happen for you to feel happy? 

1.  Make a list now of all the things that you love to do.  The little things that bring a smile to your face.  If you find that you have high standards, for once I encourage you to lower them!  Give yourself permission to feel happy more often.  I want you to start feeling happy at least once a day.

If you struggle to feel happy or it is a long time since you felt happy and you would like to create more happiness in your life then take the following action;

2. I want you to remember a time when you felt really happy.  Recall that moment and allow yourself to remember how you felt.  I want you to recreate those feelings now.  Create a picture in your mind of what happened to cause you to feel happy.  See what you saw, hear what was being said and feel what you felt.  Allow yourself to drift back to that moment and let the feelings happen again. Enjoy that moment.

If you find it hard to recall a specific time I want you to imagine what it would be like to feel happy.  What are you doing?  What do you see?  What do you hear?  How do you feel?  Really allow yourself to feel the emotion.

The more often you create the feeling inside the more happy memories you will have and the more you will attract.
Life is not about being happy all the time.  It would be unrealistic to expect not to have both ups and downs and quite frankly very dull.

It’s important to be happy with who you are and what you have now.  Enjoy the present moment and take into account the following:

•    Know what you want,
•    Set realistic goals for you and not for someone else (you cannot control another person’s behaviour e.g. I want my partner to get a new job so that I can be happy.  Your partner may not want a new job, you have no control over that person and your happiness does not depend on someone else.  Decide instead to start doing things that make you feel happy. )
•    Take action to achieve it.

Wishing you many happy experiences,


P.S.  Request a copy of my Free Special Report Top 10 Tips for Health and Happines

Monday, 22 February 2010

Realising your Dreams

Realising Your Dreams

“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.”
- Lawrence J. Peter

In order for you to achieve your dreams, you must have a vision of your goals. Writing down your dreams and creating a list of actions helps you stick to your plan. As it’s said “if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it”. When you turn your goals into measurable actions, you gain clarity and are able to see the necessary steps you must take in order to achieve them.  If business is quiet for you now due to the economic climate then now is an excellent time to revisit your dreams.  Review where you are and make sure you are still on track.

Action: Visualize a life of your wildest dreams.

What did you dream of doing when you were a child?
What would you do if you had a million dollars?
Create a vision for your goals and start breaking them down into small actions that you can take on a day by day basis.
Stay positive, focused and proactive and continue to look for opportunities to move forward and grow.  Become aware of any fears that you have about the current situation and take action to overcome them.  Identify or remind yourself of your dreams, review how you are doing and be grateful for all that you have in your life.

Enjoy the Process,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears
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Sunday, 21 February 2010

Negative influences

A Message from Noelyne...

I have been delivering training courses on Equality and Diversity over the past 12 months.  Some of the courses use a DVD showing Jane Elliott's exercise carried out in the late 60's in the USA called 'A Class Divided'.  Even now it's a powerful lesson in discrimination and it's amazing the effect it had on the children who participated.

One of the significant things for me is how easily you can be influenced by the people in your life.  In the DVD when the children feel inferior their performance drops significantly.  Then when they feel superior again their performance rises to better than at the start of the exercise.  It made me wonder about the people in my own life and the effect that has had.  I am happy with where I am and who I am however, I also know that it could have been a lot different.  My mother did her best however, she came from a limited and often fearful view of the world, which she passed on to her children.  Thankfully my experiences have allowed me to overcome those fears.

In life both work and personal when you are surrounded by people who are more successful, more skilled, more knowledgeable then your own performance will improve.  I have certainly witnessed this in both sport and business.  It happens in the work place too.  When a line manager totally believes in you and your development then your performance will be enhanced and of course the opposite occurs.

How many people do you have in your life who are supportive and enthusiastic and keen for you to do well?

Who in your life is negative and discourages you from following your true desires?

Noelyne Jones

P.S.  Free Special Report How to Easily Overcome Your Fears - Click Here

Saturday, 20 February 2010

How to overcome low self esteem

A message from Noelyne....
Has your confidence taken a battering lately?  Are you feeling low?  Life events can take their toll on you and without realising you can end up with low self-esteem.  You really feel as though life is stacked against you and you have no control. Things have not turned out how you expected or perhaps you didn't see things coming, like your partner leaving you for someone else.  Perhaps you are feeling a failure at home and in your job.

Thankfully self-esteem can be improved quite easily.  

1.  The first thing is to recognise that you do have low self-esteem.  You can do this by listening to your inner critic, a voice that constantly comments on your behaviour with things like "You're rubbish" or You're a fool or "You can't do that".  Become aware of that voice and see if you recognise it.  Often it's voice from our childhood such as a parent or school teacher.

2.  Tell the critic to "Shut Up".  Every time you hear the voice tell it to stop.
3.  Focus in what you have done well rather than things that could be better.  Make a list of all the things that you are good at.  Remember all the achievements and success you have had in your life.  Get into the habit of keeping a success diary, maybe once a week find 10 minutes to sit down, have a cup of tea and write down all that has gone well this week.
4.  Regularly tell yourself that you are good enough and that you can do it.  Get into the habit of repeating an affirmation that feels right for you for example, I am good enough, I can do it, I love and approve of myself.

Little by little you will start to feel better about yourself.  Your confidence will start to grow again.  As soon as you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, change them for positive ones.  It is one of the few things you can control.

Enjoy the process of life, 

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears

Friday, 19 February 2010

You Can Heal Your Life

A Message from Noelyne..

I read Louise Hay's book 'You Can Heal Your Life' whilst recovering from an ectopic pregnancy, which happened as a result of yet another failed attempt at IVF.  Louise Hay's words enabled me to come to terms with my situation and overcome the deep sadness I felt at not having children.  It was the start of the transformation of my life.  Here is a short video by Louise for you to get a sense of what I know incorporate into my daily life and much of which I use with my clients.

Are you desperately unhappy with your life?  Is there someone in your life who makes you feel angry?  Are you unable to forgive someone who has hurt you?  Do you have health problems?  Then I urge you to get a copy of her amazing book now.  There's a link to it on my blog on the right hand side.

Start to heal your life now.

Noelyne Jones

P.S. You can also get a Free Copy of my Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears Easily 

Thursday, 18 February 2010

How Not to Find Inner Peace

A Message from Noelyne....

I've just posted this on my Health and Happiness blog and felt it was very relevant here too. 
I saw the following in Natural Health magazine and thought I'd share it with you.

How Not To Find Inner Peace

1.  Striving to be Perfect
Do you remind yourself at every occasion that you've got to get this perfectly right or you will never be approved of, loved or respected?

Noelyne says: "Who wants to be perfect anyway?  What does perfect look like?  I'm not sure there is such a thing so just do your best and chill out"

2.  Comparing yourself to Others
By judging yourself and others you will get to feel smug or bad.

Noelyne says "If you know someone who is already successful at what you want to do then it's good to use them as a role model and mirror their behaviour so that you learn from them.

3.  Making Happiness Conditional
Do you constantly tell yourself you'll be happier, thinner, richer or more successful when.....?

Noelyne says:  "I agree that you are putting your happiness on hold if you think  like this.  Why wait to be happy when you can choose to be happy now!"

4.  Trying to Prove that you're someone
By pretending to be someone that you're not, you are constantly suggesting to yourself that you're not good enoughas you are.

Noelyne says:  "I agree again, just be yourself!"

5.  Spending all of your time and energy trying to make someone else happy
Some of the time this is OK, but notice how much you focus on other people's lives - do you need to mind your own business?

Noelyne says: "It's good to do little things for other people however, you cannot control their happiness, that's up to them.  Make sure you are happy first then the people in your life will automatically be happier anyway"

All the Best,


P.S. Request a Free Copy of my Special Report on How to Feel Healthy and Happy Easily

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Don't Chase Happiness

A Message from Noelyne...

Here's a very short video by another of my favourite speakers, Dr Wayne Dyer.  Enjoy and Be Yourself, Be Happy with who you are right now.  For more great tips on being you and overcoming your fears request my Free Special Report here

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Stay Focused to Achieve Your Goal

A Message from Noelyne....
When you have a project on the go that you particularly enjoy and is quite high priority it's easy to get engrossed and lose track of the time and forget about other important activities that also need to be achieved.  For example, I've been busy writing copy for my new website and membership lessons which I absolutely love to do because it's about sharing my knowledge and skills to help people be happier and get the most out of life.  The problem is that I nearly forgot about doing my ski exercises and finding time to prepare some food, I'm focused on eating healthily.

So Here's some tips to help you remember to fit everything in:
  • Each morning make a list of everything you need to achieve that day
  • Then go through the list and mark them A - High Priority and Must do Today, B - Medium - Could leave until tomorrow C - Low Priority - Could leave until  later in week.
  • Keep checking the list during the day and cross off as you achieve
 It also helps to ask 'How is your current activity moving you towards your goal?

A vision board or pictures of what you want to achieve placed where you will see them also helps to keep you focused on the key activities that will move you forward.

Enjoy the process!

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Sign up for my Free Special Report to Overcome Your Fears Now

Monday, 15 February 2010

How to be Attractive

I am a great fan of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) which I was introduced to many years ago when training to be a trainer.  I loved it so much that I qualifed as a Master Practitioner in 2006.  I am also a great fan of Jamie Smart who is also an NLP Coach.  His presentation on allowing the Diamond within to shine through struck as chord with me as this is what I do with my clients.  I found this video on You Tube where Jamie is running a workshop for men on How to be Attractive.  The message is relevant for both men and women.

If you want to know more about allowing your diamond to shine through I cover this in my membership site lessons.

All the Best,

Noelyne Jones

P.S.  Get a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears.

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Master Your Fear

One of my favourite motivational speakers and peak performance coaches is Anthony Robbins.  I use a lot of his advice in my own life and with my clients.  Here is a link to an inspirational video where Anthony Robbins is being interviewed on Today TV.

Enjoy the process of life!

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request your copy of my Free Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Not sure what action to take?

Not Sure What Action to Take?

Then you are not ready to act yet.  Go back to contemplating what you want,
 visualise having achieved it, make the picture clear and bright bringing
out all it's glorious details.  You will know when to take action as it will
feel right.  For example, I started blogging three years ago, I wasn't really
sure what I was doing or Why, someone had said that it was a good thing to do. 
My heart wasn't in it as I didn't understand, I wasn't sure about what I wanted
to say and why so it was difficult and I often forgot.

Since joining Tracy Repchuk's mentoring programme I now totally understand about blogging.  I now have a purpose and a reason for doing it and guess what it's now
fun and easy to do.  I'm clear about my vision and what I want to achieve.

When you are on purpose and focused on achieving your goal then action becomes
easier.  Barriers to success become easier to overcome mainly because you want to.
You will do what it takes to succeed.

Another example is my total focus on getting fit to go ski-ing. Once I had booked
the holiday I knew exactly what I needed to do, I know how much I will benefit from
strengthening my muscles so doing my exercises three times a week comes easy and
naturally.  Prior to booking the holiday I had no incentive to get fit.

So if you are not sure what action to take go back to clarifying your goal. 
What is it that you want in life?  Once you are clear on that then the decision to
act will be easy.  There are so many opportunities available you just need to be
clear on what you want, the how will show up.

Enjoy the process!


P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears

Friday, 12 February 2010

What should I do with my life?

A Message from Noelyne.....
Is that a question you have often asked yourself?  Did you get an answer?  Do you remember what you dreamed of being as a child?  Did you follow that dream?  Are you doing what you really really want to be doing right now?  If the anwser to the last two questions is No then the chances are you chose to conform to what was expected, perhaps what your parent's or society thought was best for you.

If you are in your teens are you currently torn by what you want to do and what your parent's want?  Your parent(s) normally want what is best for you.  You've listened to them all your life so far, you've trusted them and they have provided for you so maybe what they are saying is the best thing for you.  If you are not bothered either way then follow their advice.  However, if in your heart of hearts you know that there is something else you would love to be doing, which perhaps your parent's are not so keen on, then I urge you to really really condsider following your heart.  The thing you are passionate about.  If you spend your time doing what you totally love to do then you will be successful and life will be wonderful.  You will wake up each day looking forward to the excitement and challenges that await you.

If you follow what your parent's think is best the chances are that things will be OK.  However, your parent's advice is based on their view of the world, their beliefs, their experiences, their fears.  Depending on what these are you could be limiting yourself.  Let me give you an example based on personal experience.  As a teenager I absolutely loved participating in sport - Athletics, Netball, Hockey, Tennis.  You name it, I loved it and I was a very good standard.  I was selected to run hurdles the County team alongside Kirsty Wade.  I didn't go!  My fears and lack of confidence and the advice from my parent was to go to my Saturday job instead for fear of losing it.  Apart from my PE Teacher I was never encouraged to follow my passion.  My family thought it was not appropriate.  Far better to become a Civil servant or Nurse or Bank clerk.  So I partially conformed and got a job with Kay & Co.  Three years later I became a civil servant and my family were happy.  I will never know if I could have made a career in Sport as it's too late now.  However, I did eventually find something else that I am passionate about when I became a trainer 12 years ago.  Lots happened in between which I will share future life lessons.  

My reason for sharing my story is that I don't want you to make the same mistakes as me.  Don't get to age 30 something and look back wishing you had given it a go.  It could be too late by then.  Follow your heart, your parents will love you no matter what.

And even if you are not in your teens....You know what?  No matter what age you are now it's never too late to do what you really really want to do.  I'll be showing you how to do this in my Membership club which will be launched soon, so drop by again for more information on how you can follow your dreams no matter what age you are.

Enjoy the process of life!

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report here How to Overcome Your Fears

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Managing Change

A message from Noelyne....

I've learned to manage change to the extent that I look forward to change and don't feel right unless I am making changes in my life so that I am constantly moving forward, learning and growing.  I know that many people don't feel that way about change and struggle to overcome change in their life.

I thought I'd share a diagram with you that really helped me to understand what was going on for me when my marriage of 15 years was falling apart.  I remember feeling totally isolated and emotionally wrecked.  Here's what happens when you go through a change that involves loss, and most change even the ones you choose to make yourself will involve some loss.  A loss of what you are familiar with, comfortable with.


There's time involved too as some change takes longer to come to terms with than others.  I cover this in more detail in my membership site and include ways of easing the process of change.

All the best, 

Noelyne Jones, 

P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Are you Unhappy in Your Relationship?

A message from Noelyne...

It's great to hear the birds singing again after a long very cold Winter here in the UK.  Valentine's day is approaching and there's hope of Spring like whether soon.  But what if you are unhappy in your relationship and don't know what to do?  The approach of Valentine's can be a sad one.  The love you once felt has withered or you feel numb as a result of something the other person has done.  Maybe their behaviour towards you has changed which has caused you to doubt your once strong feelings.  You don't feel like buying a Valentine's card because you feel hurt and let down.
How do you cope with change in a relationship?

Change is a life process that you go through and learn to cope with or manage.  It can be an emotional roller coaster particularly so if it's a change that you don't want to be happening and seem to have no control over.  Remember the only thing you can control is yourself.    Sometimes with change there is a period of denial when something happens that you don’t really want to happen.  For example, in relationships you may discover some information about the other person that you really don’t want to know.  Perhaps you discover some information which means that they have cheated on you or not been open and honest about other friendships or have hidden something about themselves.  When the information conflicts with our own values in life then you are put in that awful position of really wishing that it was not true and that you had not discovered it.  You go into denial at this stage as you know that the consequences of accepting it are a major decision which will affect your lives.  The life you had mapped out is put into disarray, you feel panicky.  You don’t want to accept that the information could be true, you just don’t want to believe your eyes and ears.  You don’t want to believe that the person you love could be so devious or underhand or unfaithful.  How could they jeopardise what they have? Yet eventually you know that you have to face the facts.  The man you love has not been honest with you, he has deceived you.  You feel hurt and let down and very sad. 

Next you pluck up courage to face the truth and talk to the person.  You know that they will deny it and get angry and ask for proof, which further makes you mad.  They have been found out and now feel guilty and so try to deny it.  Yet more denial.

So you discuss it, there are tears, you get angry, you tell them it’s over, they plead with you that it was a mistake and apologise saying it will never happen again.  You accept their apology because you are desperate to maintain the relationship.  You don’t want to face the alternative.  All of a sudden your relationship is fantastic and has a new lease of life.  The other person is very attentive.  Exactly what you have wanted all along. 

Then your emotions start to go up and down, you can’t get the facts out of your mind and you start to doubt your decision to accept and stay in the relationship.  This is when the emotional turmoil kicks in.  Remember that the person you love has crossed your boundaries, broken your rules in a relationship.

What caused them to choose to be dishonest or not tell the truth knowing that they risked the relationship?  What made them hide things from you?  How can you trust them ever again? Doubts start to creep in, their texts and messages of love feel tainted, the relationship has been knocked.  Can it ever be the same again?  

What causes you to choose to forgive?  What causes you to stay in the relationship given that your values have been compromised?  What causes you to choose to stay knowing that boundaries have been crossed?

Only you can answer these questions and there is no right or wrong.  Each person will do something different as you have a different set of values, beliefs and experiences in life. 

It’s important to focus on what you want in this situation, look after yourself, love yourself and give love to those around you.  Remember that you do not need the relationship, there is always more.  It is your choice to stay or leave, no matter what anyone else says.  It’s at times like this that it’s handy to have a listening ear who you can totally trust and who you know has your interests at heart.

Know you can handle whatever happens in life, 

Noelyne Jones

P.S.  Request your copy of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

The Science of Getting Rich

A Message from Noelyne.....
I discovered an amazing little book written in 1910 by Wallace Wattles - The ‘Science of Getting Rich’.  The key messages that the author suggests are:-

•    focus on what you want by creating mental images of your dreams,
•    help others achieve
•    Be grateful for what you have. 

The book says that you must think and act in a certain way.  I take this to mean be clear about what you want and desire and then go about your daily business in a sure and determined manner.  Stay focused and put aside all negative thoughts.  Help others achieve and be grateful for everything that you are and have.
I like this quote too:
‘Anytime you feel pain or struggle, your magnetic point of attraction is directed to that which you do not want, rather than to that which you desire’.

So if you are struggling with something then you need to stop taking action.  Instead clarify your thoughts by taking some time out, meditate to clear your mind and then focus on what you want.  When you are ready you will know what action to take and things will flow again for you.

Click here to get a copy of the book for free:-

The main messages for me are:-
  • Clarity in what you want,
  • Believe in yourself and the power of the universe,
  • Be grateful,
  • Help others achieve,
  • Work on what you enjoy and are good at (That way it feels like play all the time)
  • Take action only when you are sure about what it is that you want to do. 
  • If you start to struggle stop and review what’s happening.
  • Recognise and get curious about your emotions (see previous newsletters for more information on how to handle emotions).
Have fun creating and attracting what you want.

Here’s to your success,

P.S. Download a Free copy of The Science of Getting Rich

Monday, 8 February 2010

What's your view on life?

A Mesage from Noelyne...

Which of these two statements best suit you?

1.  You believe that life just happens to you, that you are a victim of your circumstances and that you have no choice.
2.  You believe that you are fully responsibility for where you are now in life, for everything that has happened so far and that you can create the life that you want.

I can guarantee that if you said 2 then you will be leading a very successful, fulfilling and happy life.  I speak from experience!

The power of the mind has fascinated me for as long as I can remember and I believe that you can choose your thoughts to create the life that you want.  I will be covering this and much much more in my new on-line membership site - How to overcome anything and get the life you want now.  Keep dropping by for details or even better request a copy of my Free Special Report - How to Overcome Your Fears in 7 Steps' and you'll be the first to find out plus there wil be some opening offers and previews.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Improve your health with totally natural skin care and health products.
Click here to view and purchase on-line

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Overcoming Yesterdays Poor Result!

A Message from Noelyne....

Of course the poor result depends on whether you are Welsh or English.  My partner's son couldn't understand my reason for waving an inflatable daffodil at the TV screen last night.  As it happened it didn't work as Wales threw away the game by some rather stupid behaviour.  One action, i.e. tripping an opposing player up illegally had the knock on effect of giving away 17 points.  Too many mistakes later meant it was an English victory.  To cap it all my daffodil has sprung a leek, just to please my partner's son!

One person's actions affected the hopes and aspirations of a whole team and nation.  So grand slam or six nations for Wales are now history for 2010.  There's no going back, you can't change the past.  I'd like to believe that the player concerned will learn from his actions.

What can you learn from this?
  • Think carefully about your action, even when under pressure, particularly when the stakes are high and other people are involved
  • Let go of the outcome
  • Learn from your mistake and do something different next time
I watched The Godfather Part 2 for the first time afterwards, to take my mind off the disappointment, whilst my daffodil slowly wilted discarded on the floor.

All the best,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Click here to request a Free copy of my Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears

Saturday, 6 February 2010

Avoid getting distracted

A Message from Noelyne....

I encourage my clients to focus on one thing at a time.  When you decide to take action it's important to focus your attention on the activities that will ensure you achieve your end goal.  Once you are successful you can move on to something else.  I found myself yesterday getting into bad habits again.  I am easily distracted by the myriad of opportunities that exist in the Universe.  It's like a sweetie shop and I get very excited at the prospect of starting something new and challenging, so much so that in the past I have spread myself too thinly with too many projects started and not enough finished.  I've disciplined myself to focus on one thing at a time and my success has grown exponentially.

Old habits die hard though and yesterday a business assoiciate contacted me with a very exciting project that he would like me to get involved with and I immediately wanted to say Yes.  Thankfully the advice that I give my clients popped into my head as I am currently designing and building my on-line membership site, which I am exteremely excited about as its going to contain some fabulous advice and activities.  I'll be announcing it all here in my blog so you will be the first to know about it.

Once my membership site is up and running smoothly I will have more time to start another project.

In the meantime I'll research this other opportunity and gather my facts first before launching straight into it, like I have in the past and then regretted my decision.  It's fair on everyone that way. There's always something else on the horizon and plenty for everyone.  In the past I was fearful of missing out on opportunities however, I now know how abundant the Universe is.


Enjoy the process of life.

Noelyne Jones

p.s. Sign up for my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears and Get the Life you Want

Computers can be frustrating


I love the power of computers and what you can achieve with one.  The internet is phenomenal and I am constantly amazed at how speedily progress has been made since I bought my first Sinclair ZX Spectrum and joined a local computer programming course to learn binary programming.  I didn't get very far with it!

There are times though like yesterday afternoon when I had so many applications open and then my security scan started and everything froze, that I get very frustrated.  I wound myself up, in fact computers are one of the few things that have that ability.  I totally forgot to blog and I had set myself a target of doing it every day.  Having said that I complete my Newsletter for one of my other businesses.  And I did blog on my Health and Happiness blog.  Need to stop being so hard on myself.

Anyway I was up and 5.30 am and I've now done all the things I didn't do yesterday.  Ready to spend the day shopping with a friend and then get the beers in for the Rugby.  England v Wales at Twickenham.  I've got my blow up...yellow daffodil ready.  Yes I'm Welsh!

Ain't life grand.

All the best!

Noelyne Jones
P.S. If you want to have a look at what's on offer in my other blog go here 

Thursday, 4 February 2010

How to Overcome a Fear of Failure

A Message from Noelyne...
Overcoming a Fear of Failure

How many times have you not taken action because you are afraid that you might not get it right?  Do you keep putting things off because you need more information or whatever you are doing needs a little more work?  Do you always want to be perfect at what you are about to do even though you've never done it before?  And then bottled out at the last minute for fear of looking foolish?  Or that you might make a mistake?

Sound familiar?  It brings back vivid memories for me.  I always wanted to be the best at everything I decided to do.  The problem was that for many years I stopped myself from taking opportunities because I didn't want to fail, didn't feel quite ready.  My fear of failure would take over and I would bottle out.  I would not put myself forward in case someone laughed at me.  Of course, now I realise that by doing that I was not learning and growing.  I stoppped myself from learning from experience.

When I read Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway I started to realise that it's OK to make mistakes and that in fact if you are not making mistakes you are doing something wrong.  It's when we make mistakes that we learn the most.  Think back over your life to the times when you grew and developed most as a person.  I am sure that it will be the times when things were not going as well as you would like, the failures, the challenging times.
So give yourself permission to make loads of mistakes so that you can learn and grow.

In fact I recommend you remove the word failure from your vocabulary.  Ok so it didn't quite turn out how you wanted, so what?  It's the Universes way of giving you feedback on the action you have taken.  maybe you need to change direction or try a different approach.  Get over it, learn from what happened and move on!  Sounds harsh doesn't it however, it's much more fun than living life not taking action because you might fail.  There's no fun in that, trust me.  I've got the T-shirt!

Overcome Your Fear of Failure by taking action and seeing what happens.
Whatever you do, Enjoy the Process!

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Sign up for my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Favourite Websites

A Message from Noelyne.......

Here are some of my favourite websites:

A world of Adventure

Click on the links to find out more about them

Enjoy clicking, 
Noelyne Jones

P.S.  Sign up for a Free copy of my Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

My Favourite Personal Development Books

A Message from Noelyne......

There has been a phenomenal increase in the number of books available aimed at helping you with some problem, pain or goal you want to achieve.  When I first started getting interested in Personal Development in the 1990's you would be lucky to find one shelf full in Waterstone's.  The other day whilst enjoying a coffee in Border's I glanced up at the Self Help section which covered 5 columns and 5 shelves in each column.  Where do you start?  

The way I used to purchase books was to go and browse and then see what 'jumped out' at me.  Which one caught my eye or attention.  It was normally the right book for me at that moment in time.  Nowadays I tend to be a little more focused and buy books to move me forward with a particular topic for example, one of my most recent is by Robert Cialdini - Influence - The Psychology of Persuasion.  It's a work in progress!

So I thought I would list my top ten personal development/most influential books:

Living Your Best Life - Laura Berman Fortgang
You can Heal Your Life - Louise Hay
Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway - Susan Jeffers
The Life Coaching Handbook - Curly Martin
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success - Deepak Chopra
Awaken the Giant Within - Anthony Robbins
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey
Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiasaki
Think and Grow Rich - Napolean Hill
The Speed of Trust - Stephen M R Covey

Oh and The Science of Getting Rich is worth taking a look at too.

Of course there are countless more.  One way to decide which one to start with is to work out exactly what you want to know?  What's your problem?  What do you want to learn?  What are you looking to solve?

I'll share some of my favourite internet sites soon too.

Enjoy reading and learning and if you get stuck contact me and I'll get you unstuck, 

Enjoy the process!

Noelyne Jones

P.S. My Free Special Report is essential reading too Click here to request your immediate download


Monday, 1 February 2010

Overcoming a Fear of Rejection

A Message from Noelyne....

How often have you stopped yourself from taking action for fear of rejection by the other person?  You want to ask them but are afraid they might say 'No' and you can't face the thought of that.  So instead you don't do whatever it takes to find out, choosing to stay in the dark and at least not have to face that horrible feeling of rejection.  You carry on living in your comfort zone wondering what might have been.  I want to share a story with you which puts things into perspective.  This is taken from a CD produced by Dr. Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra, two of my favourite personal development experts.

Dr. Dyer's son attended his first dance at the age of 14.  His father eager to find out about how and if he had handled rejection asked him 'Did you dance with any girls?' 'Yes' came the reply. 'Did you ask any girls to dance who said 'No'?  The son thought for a moment and then said 'Yes there was one who refused'.  Dad then asked 'How did you feel about that?' 'Well, I wasn't dancing with her before I asked and I wasn't dancing with her afterwards, so nothing had changed'.

Wow, what a way to deal with rejection.  It's all about not being attached to the outcome and not taking things personally.  Stop taking life so seriously and lighten up.

So go out and ask that question!  What have you got to lose?  What could you gain?

If something is important to you then you will do whatever it takes to make it happen.  If you want to know more about how to handle whatever happens in life then sign up for my Free Special Report which starts off the process for you.

Here's to a wonderful carefree life, 

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Get your copy of my Free Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears