Sunday, 11 September 2011

What's the purpose of my blog?

A Message from Noelyne....

During July and August this year I have not found time to blog.  I ran out of steam in terms of ideas and content for the blog.  My motivation to share my thoughts with you had disappeared.  It was no longer a priority and other stuff became more important.   So the Summer has come and gone and there's been not a pip or a squeak from Noelyne Jones The Performance Specialist.

Whilst on holiday I did briefly feel a little bit disappointed that I had not composed a few messages in advance. Google likes blogs that are regularly contributed to.  So if you want imporve the chances of your blog being found you need to blog regularly.  So I had just thrown all my hard work into a cocked hat.  I also felt demoralised by my lack of progress in terms of the original purpose for starting a blog.  It was all part of my on-line marketing strategy to build a successful on-line business.  The blog is meant to attract people who are interested in what I write, they request some Free information which gives me permission to send additional information direct to them and eventually some people will buy my products.  I've had a few successes however, I expected more.

I started this blog saying that I need to review the purpose of my blog.  Actually the purpose is still the same.  What do I need to review? The number of hits on the blog? The lack of sales? The marketing strategy?  The content?  Where do I start?

Let's define the problem.  I am not achieving the outcome I was looking for i.e. people joining my monthly membership club.

Why are people not joining my membership club?  I don't know!  How can I find out?

I have a list of people who have requested the Free Report so I could ask them the question.  I need some feedback on the product.  Maybe I could offer 1 month Free Trial.

Thanks for listening.  Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
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Saturday, 10 September 2011

What's your purpose?

A Message from Noelyne.... 

When you have a strong purpose for what you are choosing to do then it's much easier to keep going when the going gets tough. Maybe you are not getting the results you expected so you are starting to wonder what's the point?

It's very easy to give up when you have lost sight of the purpose or you are just not achieving as much as you had hoped. You feel as though you are wasting valuable time and effort.

If you continue to get poor results rather than give up and pack it all in, take time to review the situation. What is going well? What could be even better? What mistakes have you made? What feedback have you received? As you answer these questions a solution will start to emerge. What do you need to do differently? What more information or reserach do you need to do?

'If you keep on doing what you have always done you will keep on getting what you've always got'
'Winners never Quit and Quitters never Win'.

So what do you need to do differently to get back on purpose and achieve better results?

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report and Overcome Your Fears Now

Sunday, 3 July 2011

How to live in the moment

A Message from Noelyne...

Love this video. Vibrant and authentic. Enjoy.

Enjoy the moment,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report here and Overcome Your Fears Now. Click here.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Until the last moment

Such a beautiful piece of music....Life is so precious and this captures the essence of life.  Enjoy!

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Overcome your Fears Today with a Free Special Report

Friday, 1 July 2011

Learning to live in the moment

Modern view of Manchester City CentreImage via Wikipedia
A Message from Noelyne...

I had coffee with a friend yesterday and she brought me up to date with what's happening in her life.  She's been frantically running around chasing a dream for the past four years and whilst sat on a train coming back from running a seminar in Manchester she wondered what it's all about.  What's the point?  She feels as though she has helped many many people achieve their dreams however, the personal cost to her has been huge, financially, health and relationships.  So what was the point of constantly striving to be better and achieve more when in fact personally she has achieved very little in terms of personal finance, health and realtionships.

Feelings of being overwhelmed are quite common in this situation.  You've taken on so much that you lose sight of your own personal happiness.  More is not always best.  It's fantastic to have dreams however, you also need to live in the moment.  Learn to enjoy the journey to achieving those dreams.  Learn to recognise when the action you are taking is no longer enjoyable. Listen to your emotions, inner thoughts, feelings and what your body is telling you.  That headache or stiff neck means stop, you need a break.

Learn to live in the moment and enjoy each one.  Stop worrying about the future, you can only control the here and now.  So choose really good thoughts now so that you are choosing to be happy now.  Don't put it off a moment longer.  Why would you want to?

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here and Overcome Your Fears today
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Friday, 24 June 2011

Have you lost your get up and go?

A Message from Noelyne....

I have been so busy recently with delivering training and looking after my family that I have not found time to write in my blog.  It's been bothering me as I was highly motivated at the start particularly when I know that to get Google's attention you need to blog daily and once you have it's attention you need to blog every 3 to 4 days.

So why do you lose that motivation?  What stops you from continuing?  In my experience it's to do with the purpose or reason for doing whatever you are doing.  When you have a strong reason why you will continue to do it no matter what.  It also helps if you get results or achieve the outcome you want as a result of your action.

If you don't get the results you want or things don't turn out how you expected then your motivation to continue will dwindle.  So what to do?

Revisit your reason why you are doing whatever you are struggling with.  What's your reason why?  What are you looking to achieve?

Then review what you have done so far.  What has happened?

Now consider what do you need to do differently to get the results you want.

What might stop you?

And finally on a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you want to take the action? 1 being not really and 10 being very much.

Get motivated now!

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a Free copy of my Special Report to Overcome Your Fears Now
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Friday, 3 June 2011

Living the Dream?

A brick and mortar floristImage via Wikipedia
A Message from Noelyne...

One of my friends recently had an interview for a new job however, she's not sure because it's not very interesting work and repetitive.  I asked her 'What would be your ideal job?' and she quickly responded with 'I'd be a florist'.  And just as quickly she told me that she doesn't have the money to do it.  When I aksed 'How much do you need?' Her answer was 'I don't know'.

My response was 'Well how do you know that you haven't got enough money?'  I sensed that she didn't want to answer my question and started coming up with other reasons why she could not be what she wants to be.

Are you doing this?  Are you focusing on all the reasons why you can't follow your heart?  Is it easier for you to stay stuck doing something you don't really want to do?  It's very easy to stay in your comfort zone isn't it?  It's easy not to do what it takes to get the life that you want.  But how happy are you?

Yes it can be scary when you make changes.  Yes you have to take risks and live with the uncertainty.  Things may not turn out how you hope.  But oh when you get to where you want to be the feeling is amazing.  And eventually you will enjoy the process to.  Risk taking will become normal for you.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. To download a Free copy of my Special Report and learn how to Overcome Your Fears Now Click Here

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Tuesday, 24 May 2011


Fjords Of NorwayImage by Espen Faugstad via Flickr
A Message from Noelyne...

I am fortunate to have enjoyed a fabulous holiday to the Fjords of Norway.  It was one of the most memorable places that I have ever been to.  If you are familiar with the practice of anchoring then you will understand that I now have an immensely strong anchor that I only need to think about to recreate the amazing feelings or exhilaration, wonder, peace and immense pleasure that I felt whilst taking in the amazing crystal clear air and views as we cruised up and down the Ffords.

Thank you for creating such a beautiful place on this earth,

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report Here and learn how to overcome your fears with ease.

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Saturday, 21 May 2011

Overcoming Obstacles

A Message from Noelyne...

"Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it."
Michael Jordan

When you have a compelling goal you will do whatever it takes to overcome the obstacles that inevitably come your way.  They are sent to test just how much you want whatever it is you are working towards.  If you do turn around and give up it means that you don't really really really want whatever it is you are aiming for.

The easy route is to allow the obstacles to stop you.  The difference between success and failure is overcoming those obstacles.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Overcome Your Fears Today with my Free Special Report
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Friday, 20 May 2011

How to do something when you don't really feel like it.

A Message from Noelyne...

Do you ever find it difficult to do the most important task of the day?  You just don't feel like taking any action whatsoever.  It's easier to crawl back under the duvet or just stay in and watch TV.

Here's what I do to overcome those 'don't want to do anything today' feelings.

Remind yourself of your reason why.

That's it! 

When you have a strong enough reason why you will overcome any negative feelings to take the action.  That's the key.  A strong reason why, desire or passion.  If you don't have a strong desire for something then it's not easy to overcome those negative don't want to do whatever it takes.

So go revisit your reason why and make sure it's compelling.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
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Thursday, 19 May 2011

Why do you suppress joy?

Accumulation roller conveyor for the transport...Image via Wikipedia
A Message from Noelyne...

In the busyness of your daily life it is often easy to get into a state where you no longer feel a sense of excitement and joy.  You may well be doing things that you are good at and enjoy however, you forget to allow yourself to feel the joy.  Why does that happen?

You get onto a treadmill, a conveyor belt of working, eating and sleeping.  You are doing it to earn an income and pay the bills so you continue to get on the treadmill but you forget to enjoy the process.  It may well have been exciting to start with but now it's become mundane, repetitive and same old same old.  You may have forgotten what you used to enjoy about your life and your reason for choosing the path that you are currently on.

Remember that you get and become what you think about.  Your thoughts become things.  So if you want more joy and excitment start thinking about joy and excitement.  What makes you choose to feel joy and excitement?

If you are on the conveyor belt, jump off for a moment and allow yourself to feel joy.

Enjoy the process of life, whatever you are doing,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here

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Sunday, 15 May 2011

Excitement - Video

A Message from Noelyne...

I've just blogged about feeling excited and then found this video. I've not heard of Bashar before however, he has an interesting approach.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Free Special Report here to Overcome Your Fears Today

Saturday, 14 May 2011

How much does other people's opinion matter to you?

A Message from Noelyne...

At a recent seminar I wad reminded that one of the characteristics of the greatest contributors to have lived is:

Being independent if the good opinion of others.

Both Abraham Maslow and Dr Wayne Dyer support and have researched this.

What does this mean in reality? How easy is it to be independent of others good opinion?
In my experience including myself, people look for the positive reinforcement from those around them. If they don't get it they continue to strive to get it by changing their plans and action just to please others.

If you are not as successful as you would like then consider how important are other people's opinions to you? What are you not doing just so that you don't upset someone? What are you doing just to keep the peace?
If you knew you couldn't fail what would you be doing?

I'll leave you with those thoughts
Enjoy the process of life

Noelyne Kones

P.S. Request a copy if my free special report here
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Friday, 13 May 2011

When did you last feel excited?

The sled dogs would go cross-eyed nuts with ex...Image via Wikipedia
A Message from Noelyne.....

Can you remember what it feels like to be excited?  Do you struggle to recall a time when you felt excited? 

The day to day process of life can often leave you feeling drained and exhausted.  You may be enjoying what you are doing but lacking that something extra to get you all e xcited. It's much easier when you are younger to get excited about the smallest of things. However, life's experiences often knock that out of you.

If you are missing the feeling of excitement in your life, ask yourself what needs to happen for you to feel excited?  What sort of things make your stomach flutter and want to whoop with joy?  Make a list and then go about making them happen.

It's never too late to get excited,

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Download a Free copy of my Special Report and Overcome Your Fears Now Click here
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Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Be the best at what you do

A message from Noelyne....

Whatever you have chosen to do make sure that you are the best that you can be. From cleaners, assistants, roadsweeper, tradesperson, engineer, chief executive be the best one in your role. Even if you don't enjoy what you do be the best. You never know what it might lead on to.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.s. Free Special Report here

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Motivation begins in the mind

"The Little Mermaid". The Little Mer...Image via Wikipedia
A Message from Noelyne.....


You can do anything you wish to do, have anything you wish to have, and be anything you wish to be.

You don't know what you can really do until you try.
All you have to do is to act on your dreams.

You have the power within you to do things you never dreamed possible.
You would amaze yourself if you did all the things you're capable of doing.

This power becomes available to you  as soon as you change some of your beliefs.

Use your imagination and look at things as they can be.
You know what you are today but not what you may be tomorrow.

Your success begins in your mind.

Enjoy the process of life, 

Noelyne Jones

P.S. My Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears is available here

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Monday, 9 May 2011

How to Attract What You Want

A Message from Noelyne

Here's another inspirational video and a great reminder to focus on positive thoughts.

Focus on what you want in life,

Enjoy the process!

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report here and instantly overcome your fears
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Sunday, 8 May 2011

Amazing the difference a change of words can make

A Message from Noelyne...

This video shows you the massive effect a change in your words can have on the result you get in life.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.s. My Free Special Report is available here

Saturday, 7 May 2011

An Invitation!

Invitation to LifeImage via Wikipedia
A Message from Noelyne...

An thought provoking, meaningful poem...

The Invitation

It doesn't interest me what you do for a living.

I want to know what you ache for,

and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.

It doesn't interest me how old you are.

I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool

for love, for your dreams,

for the adventure of being alive.

It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon.

I want to know if you have touched

the centre of your own sorrow,

if you have been opened by life's betrayals

or have become shrivelled and closed from fear of further pain.

I want to know if you can sit with pain,

mine or your own, without moving to hide it

or fade it or fix it.

I want to know if you can be with joy mine or your own.

if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy

fill you to the tips of your fingers

and toes without cautioning us

to be careful, be realistic,

or to remember the limitations of being human.

It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me is true.

I want to know if you can disappoint another

to be true to yourself.

If you can bear the accusation of betrayal

and not betray your own soul.

If you can be faithless and therefore trustworthy.

I want to know if you can see Beauty

even when it is not pretty every day,

and if you can source your own life from its presence.

I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine,

and still stand at the edge of the lake

and shout to the silver of the full moon,“Yes.”

It doesn't interest me to know where you live,

or how much money you have.

I want to know if you can get up after the night of grief and despair,

weary and bruised to the bone,

and do what needs to be done to feed the children.

It doesn't interest me who you know

or how you came to be here.

I want to know if you will stand

in the centre of the fire with me and not shrink back.

It doesn't interest me where or what

or with whom you have studied.

I want to know what sustains you from the inside

when all else falls away.

I want to know if you can be alone with yourself,

and if you truly like the company

you keepin the empty moments.

Oriah Mountain Dreamer

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. You can download a copy of my Free Special Report and learn how to Overcome Your Fears Forever.  Click here

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Friday, 6 May 2011

How Wonderful Earth is

A Message from Noelyne...

A reminder of how wonderful our planet is.

Enjoy the process,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Get a copy of Free Special Report to Overcome Your Fears Now

Thursday, 5 May 2011

What compromises do you make?

A Message from Noelyne....

I have been so busy recently with work and family commitments that I have not found time to care for myself fully.  As a result my health and well-being have suffered.  I know this because I have had a nasty throat and chest infection, a stiff neck for 4 weeks and a day spent in bed with headache and vomitting.  My blood pressure is also worryingly low.  I've been feeling tired and my joints are aching.  This is not normal for me.  I am normally full of energy and vitality, a healthy immune system that fights off infection and headaches are things that other people get.  Do you think it might be that my body is telling me something?

Yes it's time to look after myself instead of meeting other people's requirements at the expense of my own.  Luckily my business allows me to take time off so that's what I'm doing.  The family is a little different, you don't get and I wouldn't want time off.  I have learned to be more directive at home though.  With teenagers you have to tell them what to do rather than expect them to think for themselves.  e.g. clearing up the mess they make in the kitchen.  Be thankful they are able to prepare food for themselves I hear you say.  And yes I am, given that I spent part of my prime years chasing the dream of a family.

It's just not easy for me to walk into a kitchen with food debris left on the work surface and not automatically want to clean it up.  It's as though I'm programmed to clean.  Not something that I particularly want to be known for.  Here lies Noelyne she was programmed to clean!  Oh no not good at all.  So the breakfast stuff will just have to stay where it is until someone else moves it.  I wonder how long it will take....

I'm on my third week of rest and recuperation and it was only this morning that I found time to do my yoga routine.  Pure bliss!  I feel like a new woman already and that's after just one hour.  My neck pain seems to have eased off and the headache has cleared.  My partner has been massaging the knots out of my shoulders over the past week so the yoga will compliment this and remove the cause of the problem in my neck and head.

So what compromises are you making in your life?  And what effect is it having on you?  If you have poor health, headaches, stiff joints or any other ailments then I can guarantee it will be as a result of what's happening in and around you.  Take a good look at your lifestyle and work out what you are no longer prepared to compromise.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. You can download a copy of my Free Special Report to Overcome Your Fears Now.  Click Here.

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Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Overcome Your Fear of Investing in Property

A Message from Noelyne...

One of my very good friends is an expert in Property Investment and she has developed a series of videos and other products to help you to overcome your fear of investing in property. Here's the first video:

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Overcome Your Fears in Life with my Free Special Report
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Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Reconnecting with friends

This is for you my dear friends, thanks for al...Image by UggBoy♥UggGirl [ PHOTO // WORLD // SENSE ] via Flickr
A Message from Noelyne...

Over the past few weeks I have felt a growing need to reconnect with friends past and present.  Is this due to my age do you think?  Anyway it's a good thing to do.  I have done my best over the years to stay in touch with friends however, now that I have a family which includes an 8 month old labrador collie X I seem to have less and less time for friends.

The sunny weather helps as it is all too easy to stay at home watching TV or on the internet.  Face book has revolutionised the way people can stay in touch however, I've not even had time for that.  Or I should say that it's not been a priority for me.  That's the difference.  When things are important then you find the time.  I have been working full time during January - April which has been my priority.  Now that one of the contracts is coming to an end it's time for me to put my friends back up the list.

It's all about values and what's important to you.  We make life decisions based on our values and if something that is important to you is missing from your life then you will not feel satisfied or happy.  I've let my freindships slip recently due to the importance of generating an income to cover the cost of our holidays this year.  Now that I have achieved that goal I can change my focus.

Have a look at your own life and check out what's missing?  What is important to you?  What are you focusing on at the expense of something else that is important?  What do you need to do to change?

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Get a Free Copy of my Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears in 7 Days Click here
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Sunday, 1 May 2011

Best Motivation Video

A Message from Noelyne...

Just a little reminder about following your heart and passion and never ever giving up....

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Get a Free Copy of my Special Report and Easily Overcome Your Fears Now. Click here

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Friday, 29 April 2011

Feeling Low and Sad

A Message from Noelyne...

Do you have days when you feel low and sad? It can be triggered by the smallest of things and you just don't understand what causes you to feel that way.  Someone might say something to you in a way that normally you would just brush it off or not even notice.  Then another day it just sparks a downward spiral of unhappiness, feeling low and sad.  Turning up the corners of your mouth to smile is an effort and you just don't want to do it.

There can be a number of reasons for feeling low and sad.  Importantly it's quite normal to feel like this occassionally.  One day of feeling low and sad does not mean that you have depression.  Although many people describe themselves as being depressed when in fact they are just feeling a little low.

What causes you to feel low and sad?
Stress, hormones, lifestyle, relationship problems,tiredness, lack of nutrition, too much alcohol, withdrawal symptoms.  There's many reasons that trigger the feeling.  You are the best judge of what causes the feeling.

You are also the best judge of what to do to overcome feeling low and sad.  Sometimes it's good to just feel the feeling.  Let it happen and know that you will feel better when you are ready.  If there's something bothering you then it helps to talk things through too.

If you find yourself feeling low and sad regularly it can become a problem and affect the quality of your life.  You may need additional support such as a Counsellor or Life Coach to identify what it is that is keeping you stuck and then move you forward.  Making a decision to contact a professional is often a daunting prospect however, you will feel somuch better once you make that move.  Taking action is very therapeutic.

If you prefer to work things through in the privacy of your own home then have a look at my on-line coaching programme designed to show you how to overcome life's challenges including feeling low and sad.  It comes with a 100% Satisfaction guarantee.  For more details Click Here

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report How to Overcome Your Fears
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Thursday, 28 April 2011

Getting back on Track

A Message from Noelyne...

The Universe has just sent me this note..

In life, Noelyne, you can only ever be scared, when you believe in limits.

You can only ever feel lonely, when you stop doing things.

You can only ever become bored, when you no longer follow your heart.

And you can only ever get overwhelmed, when you think the illusions are real.

Whew! Who knew it could be so easy to get back on track?

    The Universe

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Success Diary

The gate of success has been openedImage by Thai Jasmine (Keep Smiling.g..g.g :-)) via Flickr
A Message from Noelyne....

I encourage my clients to keep a Success Diary as a good way to reflect on your achievements.  It's also great to keep for those moments when you need a confidence boost.  When you feel a tad low it's good to remind yourself of what you have done.  When things aren't going the way you planned or you find yourself focusing on what's wrong grab your Success Diary and remind yourslef of everything that you have done recently.

Noelyne's Success Diary.

From January 2011 to April 2011 I have delivered 37 training courses to 570 people.  That's 570 people who I have influenced by sharing my knowledge and skills so enhancing their lives.

What's your success in 2011?

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
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Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Feeling Stressed out by a Garden Shed

A message from Noelyne...

I need to put things into perspective. I'm feeling stressed out by the fact that the garden shed we ordered has not yet been delivered. That's ridiculous I hear you say and you are right.

Do you get stressed out when things don't go quite to plan? Let me share a little of the story. Day 1 Ordered shed delivery expected within 10 days. Delivery date given for exactly 10 days after order placed. Fantastic! Day 10 arrived. No shed. Phone company. Then phone suppliers. Only just got the order! Earliest delivery in 2 weeks. Partner not happy and gets involved. Lots of phone calls. No shed.

I could continue however it gets boring. The moral of this story. Don't get stressed out by a shed. Don't order a shed on line from a big company, go local instead. Let your partner order the shed!

Enjoy the process of life,


Friday, 15 April 2011

Feeling irritated?

A Message from Noelyne...

Do you regularly feel irritated by other peoples behaviour?  Something they do or say makes you feel tense inside?  The feeling you get can get in the way of your peace of mind, cause you to lose sleep and feel bad tempered.

It often happens when your tolerance levels are lowered.  When you work long hours and take on too many tasks in a day.  When you push yourself beyond your limits so far that you don't realise that you are short tempered.  So the slightest thing can cause you to feel irritated.  In the normal scheme of things when you are relaxed and chilled out about life you probably wouldn't take any notice of what had happened.

The next time you snap at someone or you get that  feeling of wanting to burst inside then take a deep breath and walk away.  The consequences of not doing this can last a long time.

Go for a walk, make a cup of tea, take the dog out. Do something to take your mind off the little thing that irritated you.

Smile and be happy.  Think of all the things you have to be grateful about.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears
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Monday, 11 April 2011

Things not as good as you thought they would be?

A Message from Noelyne...

Have you made a decision in the last 6 months that hasn't turned out they way you wanted?  The reality of your decision has not lived up to the dream?  Did you have a picture in your mind of how things would be and now when you look back it's just not like that?

The dream is often far better than the reality.  You realise that there are factors that you didn't take into account or dismissed as irrelevant when you made your decision.  You told yourslef that they weren't important because you wanted to do whatever it was so much, you thought you would handle everything.

So what do you do when you have made a mistake?

Celebrate!  What I hear you say....celebrate your mistake.  Absolutely.  You took action.  If you didn't take action then you wouldn't be where you are now.  You would still be thinking and dreaming about how wonderful things will be when....  You would still be putting your deicision off until the time is right.

So celebrate taking action.  Then work out what you need to do to improve the situation.  What's missing?  What is it that is not the way you expected?  What was your original goal?  How far away is the reality? How is what you have adding value to your life?  What have you learned from taking action? What options do you have?  What will you do? When will you do it?

When you make a decision and take action you have to let go of the outcome.  Things don't always turn out how you expect.  You then handle whatever happens.  And you can!

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Overcome your Fears Easily with my Free Special Report Click here to download
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Sunday, 10 April 2011

Stiff neck and headache

A message from Noelyne.....

I've had a stiff neck and a headache for the past two weeks.  I've been working through it and ignoring it expecting that it will go away.  However, today I have to admit that it's not.  I keep so fit and healthy and rarely have any illness so it's really strange that this year I have already had a nasty chest infection and now this stiffness and pain at the top of my neck and head.

Is it due to the amount of work that I have been doing over the past three months and it's my body's way of telling me to slow down?  I like to think so and thankfully I have had a few days training delivery cancelled over the next few weeks.  Initially I was disappointed as it's frustrating to get changes to your diadry and cancellations when you are self-employed.  However, it's a blessing in disguise.  Just two days work this week and then I'm on holiday until the end of April.  A well earned rest is on the cards.

Lets hope the sun continues to shine.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Get a Free Copy og my Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears here
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Sunday, 3 April 2011

What happened to the rest of March 2011!

A Message from Noelyne....

The last time I blogged it was 19/3/2011 now we are at 3/4/2011.  What happened?  Where did the days go?  It seems like only yesterday yet so much has happened ...  The Census training that just took over.  I have been doing 12 hours + daily to deliver two sessions each with 20 people.  That's 40 people total every day during March.

I was asked to do two extra events on 2/4, they tempted me with a bonus however, by Thursday last week I knew I needed to take some time out.  My weekends and my family are very very important to me and I was beginning to feel like a training machine, churning out freshly prepared Census collectors.  So I declined thier kind offer.  Thankfully there were plenty of other trainers champing at the bit to deliver training for a few extra bucks.

It's not easy turning down the offer of extra money is it?  However, your health and family are more important.  Without those what is the point of having extra dosh?  How many of you accept that extra job and at what expense?  How many marriages, friendships and partnerships are lost through not being there at crucial times?  You think you are doing your best by working hard and providing however, when you are away things can go wrong.  Relationships need care and attention to flourish and survive.  They need time and effort and is you are busy working then you are not able to give the time that you need to take care of the important things in life.  As I said what's the point of lots of money if you don't have someone to spend it with.

So I'm back to a much more leisurely 2 to 3 days a week from now until the Summer.  Can you feel the tension draining from me?

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy oif my Free Special Rewport on How to Overcome Your Fears
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Saturday, 19 March 2011

Do you trust your partner?

A Message from Noelyne...

Trust can make or break a relationship whether it's intimate relationships or working relationships.  A lack a trust will undermine the effectiveness of that relationship.

What needs to happen for you to no longer trust your partner?  It's normally if one of your rules of life is broken or a boundary crossed.  Something that you value or is important to you and the other person has shown no respect for.  Once that boundary is crossed it creates a drop in the level of trust.  Can you partially trust someone?  Probably not.  It's an all or nothing.  You can though rebuild trust in a relationship.  Forgive and forget.  Not easy in some situations.  It depends on the value or boundary that;s been crossed and how important it is to you.  Where you are unable to forgive and forget then ultimately the relationship will break down or at the very least will suffer.

Here's an approach for you

Trust the person unless you have evidence to suggest otherwise.  If so, confront the person to check your perception of the situation.

The universe will provide information for anything you need to know about.  Otherwise just get on with your life and have fun.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a Free copy of my Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears Now.

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Friday, 18 March 2011

Do you feel as though someone watches over you?

A Message from Noelyne....

This I have been delivering training every day, 20 people for the morning workshop and 20 different people for the afternoon.  Every day I have been away from home over 12 hours so you can imagine that by Thursday morning I am starting to feel a tad weary and my tolerance levels are being pushed to the limit.  A crotchety trainner is not good for delegate learning and enjoyment of the course.  So you can imagine my delight when on day 4 am session I have only 4 people and then 8 in the pm.  A similar number are due for today.  I thank my lucky stars as it makes it much easier and is less demanding for me.  Someone is watching over me.

Do you ever feel like that?  Things happen for a reason.  I guess the universe provides what we can handle and it new that I was struggling so put a glitch in the recruitment system just so I could get a break.  Well at least that's what I like to think.  Thank you!

I intend going into the weekend far less exhausted than I expected.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears.  Click here to download

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Persistence - Do you have what it takes?

A Message from Noelyne...

How is your level of persistence?  Do you know when to keep going?  Do you know when to stop?  Have a look at this video to get an insight into how persistent you need to be to become a millionaire.

Better get started soon huh!

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
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Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Keeping lots of plates spinning

A Message from Noelyne...

I'm keeping lots of plates spinning at the moment as I'm exceptionally busy delivering training, juggling home and work, looking after the family and the dog. Not a minute to spare so much so that I have neglected my blogging.

I'm totally and thoroughly enjoying it all and have hardly a minute to spare.  It's brilliant and I feel on fire.  Just need to make sure that none of the plates stop spinning and come crashing to the ground.

Watch out though as I don't take prisoners when I'm in this mode.  Anyone who complains or doesn't live up to my standards doesn;t get a second chance...

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here to Overcome Your Fears in 7 Easy Steps.

Friday, 11 March 2011

5 Steps to Overcome Procrastination

Time management matrix as described in Merrill...Image via WikipediaA Message from Noelyne....

It's easy to put off until tomorrow what you could do today isn't it?  The problem is that 'not now' very quickly becomes never. 

So here are some tips for overcoming procrastination.

1.  If you have taken the time to think about doing something then it must be important, right?  If it's important you need to take action.  If it's not important then ask yourself why is it on your list of things to do in the first place.  Not important, cross it off the list so you stop procrastinating and move onto something else you really want to do.

2.  What's in it for you? If it's important and you still don't want to take action then check out what it means to you.  What difference will it make to your life if you do it?  Picture yourself having achieved it and how it will make you feel. 

3.  Break the task into manageable chunks.  If I asked you to eat an elephant you would probably panic.  If I told you to start nibbling away at the toes you would eventually eat all the elephant.  If the thought of achieving your goal sends you into panic you need to find something small to do first that will move you towards your goal.

4.  Commit to spending 5 minutes every day on the things you have put off in the past.  Do this for at least 21 days and you will be in the habit of taking action. It takes 21 days to form a habit and 21 days to break it.

5.  Reward yourself as soon as you achieve something you previously put off.  Only allow yourself to have a treat once you have completed something.  You will feel so much more motivated to achieve even more knowing that you can have a treat at the end of it.  Achieving your goals also creates a huge sense of satisfaction and a feel good factor which encourages you to do even more.  Make motivation a habit. 

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. How to Easily Overcome Your Fears Free Special Report - Click here for your copy

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

The smallest things can be unsettling

A Message from Noelyne....

Do you get upset by the smallest of things?  In the scheme of things they are so insignificant, yet in the moment you get upset? 

I get upset when someone moves things around in the kitchen or home.  I get irritated when on my return home I go to the normal place for an item and it's not there.  I then spend time searching for said item getting more annoyed by the second.  I just find it difficult to handle.  I guess it's to do with teh saying 'a place for everything and everything in it's place'.  I really don't mind people using things so long as they put it back where they found it.

When you live with three men, this attitiude to life is tested daily.  I tolerate it as much as I can and then something pushes me over the edge.  I guess that's why the smallest of things irritates's cos there's lots of little things that are getting on my nerves.

Do you ever feel like this?  What do you do to overcome being irritated by the smallest of things?

Still enjoying the process of life...just!

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here

Monday, 7 March 2011

Lost your passion?

A Message from Noelyne...

Do you know what you are passionate about in life?  Do you still feel passionate about what you are doing?  Or are you feeling jaded and in need of a review of where you are heading?  If you want to be mega successful in life then you need to be passionate about what you are doing.  You need to totaly believe in what you are doing and use and live whatever it is daily.  You need to be an ambassador for your product or service.

If you are not passionate then you will fall at the first hurdle or barrier that comes your way.  And there will be barriers.  The universe, other people and you will create situations that challenge your commitmentto your purpose.

It can be very tiring following your passion in life,particularly if you don't feel you are getting anywhere.  When you feel jaded it's time to take time out to review where you are.  Take yourself away for the day and go somewhere where you can relax and reflect on your current situation.  Go back to basics and make a list of all the things you are passionate about.  What do you love doing?  What's important to you in life?  What do you value?  What do you see yourself doing in 5 or 10 years time?  What's your purpose in life?

Once you have made your list review it against where you are now, your current reality.

Then consider what do you need to do to regain your passion and enthusiasm for what you are doing.

Make an action plan and commit to doing it.

Then rate your action plan on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being highly unlikely that you will stick to it and 10 being highly likely that you will do what it takes.

Go to it,

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Overcome your Fears Now with my Free Special Report Click here to download

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Sunday, 27 February 2011

Still I Rise - Maya Angelou

A Message from Noelyne...

Yet another powerful poem...

Still I Rise

You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.

Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.

Maya Angelou

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Free Special Report available here - How to Overcome Your Fears Forever
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Saturday, 26 February 2011

How to be Miserable

A Message from Noelyne...

A man's as miserable as he thinks he is.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.
Wayne Dyer

1. Always think about the past and tell yourself that you will make changes tomorrow.

If you dwell on past failures and bad experiences you will recreate these feeling again and again and will continue to feel miserable.  It leads to low self-esteem so if that's what you want please carry on living in the past.

2. Believe that you have no choice.
If you believe that your life is already mapped out and that no matter what you do it won't make any difference then you are right.

3. Tell yourself how unlucky you are and feel miserable.
Focus on your problems all the time and feel sorry for yourself it will guarantee that you stay miserable.

4. Drift along aimlessly and never prioritise.

5. Have no fun, don't laugh and never smile.

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A poem of self worth

Orpheus & Eurydice by CervelliImage via Wikipedia
A Message from Noelyne...

Here's another poem recommendation from Jopi - Journey of a survivor blog.

Part VII - Eurydice by H.D.

At least I have the flowers of myself,
and my thoughts, no god
can take that;
I have the fervour of myself for a presence
and my own spirit for light;

and my spirit with its loss
knows this;
though small against the black,
small against the formless rocks,
hell must break before I am lost;

before I am lost,
hell must open like a red rose
for the dead to pass.
Enjoy the process of life, 

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report to Overcome Your Fears Now.
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Friday, 25 February 2011

Learning Life Lessons

A Message from Noelyne...

I've just finished reading a blog created by someone who attended one of my Get Successful courses and she refers to a poem by Veronica Shoffstall.  'After a while'.  It's an amazing poem about learning life lessons.

After a While
By Veronica Shoffstall

After a while you learn the subtle difference between
holding a hand and chaining a soul,

And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning and
company doesn't mean security,

And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts
and presents aren't promises,

And you begin to accept your defeats with your head
up and your eyes open, with the grace of an adult,
not the grief of a child,

And you learn to build all your roads on today
because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans.

After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if
you get too much.

So plant your own garden and decorate your own
soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring your

And you learn that you really can endure...

That you really are strong,

And you really do have worth.



Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report to Overcome Your Fears Now.
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Thursday, 24 February 2011

Too Much Stress

A Message from Noelyne....

Are you feeling stressed?  Anxious? Irritated? Out of sorts with yourself and your life?  You probably have too much going on at once.  Too many problems happening at the same time.  Too many things that are causing you concern.  Financial concerns, relationship issues, keeping up with the household chores, children misbehaving.....

When a problem presents itself on it's own you can normally handle the situation.  When too many problems happen at once or there's a build up of things that it gets out of control and you start to lose the plot.  Some pressure is good for you as it keeps you motivated and keeps life interesting.  Stops you from getting bored.  However, when you have too much pressure then it can be a problem.  The amount of stress that you deal with increases which has an adverse effect on your health.  Your emotional and physical state deteriorates and you feel out of control.  Relationships suffer and it's downhill from there.

Recognising when this is happening is the first step to handling the situation.  Once you are aware of what's happening you can take responsibility for change.  Review what's happening and make a plan for the action that you need to take.  Ask for help, talk to someone.  Don't suffer on your own.

It will be worth it in the end,

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Easily Overcome Your Fears Now with my Free Special Report.  Click here to download

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Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Afraid to Commit in case you Fail?

A Message from Noelyne...

One of the major limiting factors that I see in many of the people who I work with in one to one coaching and workshops is their fear of committing to their goals.  A fear of committing to the action that is necessary to ensure theyu achieve their goals.  Why do people do this?  Mainly it's due to a fear of failure.  You are afraid to commit  in case you fail so you don't really commit as you can't face the prospect of failing.

Most people I meet live in their comfort zone most of the time, doing things they know how to do easily.  The problem with this is that you don't reach your true potential.  You don't stretch yourself so you don't develop.  You need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.  Make it a part of your daily list of things to do.

Learn to trust yourself and know that you can handle whatever happens.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report How to Overcome Your Fears Now

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Tuesday, 22 February 2011

What is Making you Feel Sad?

A Message from Noelyne...

You have what you want in life yet you still feel down in the dumps and sad.  The muscles in your face seem to be stuck in miserable mode and they are too heavy to lift.  You struggle to bring a smile to your face.  You know you should feel happy and thankful for all that you have.  An attitude of gratitude is the best one to have but right now you really can't be doing with feeling thankful.  You just want to be sad and fed up.  Does this sound familiar?  How often does this happen for you?  Daily, weekly, every month or is it seasonal?

How to Overcome the Dumps

1.  Sit down and work out what it is that causing you to choose to feel this way.  What exactly are you sad or unhappy about?  Get curious about your emotional state.  Write all of the things that are bothering you on a piece of paper.  You will probably have quite a few things some important and others insignificant.  Just let the pen flow.

2.  Next write all the things you are happy about in your life.

3.  What would you like to happen today? Choose two things that you would like the universe to provide for you today and then release your request.

4. Go about your daily tasks.

The thinsg that were bringing you down won't seem so important now.  Any that are important need to be on your list of things to do today.  Make a plan and get to it.  If they are not important cross them off your list and stop allowing them to get you down.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Overcome Your Fears Now with my Free Special Report.  Click here

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Monday, 21 February 2011

You are loved

A Message from Noelyne....

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Overcome Your Fears and learn to love yourself. Request a Free Report here

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Don't be afraid to ask for what you want

A Message from Noelyne...

Another great video from Jack Cranfield.  How often have you stopped yourself from asking for what you want for fear of what the other person might do or say?  How many times have you not spoken up about your own needs for fear of upsetting someone?

Start asking for what you want now. If not now, when? How much longer are you prepared to put off having the life that you want?

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Overcome Your Fears Forever with my Free Special Report. Click here.

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Saturday, 19 February 2011

Getting Over a Difficult Situation

A Message from Noelyne....

In this video Jack Canfield explains the importance of thinking about what you have done well, your successes rather than the things that didn't go well.  He suggests keeping a Victory Log, something that I recommend to my clients although I call it a Success Log or Diary.  Same principle.  It's great for raising your confidence and boosting self-esteem too.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report to get more tips for success
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Friday, 18 February 2011

What are you waiting for?

A Message from Noelyne...

I've just heard this quote and think it's great.  'You can't hire other people to do your push ups for you'.  Jim Rohn

Do you sit around wishing for luck and good fortune to come your way?  Do you hope that someone will come along to sort all your problems and make you happy?  Guess what?  The only person who can make these things happen is you.

Decide what you want, make a plan and move!

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Get a Free Report on How to Overcome Your Fears Click here to download

Thursday, 17 February 2011

A Message from Noelyne...

How do you react if someone over steps your boundaries or makes an inappropriate comment towards you?   Do you feel anxious or awkward?  Do you get upset inside and tight lipped?  Does your jaw clench together?

Do you ignore your body and feel shocked by someone’s poor behaviour that you fail to address it?  Do you swallow your anger and suppress your feelings?  Do you remain silent and then end up giving yourself a hard time for not answering back or saying something?

If someone is nasty or rude to you and you fail to take action, you give other people permission to treat you badly.   Doing this will eat away at your self esteem and will often lead you feeling resentful and hurt.

Do you feel really uncomfortable in speaking up?  Were you taught that keeping your mouth shut was in fact a safer option?  Do you fail to speak up because you fear the other person will think badly of you or they may end up hurting their feelings?  Well what about your own feelings?  If you are too sensitive to other people’s feelings, you are actually being insensitive to your own.   Standing up for yourself and using you voice is a great way to empower yourself and show other people how you deserve to be treated.

Would you like to feel confident and speak up the next time someone says something to you that is unacceptable?  Check out my on-line Personal Development Programme, guaranteed to help you set your boundaries and stop anyone crossing them ever again.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Why not request a copy of my Free Special Report to get you started now.  Click Here

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Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Decision Making Technique

A Message from Noelyne...

One of my Coaching Associates Lisa Phillips of Amazing Coaching uses the following technique with her clients when they are stuck and finding it difficult to make a decision and I thought you would find it useful particularly in relationships with other people for example, at work.

Change, Accept or Walk Away?

Is it possible to CHANGE the situation?    What options are available for change?


Is it possible to accept the situation?  What options were available to acceptance?


Is the situation so bad that you need to walk away? In a work context, do you need to find a different job?

One of the beneficial things about this process is that it can force you to take responsibility and get out of blame mode.    Try it the next time you need to resolve an issue!

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report to Overcome Your Fears Now and Forever. Click Here
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