Thursday 19 May 2011

Why do you suppress joy?

Accumulation roller conveyor for the transport...Image via Wikipedia
A Message from Noelyne...

In the busyness of your daily life it is often easy to get into a state where you no longer feel a sense of excitement and joy.  You may well be doing things that you are good at and enjoy however, you forget to allow yourself to feel the joy.  Why does that happen?

You get onto a treadmill, a conveyor belt of working, eating and sleeping.  You are doing it to earn an income and pay the bills so you continue to get on the treadmill but you forget to enjoy the process.  It may well have been exciting to start with but now it's become mundane, repetitive and same old same old.  You may have forgotten what you used to enjoy about your life and your reason for choosing the path that you are currently on.

Remember that you get and become what you think about.  Your thoughts become things.  So if you want more joy and excitment start thinking about joy and excitement.  What makes you choose to feel joy and excitement?

If you are on the conveyor belt, jump off for a moment and allow yourself to feel joy.

Enjoy the process of life, whatever you are doing,

Noelyne Jones

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