Friday 1 July 2011

Learning to live in the moment

Modern view of Manchester City CentreImage via Wikipedia
A Message from Noelyne...

I had coffee with a friend yesterday and she brought me up to date with what's happening in her life.  She's been frantically running around chasing a dream for the past four years and whilst sat on a train coming back from running a seminar in Manchester she wondered what it's all about.  What's the point?  She feels as though she has helped many many people achieve their dreams however, the personal cost to her has been huge, financially, health and relationships.  So what was the point of constantly striving to be better and achieve more when in fact personally she has achieved very little in terms of personal finance, health and realtionships.

Feelings of being overwhelmed are quite common in this situation.  You've taken on so much that you lose sight of your own personal happiness.  More is not always best.  It's fantastic to have dreams however, you also need to live in the moment.  Learn to enjoy the journey to achieving those dreams.  Learn to recognise when the action you are taking is no longer enjoyable. Listen to your emotions, inner thoughts, feelings and what your body is telling you.  That headache or stiff neck means stop, you need a break.

Learn to live in the moment and enjoy each one.  Stop worrying about the future, you can only control the here and now.  So choose really good thoughts now so that you are choosing to be happy now.  Don't put it off a moment longer.  Why would you want to?

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here and Overcome Your Fears today
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