Monday 11 April 2011

Things not as good as you thought they would be?

A Message from Noelyne...

Have you made a decision in the last 6 months that hasn't turned out they way you wanted?  The reality of your decision has not lived up to the dream?  Did you have a picture in your mind of how things would be and now when you look back it's just not like that?

The dream is often far better than the reality.  You realise that there are factors that you didn't take into account or dismissed as irrelevant when you made your decision.  You told yourslef that they weren't important because you wanted to do whatever it was so much, you thought you would handle everything.

So what do you do when you have made a mistake?

Celebrate!  What I hear you say....celebrate your mistake.  Absolutely.  You took action.  If you didn't take action then you wouldn't be where you are now.  You would still be thinking and dreaming about how wonderful things will be when....  You would still be putting your deicision off until the time is right.

So celebrate taking action.  Then work out what you need to do to improve the situation.  What's missing?  What is it that is not the way you expected?  What was your original goal?  How far away is the reality? How is what you have adding value to your life?  What have you learned from taking action? What options do you have?  What will you do? When will you do it?

When you make a decision and take action you have to let go of the outcome.  Things don't always turn out how you expect.  You then handle whatever happens.  And you can!

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Overcome your Fears Easily with my Free Special Report Click here to download
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