Friday 11 March 2011

5 Steps to Overcome Procrastination

Time management matrix as described in Merrill...Image via WikipediaA Message from Noelyne....

It's easy to put off until tomorrow what you could do today isn't it?  The problem is that 'not now' very quickly becomes never. 

So here are some tips for overcoming procrastination.

1.  If you have taken the time to think about doing something then it must be important, right?  If it's important you need to take action.  If it's not important then ask yourself why is it on your list of things to do in the first place.  Not important, cross it off the list so you stop procrastinating and move onto something else you really want to do.

2.  What's in it for you? If it's important and you still don't want to take action then check out what it means to you.  What difference will it make to your life if you do it?  Picture yourself having achieved it and how it will make you feel. 

3.  Break the task into manageable chunks.  If I asked you to eat an elephant you would probably panic.  If I told you to start nibbling away at the toes you would eventually eat all the elephant.  If the thought of achieving your goal sends you into panic you need to find something small to do first that will move you towards your goal.

4.  Commit to spending 5 minutes every day on the things you have put off in the past.  Do this for at least 21 days and you will be in the habit of taking action. It takes 21 days to form a habit and 21 days to break it.

5.  Reward yourself as soon as you achieve something you previously put off.  Only allow yourself to have a treat once you have completed something.  You will feel so much more motivated to achieve even more knowing that you can have a treat at the end of it.  Achieving your goals also creates a huge sense of satisfaction and a feel good factor which encourages you to do even more.  Make motivation a habit. 

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. How to Easily Overcome Your Fears Free Special Report - Click here for your copy

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