A Message from Noelyne....
I rely on technology so much for business and pleasure (who doesn't!) so when it goes wrong it totally winds me up and I normally choose to get into a bad mood as a result. I feel frustrated, irritated and impatient when things don't work out how I want them to. Does that sound familiar to you?
It happened for me this morning. I have my Mum staying with me this week and so I allocate a couple of hours at both ends of the day to focus on my business leaving the rest of the time to spend with Mum. We had arranged to go out at 9.30 this morning. At 9.25 I was still trying to get my e-mail to work as I needed to send some urgent messages and respond to a couple of clients. I eventually had to contact my Web Host. Luckily he was answering his texts so got onto it straight away. People normally check their texts immediately don't they!
Anyway I decided to leave as agreed however, didn't realise how anxious and tense I had become until driving to fill up with petrol. Luckily I became aware of my unresourceful state which threatened what was expected to be a lovely day with my Mum. I made a phone call to one of my clients which relieved the pressure and took a few deep breaths and got myself back into the here and now i.e. enjoying the current moment regardless of what is not right or missing. We had a lovely day and the sun shone too.
Later that evening I sorted the technical problem easily and my e-mails are back up and flying. So all's well with the world. I'm very pleased that I didn't allow technical problems to ruin quality time with Mum. The technical problems can always be sorted later however, time with my Mum can never be recaptured.
Do you know where your priorities are? Do you know what's important in your life? Do you know what you value most?
If you want advice on this I'll be covering this and much more in my Membership site soon to be launched.
Have a fantastic day and enjoy the process of life!
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a Free copy of my Special Report How to Easily Overcome Your Fears click here
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