Saturday 6 March 2010

How to Overcome Anything - A-Z Choice

A Message from Noelyne.... 

C is for Choice.

Whatever it is that you are facing or struggling with, whatever your issue or concern, whatever your problem you always have a choice, even if it is to do nothing.  Yes doing nothing is a choice and sometime that is the best option for the present moment, particularly if you are sturggling to make a decision.  In that instance just go back to contemplating what it is that you want, your desire, your vision.  Eventually you will get clarity on what action to take.

The only thing you can control in life is your reaction to what happens.  You can choose to be happy or you can choose to be miserable.  There are occasions when it is appropriate to feel sad or down about what is happening particularly where loss is concerned.  It's then about knowing that the feeling will pass and you will once again choose to be happy, when the time is right.

So I encourage you to choose to be happy or feel positive about your current situation.  A happy positive person is far more attractive than a miserable negative one.  How attractive do you want to be?

Enjoy the process of life!

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Copies of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears available now.  Click here


Anonymous said...

Hi Noelyne. Thanks very much for your comment on my blog. I'm really pleased I found your website. I'm struggling a bit at work at the moment after having just returned part time following the birth of my daughter. I think you're absolutely right I need to choose to be happy and positive about my situation as I'm tired of moaning to be honest!

Unknown said...

Hi. I'm pleased you found some inspiration from my blog, that's what it's all about. It must be very tough on you going back to work. Normally when you struggle it's because you are focusing in the wrong direction, so I'm guessing you may really prefer to be doing something else? I'm guessing that you also need to be back at work and that it's a means to an end. Stay focused on your ideal lifestyle and you will find a way to achieve it. In the meantime enjoy each moment. Best wishes, Noelyne