A very valuable resource that you have is your knowledge. If you think about it, your knowledge is unique to you. No-one else has had your experiences, your upbringing, your view of the wolrd, your beliefs, your values. So isn't it time you started sharing your thoughts and your knowledge. What you know needs to be heard!
So make a list now of all the topics you have knowledge of from education to hobbies to skills to talents and abilities that you have learned and developed from your job, business or career, as a stay at home parent or from clubs that you participate in. You will be amazed at the wealth of information you have.
What is your favourite topic? Is this something that you would like to pursue as a career?
People buy knowledge so what do you know that people would pay for?
Remember that what you have to say is important and needs to be heard - the world wants to know.
Start a blog at blogger.com It's very easy and if you want help please let me know and I'll gladly point you in the right direction. You can contact me by signing up for my Free Special Report which will give access to my e-mail address and contact details. Click here to enter your details
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
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