A Message from Noelyne...
What do you think when you see the glass?
Half full or Half empty.
I read an article recently that actually talked about negativity as being a useful resource. Now I normally encourage clients to identify the negative thoughts as they are normally holding you back in some way. Once identified you are aware of them so can choose to do something about them and change them into positive ones.
However, this report talked in terms of thinking about the things that could go wrong as a way of preparing yourself in advance. It's about covering all eventualities. People who are from the glass half empty group have a natural tendency to assume the worst and in times of uncertainty it's very hard for them to believe that everything will be alright. Now this goes against everything that I believe in as I am a fan of the Law of Attraction approach to life. I believe that everything will be alright. Yet when I think about it I know of at least two friends who practice the negative thinking approach to life and seem to do very well. They have what they want and lead very comfortable happy lives or at least that's how they appear to me.
So maybe there is something in the pessimistic approach... I'll let you decide on that
Enjoy the process which ever approach you have,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. For an optimistic view of How to Overcome Your Fears Click here for a FREE Special Report
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