Wednesday, 31 March 2010

How to Overcome Anything Toolkit - Vision

A Message from Noelyne...

In your toolkit you really need to have a clear vision of where you are heading.  As Stephen R Covey says 'Begin with the end in Mind'.  You need to create a vision of what it is that you want to achieve, imagine achieving it in all it's delightful detail.  If you don't have a vision how will you know when you've got there?  How will you measure whether you have been successful?

If you think about it all companies and organisations have a vision of what they want to achieve.  It may take the form of a mission statement to gain clarity and a common understanding amongst employees.

I encourage clients to create a vision board so that you have a visual of what you want in life, your ideal lifestyle.

'If you don't know where your heading, you'll end up some place else'

Enjoy the process of life,


P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on 'How to Overcome Your Fears in 7 Easy Steps'

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Tuesday, 30 March 2010

How to Overcome Anything Toolkit - The Universe

A Message from Noelyne...
A fantastic resource all around you is the Universe.  It's there all the time just waiting for you to tap into it's abundance.  The key with this resource is knowing what it is that you want and then asking for it.  Often it's your own fears that stop you from doing that.  You imagine what people might say and then stop yourself from asking.  It's easier that way isn't it?  Instead of having to face your fear and it actually happen.  By not asking you keep yourself safe don't you?  The problem is you don't move forward with that attitude.  You never learn and grow and so you don't get what you want.

Don't take my word for it check out this short video which is less than 60 seconds long by another of my favourite Personal Development experts.


So what is it that you want?  Overcome your fears and go ask the question?  That way you let the Universe know what you want and you just may get it.  Remember to let go of the outcome though.

If you struggle with overcoming your fears then request a copy of my Free Special Report on 'How to Overcome Your Fears Easily in just 7 Days'
  Click here to get the report

Enjoy the Process of Life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Click here to get the report now
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Sunday, 28 March 2010

How to Overcome Anything Toolkit - Thoughts

TutImage by Litandmore via Flickr
A Message from Noelyne...

Your thoughts are the most powerful resource that you have for overcoming life's challenges and getting what you want.  They are the one thing you have control over.  I know that sometimes it doesn't feel that way particularly when you are stressed and/or feeling low, or when the your world seems to overwhelm you however, you do have a choice about what thoughts you have.

If you are a fan of TUT's Adventurers club then you will understand what I mean when I say 'Thoughts become Things'.  I recommend that you have a look at the site and sign up for Free daily notes from the Universe.  They really brighten up your day and put you in a good frame of mind.

The thoughts you have now today will create the future that you have tomorrow.  When you believe this you will start to understand the importance of choosing good thoughts now.

Another of my favourite quotes is 'What the mind can conceive and the heart can believe then you can achieve'.  If you think you can do somethine, then truly believe that you can, you will achieve it.  It all starts with a thought.

What thoughts are you going to choose today?  What future do you want?  Start choosing those good thoughts now.  Choose thoughts that will help you start to move towards overcoming your challenges so that you can get the life that you want.  If you want to be more confident you need to start by thinking that you can.

I cover this in more detail in my membership site lessons which I will be announcing soon.  So drop by regularly for updates and if you want to recieve the opening offers why not sign up for my Free Special Report so that you get the news first hand.

The report is packed full of infornation on how to overcome your fears so you have everything to gain.
Go to to claim your report now.

Enjoy the process of life,


P.S. Sign up for the Free Special Report here
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Friday, 26 March 2010

How to Overcome Anything - Strengths

36/365 - Strengths FinderImage by /*dave*/ via Flickr
A Message from Noelyne...

In my experience people will always be picked up for the things they didn't do well, the mistakes, the errors and the weaknesses?

Most employees will find out fairly soon when they have done something wrong or not come up to the standard required.

Many people focus on their weaknesses and what's wrong with their skills and ability.  This means you are constantly focusing on the negatives, the areas for improvement, the missings.

When was the last time you were given praise for a job well done or complimented for a task that you achieved?  When was the last time you received feedback on the activities that you are really good at?  It's recognised that Manager's in general fear giving feedback and are reluctant to do it for many reasons such as dealing with advserse reactions or maybe a lack of confidence.

You may be in some of the 30% of people who are lucky enough to have people around them who do give praise and feedback on both good and poor performance.  If you are not then this message is made for you.

From now on I encourage you to:
  • Focus on your strengths.  Make a list of what you are good at, all your talents and abilities.  Give yourself a pat on the back for all the things you have done well in your life.
  • Keep a success diary each week so that you can refer to it as a confidence booster.
  • Develop the strengths that you already have.  Do what you are good at and like to do.  If you can find a job, career or business that uses your talents and abilities then you won't have to worry about the weaknesses, they will just disappear into insignificance.
Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. To overcome your fears request a copy of my Free Special Report
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Thursday, 25 March 2010

How to Overcome Anything Toolkit - Responsibility

Hope - Faith - Love - LuckImage by Funchye via Flickr
A Message from Noelyne....

What do you believe about your life and your current situation?

Do you believe that you have no choice and that everything is mapped out for you so no matter what you decide it won't make any difference?
Do you think things are outside your control?
Do you feel that life's not fair and why should other's get all the good luck and fortune?  Poor old you....

The chances are that if you answered Yes to any of those last three questions then you are not as successful as you would like.  In fact you probably feel quite sorry for your self and wish that things could be different.  You maybe think that there's no point in doing anything about your life.  You may even feel happy that you have something or someone to blame because you can stay in your comfort zone.  I can guess that  you are happy complaining about your bad luck and everything thats wrong with your life.

On the other hand:

Do you believe that you do have choices and that you can decide what happens in your life?
Do you believe that you have control over your own behaviour?
Do you feel grateful that life is full of opportunity, good luck and fortune?
Do you take full responsibility for everything that has happened in your life so far?

Answering yes to those questions means that you are well on your way, if not already there, to a highly successful life.  You are living the sort of life that you dreamed of as a child.

The responsibility question takes a bit of getting your head around.  I struggled with this one particularly in relation to the lack of children in my life.  I did feel that life was unfair and that I had no choice and that things were stacked against me.  Now I can see that I was responsible for what happened.  I chose to marry a man who was unable to have children.  I didn't know that at the time however, I chose to stay with him even when I found out.  After my marriage broke down I decided not to have a child with my boyfriend, even though he offered :) My point is that it's the decisions that you make that shape your life.  Once you are aware of this you can take responsibilty for your current situation and then make sure you make much better decision in the future.

Better Decision Making is covered in my membership site training sessions.  Bookmark this site so that you can drop in for teh launch.  Or better still request a copy of my Free Special Report 'How to Easily Overcome Your Fears and then you will receive exclusive launch information and offers.  Get the Report here
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Wednesday, 24 March 2010

The one thing that winds me up!

: ASUS Eee PCImage via Wikipedia
A Message from Noelyne....

I rely on technology so much for business and pleasure (who doesn't!) so when it goes wrong it totally winds me up and I normally choose to get into a bad mood as a result.  I feel frustrated, irritated and impatient when things don't work out how I want them to.  Does that sound familiar to you?

It happened for me this morning.  I have my Mum staying with me this week and so I allocate a couple of hours at both ends of the day to focus on my business leaving the rest of the time to spend with Mum.  We had arranged to go out at 9.30 this morning.  At 9.25 I was still trying to get my e-mail to work as I needed to send some urgent messages and respond to a couple of clients.  I eventually had to contact my Web Host.  Luckily he was answering his texts so got onto it straight away.  People normally check their texts immediately don't they!

Anyway I decided to leave as agreed however, didn't realise how anxious and tense I had become until driving to fill up with petrol.  Luckily I became aware of my unresourceful state which threatened what was expected to be a lovely day with my Mum.  I made a phone call to one of my clients which relieved the pressure and took a few deep breaths and got myself back into the here and now i.e. enjoying the current moment regardless of what is not right or missing.  We had a lovely day and the sun shone too.

Later that evening I sorted the technical problem easily and my e-mails are back up and flying.  So all's well with the world.  I'm very pleased that I didn't allow technical problems to ruin quality time with Mum.  The technical problems can always be sorted later however, time with my Mum can never be recaptured.

Do you know where your priorities are?  Do you know what's important in your life?  Do you know what you value most?

If you want advice on this I'll be covering this and much more in my Membership site soon to be launched.

Have a fantastic day and enjoy the process of life!

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a Free copy of my Special Report How to Easily Overcome Your Fears click here
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Tuesday, 23 March 2010

How to Overcome Anything Toolkit - Quiet

A Message from Noelyne....

When was the last time you allowed yourself to be quiet?  I mean really sit still and listen to the silence.  No music or radio or TV or people, just quiet.

I recommend it now and again i.e.allow yourself time to switch off and recharge your mind.  So make yourself a cup of tea or coffee, sit down, and just be.

Go one step further and switch off your thoughts if you can.  I've blogged about meditation previously so if you want to know how to meditate then check out my previous posts.

Enjoy the quiet!


P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here

Saturday, 20 March 2010

How to Overcome Anything Toolkit - Passion

A Message from Noelyne..

Do you absolutely love what you do?  Are you passionate about it?  In my experience the majority of people end up with a lifestyle that they didn't really want.  Most people conform to what other people in their life believe to be the best thing for them, such as your parent's, teachers, friends.

I spent 25 years of my life working for an employer that was safe, gave me a reasonable salary and a good pension.  The problem was I was never really totally happy.  It improved once I became a trainer yet there was still something missing.  You see for a long time I had wanted to work for myself and have my own business yet I didn't really believe that I could and didn't reallty know how and actually was pretty scared about leaving that secure job.  I'm now into my 4th year of running my own business and I wish to goodness that I had done it sooner.  I am soooo happy!  I am passionate about Personal Development and sharing my knowledge with you and helping you to grow.

So what is it that you yearn to do?  What sort of a lifestyle would you like?  What are you passionate about?

If you don't know then you may want to take a look at my Personal Achiever's on-line Membership club where I help you unravel the perfect lifestyle for you and help you to get it.  I help you to find your passion in life.

Best wishes,
P.S. To get a copy of my Free Special Report click here

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Friday, 19 March 2010

How to Overcome Anything Toolkit - Opportunity

A Message from Noelyne....

Do you wish you could be given the opportunity to achieve what you want in life?  Maybe you are waiting for something to happen like a sign or signal or bolt of lightening?  Maybe you are just not noticing that it's already there...that opportunity of a lifetime?  So often the people I meet are too busy to notice what's around them.  The universe is an abundant place if you can open your eyes to the opportunies that surround you.  

How many squares do you see in the image?

Often people only see the obvious they don't look beyond for what's there all the time but not immediately obvious.  Is this how you approach life?

The first thing is to be clear about your goals or what it is that you want to achieve.  Once you are clear about that the 'how' you are going to achieve it will reveal itself to you.  For example, it was always my dream to be self-employed and run my own business so when I saw a job as a Trainer I decided to apply as I thought this would enhance my skills.  The next step was when I spotted an opportunity to get some qualifications and I applied to study for a degree. I continued to keep my eyes open for additional opportunities to enhance my skills and experience until such time as I was confident enough to leave the security of a full-time job.  Then guess what happened?  I was offered redundancy at just the right time.

Now most of those opportunities are around us all the time i.e. the jobs and qualifications, it's just that we don't see them because we are too busy being busy.  So stop, take some time out, be clear on what it is that you want and then keep your eyes open for things that will help you get to where you want to be.

Enjoy the process of life!

Noelyne Jones

P.S. To enhance your confidence and self-esteem request a copy of my Free Special Report here

P.P.S I can see 30 squares.....
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Thursday, 18 March 2010

How to Overcome Anything Toolkit - Negativity

In the "Is the glass half empty or half f...Image via Wikipedia

A Message from Noelyne...

What do you think when you see the glass?
Half full or Half empty.

I read an article recently that actually talked about negativity as being a useful resource.  Now I normally encourage clients to identify the negative thoughts as they are normally holding you back in some way.  Once identified you are aware of them so can choose to do something about them and change them into positive ones.

However, this report talked in terms of thinking about the things that could go wrong as a way of preparing yourself in advance.  It's about covering all eventualities.  People who are from the glass half empty group have a natural tendency to assume the worst and in times of uncertainty it's very hard for them to believe that everything will be alright.  Now this goes against everything that I believe in as I am a fan of the Law of Attraction approach to life.  I believe that everything will be alright. Yet when I think about it I know of at least two friends who practice the negative thinking approach to life and seem to do very well.  They have what they want and lead very comfortable happy lives or at least that's how they appear to me. 

So maybe there is something in the pessimistic approach...  I'll let you decide on that

Enjoy the process which ever approach you have,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. For an optimistic view of How to Overcome Your Fears Click here for a FREE Special Report
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Wednesday, 17 March 2010

How to Overcome Anything Toolkit - Motivation

A Message from Noelyne...

Motivation or your reason for taking action.  Knowing what you are doing and for what purpose are essential for keeping your motivation levels high.  The more compelling the reason why the more motivated you are to keep going and overcome any obstacles or problems that present themselves.  You will be motivated to find a way to overcome those barriers.

So be very very clear about your reason WHY.  What is your reason for doing whatever you are doing?

Enjoy the process,

Noelyne Jones
P.S. Have you signed up for my Free Special Report yet? Click here To Overcome Your Fears in Less than 7 Days

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Tuesday, 16 March 2010

How to Overcome Anything Toolkit - Love

Two left hands forming an outline of a heart s...Image via Wikipedia
A Message from Noelyne..

Do you love yourself?

The majority of clients I have worked with when asked the questions 'How do you feel about yourself? or  Do you love yourself?' get very uncomfortable and embarassed or perhaps have never even thought about it.  It is very revealing in terms of the results that show up in your life.

If you have a low opinion of yourself then how do you expect others to respect and value you? One of the first steps to overcoming your struggles and challenges in life is to start loving yourself.  I know this is not easy when you have had negative experiences particularly if you have been on the receiving end of other people's poor behaviour and choices.  I encourage you to choose to change the way you feel about yourself now and watch the difference it starts to make in your life.
 What have you got to lose?  In fact you have everything to gain so give it a go.

Start by saying the following affirmation over and over to yourself 'I love and approve of myself'.  It really does work.  When I hit an all time low a number of years ago I identifed that I really didn't like myself so after reading Louise Hay's excellent book 'You can Heal Your Life' I started to say that affirmation even though I didn't believe it at the time.  I now do believe it and feel fantastic.  I've transformed my life.  Love is a very powerful tool and again it's FREE.

When you love yourself you start to treat yourself well and make better choices so get better results and outcomes in life.
When you love yourself others will love you too.  If you can learn to feel love within you, in fact that is the only place you ever feel love isn't it, your life will be far happier.

Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report How to Overcome Your Fears in less than 7 days click here
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Monday, 15 March 2010

How to Overcome Anything Toolkit - Knowledge

Ladder of KnowledgeImage by degreezero2000 via Flickr
A Message from Noelyne...

A very valuable resource that you have is your knowledge.  If you think about it, your knowledge is unique to you.  No-one else has had your experiences, your upbringing, your view of the wolrd, your beliefs, your values.  So isn't it time you started sharing your thoughts and your knowledge.  What you know needs to be heard!

So make a list now of all the topics you have knowledge of from education to hobbies to skills to talents and abilities that you have learned and developed from your job, business or career, as a stay at home parent or from clubs that you participate in.  You will be amazed at the wealth of information you have.

What is your favourite topic?  Is this something that you would like to pursue as a career?
People buy knowledge so what do you know that people would pay for?

Remember that what you have to say is important and needs to be heard - the world wants to know.
Start a blog at It's very easy and if you want help please let me know and I'll gladly point you in the right direction.  You can contact me by signing up for my Free Special Report which will give access to my e-mail address and contact details. Click here to enter your details

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
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Sunday, 14 March 2010

Toolkit on How to Overcome Anything - Joy

Indian Lotus Nelumbo nucifera in Kolkata, West...Image via Wikipedia
A Message from Noelyne..

Today's busy lifestyle's mean that you are often rushing around trying to fit everything in.  It's nonstop from morning until night when you collapse into bed exhausted only to get up again the following morning to do it all over again.  Sound familiar?  That's where I was a few years ago.

Take time out every day to notice the wonderful things that you are surrounded by that often go unnoticed as you rush around.  The first buds on the trees in spring, the birds singing, the gentle breeze, the flowers, the sun on your face (factor 30 applied of course), the hum of the bees in Summer, children squealing with delight, the glow of a candle... Most of these are FREE too.

Allow more joy into your life by stopping to take time out.  Smile at people you meet, chat to the cashier at the checkout, give someone a compliment.  It will make them feel wonderful.  You are spreading joy and bringing more into your life.

So no matter what problems or struggles you currently have do these simple things regularly.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report 'Top 10 Tips for Guanteed Health and Happiness' Click here
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Saturday, 13 March 2010

How to Overcome Anything - Influence

A message from Noelyne....

How to Overcome anything A - Z - I is for Influence.

How are your influencing skills?

Highly successful people are able to influence those around them very successfully.  Great influencers manage to get other people to go along with their ideas while maintaining the relationship.  If people feel they are being manipulated, relationships will be damaged.  So I encourage you to improve your skills.  Yes it is a skill that can be enhanced, once you are aware that's what you want to do.

There are many books written on the subject which gives you an indication of the power of influencing.  Particularly if your goal is dependant on the actions of others.

Here are some tips to start you off:

1. Gain rapport - even something like remembering the person's name will make a huge difference. make the person feel as though they are the most important person in your life at that moment.
2. Ask questions - get to know the person, show an interest.
3. Listen actively - demonstrate that you are listening and suspend judgment

Two books I thoroughly recommend are:

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Click on the links above to view and purchase from Amazon.

The quality of the relationship that you enjoy in life will be reflected in your success.

Enjoy the process,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Get a copy of a Free Special Report here 'How to Overcome Your Fears Click Here now

Friday, 12 March 2010

How to Overcome Anything - Happiness

A Message from Noelyne...

How to Overcome Anything continuing with Happiness.

What is happiness?  What does it mean to you? How do you know when you are happy?  What needs to happen for you to choose to feel happy?

There's a clue in that last question!  Happiness is a choice.

If you are choosing to feel unhappy, ask yourself what exactly are you unhappy about?

If it's more than one thing then write them down.  Once complete review your list and ask yourself how important these things really are?  Give them a rating of High, Medium and Low.

If they are not that important then why are you spending time thinking about them. Cross it off the list.
That feels better doesn't it?

If it is important to you then you need to take action to change things.  Is it something that you have control over?  How will you know when whatever it is has been resolved?  Are there other people involved?  Bear in mind that you cannot control another person's behaviour.

Once you are clear on what your end goal is then you need to work out what action you can take today to achieve it.

Having a plan of action helps you to feel better about the situation so even though it's not yet resolved you can be happy about the process.

Happiness is a choice so you may as well choose to be happy and start to attract even more of it into your life.

Enjoy the process,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Sign up here for a Free copy of my Special Report 'Top 10 tips on How to be Happy and Healthy'

Thursday, 11 March 2010

How to Overcome Anything - Gratitude

A Message from Noelyne..

Continuing my A-Z of How to Overcome Anything so that you have a wealth of tools to overcome life's challenges and get the life that you want.

G is for Gratitude.

When was the last time you said 'Thank you' to someone for what they just did?  How often do you send a Thank You card to a friend, just for being your friend?  It's all too easy to forget to be grateful for the little things in life.  If you can be happy with what you have now then you are already putting yourself in a fantastic position to get the life that you really really want.

If you continually moan about what's wrong with your life then that's what will continue to show up for you.  Ask yourself how does moaning help?  What you focus on has a habit of showing up in your life.  So learn to focus on what you want rather than what you don't want.  Use your energy to keep your mind off negative thoughts and on positive ones.

Start each day by reminding yourself about everything that's good with your life.  The more you do this the more the good things will start showing up.  Trust me I've done the opposite and it doesn't work.  I have now transformed my life by re-training myself to be grateful for what I have.  For many years I focused on the fact that I didn't have children and felt very sorry and hard done by and a failure as a woman.  That's what I continued to get.  Then one day I decided enough was enough and little by little I started to notice the beauty all around me.  Plus I now feel thankful for every moment I am here. And I have children in my life.

Make a list now of everything that you are grateful for and keep adding to it daily.  Refer to it often and particularly when you start to feel down again.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Get a Free copy of my Special Report Top 10 Tips on How to be Happy and Healthy Click here

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

How to Overcome Anything - Fear

A Message from Noelyne...

How to Overcome Fear

Are you afraid of admitting that you have a fear? 
Sounds silly doesn't it?
Yet for many years I was afraid to admit my fears.  I was afraid to ask for help in case people thought I was a failure.  The problem is that this attitude keeps you stuck where you are.  Once you admit that you are feeling scared or struggling with something then firstly, you start to feel better and secondly, someone will show up to help you overcome your fear.

How do you feel about signing up for a Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears?  Are you afraid of what people might think?  Do you feel that by admitting it you are showing a weakness that others could use against you? 

Who exactly are you afraid of and why?  What reason do you have to allow this person to stop you from moving forward with your life?  Do you really want this person in your life if they are not prepared to support you?

So go on Take a Risk and request my Free Special Report here.  I promise not to tell anyone.  It could be the best decision you have made so far.

Enjoy the process!

Noelyne Jones

P.S.  Go on you know you want to - Request a copy of the How to Overcome Your Fears Free Special Report - Click Here

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

How to Overcome Anything - Energy

A Message from Noelyne...

How to overcome a lack of energy

Do you have low levels of energy?  Feeling tired and lethargic, can't be bothered to get up and go?  In fact you've probably lost your get up and go.

How would you like to be full of energy and enthusiasm?

Sounds good doesn't it?  The first step is actually accepting that you do have a lack of energy.  Awareness of the problem is half the battle.  Once you are aware you can take responsibility and do something about it.  Over 12 months ago I recognised that for the frist time in my life I was tired and aching all over and just didn't feel good.  I couldn't work it out and then finally the penny dropped.  I was going through the menopause and my body needed help.

So I looked around and was introduced to an amazing range of Natural Health products.  Now I have resisted taking any form of supplement all my life as I totally believed that I could manage my Health and Well-Being through my daily diet of fruit and veg.  This was true for me right up to becoming menopausal.  There was no way that I was going to take HRT so I opted for a range of natural products instead.

I'm happy to say that my energy levels are even better now than they were before I recognised I had a problem.  All thanks to the natural products that I now take.  That and a combination of regular exercise and a healthy diet and the occassional glass of wine!

I share more tips on raising energy levels in my membership site which is currently under construction.  Check back soon to find out how you too can raise your energy and feel fantastic.

Enjoy the process!

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Get your copy of a Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears here

Monday, 8 March 2010

How to Overcome Anything - Inspirational video

A Message from Noelyne... 

I defy anyone to not be totally moved and inspired by this video - Nick Vujicic Get Back Up.

It brought tears to my eyes.  If this does not inspire you to take action now then you never will.

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Start by requesting a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears

Sunday, 7 March 2010

How to Overcome Anything - A-Z Decisions

A Message from Noelyne.... 

D is for Decisions

How often have you made an important decision when you are feeling totally stressed out?
How often did you not get the result you were looking for?

Many of your important life changing decisions are made when you are feeling anxious, tired, stressed, upset, irritable or in an unresourceful state.  For example, the decision to end a relationship or marriage or partnership is normally full of guilt, confusion, anger, justification and hurt.  Supercharged with negative emotion.

If you've just been made redundant unexpectedly then you will be making decisions about your future in a state of despair.  Not the best way to secure your future.

If your health is not as good as it could be, perhaps you regularly get headaches or have constant back pain then the chances are you are not making good decisions for you because you are distracted.

In my membership site I help you to get into a positive resourceful state at anytime so that you can make better decisions and get better results.  Does that sound like a neat thing to do?

I'll be publishing details of the new site soon and people who have subscribed to my Free Special Report will be first to hear and get the Special Offers.  Sign up for your copy now here

Enjoy the process,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Only people who have requested my Free Special Report will get the opening offers  Click here now to join

Saturday, 6 March 2010

How to Overcome Anything - A-Z Choice

A Message from Noelyne.... 

C is for Choice.

Whatever it is that you are facing or struggling with, whatever your issue or concern, whatever your problem you always have a choice, even if it is to do nothing.  Yes doing nothing is a choice and sometime that is the best option for the present moment, particularly if you are sturggling to make a decision.  In that instance just go back to contemplating what it is that you want, your desire, your vision.  Eventually you will get clarity on what action to take.

The only thing you can control in life is your reaction to what happens.  You can choose to be happy or you can choose to be miserable.  There are occasions when it is appropriate to feel sad or down about what is happening particularly where loss is concerned.  It's then about knowing that the feeling will pass and you will once again choose to be happy, when the time is right.

So I encourage you to choose to be happy or feel positive about your current situation.  A happy positive person is far more attractive than a miserable negative one.  How attractive do you want to be?

Enjoy the process of life!

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Copies of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears available now.  Click here

Friday, 5 March 2010

How to Overcome Anything - Behaviour

A Message from Noelyne... 

B is for Behaviour

The only thing you can control in life is your reaction to what happens i.e. your behaviour.
As a human being you have the power of thought, reasoning and choice.  You can choose your own behaviour.  You can decide what you are going to do and say, what action to take.  You can choose to act in a particular way.

Behaviour breeds Behaviour!  So if the people you meet are negative, angry or in an unresourceful state, that could influence your behaviour if you allow it to and you could end up feeling negative.  Vice versa if you behave in a positive, upbeat and happy manner the chances are that it will influence the people around you.

I'm sure you have at least one friend who after spending some time with you feel drained.  Become aware of this so that you create a barrier of positivity around yourself prior to a meeting.  You may even want to consider whether you still want this person in your circle of friends.

Whatever you choose to do, enjoy the process!

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a Free copy of my Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears

Thursday, 4 March 2010

How to Overcome Anything - A

A Message from Noelyne... 

I've decided to do an A - Z of How to Overcome Anything which will build over the next 26 days into a comprehensive list of ideas and resources to equip you to handle whatever happens in you life.

A is for Action.

This is fundamental, as without it nothing happens.  Whatever you are facing you will need to take action at some stage.  The sooner you act the sooner you will find out if what you have decided to do is the best thing in the circumstances.  The Universe is great at giving feedback.  Not sure what action to take?  You are not ready to act.  Go back to contemplating your problem or vision.

Enjoy the Process!

Noelyne Jones

P.S. To get Free tips on How to easily Overcome Your Fears Now click here to request a Free Special Report

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Stay focused

A Message from Noelyne.....

At the risk of sounding like a broken record as I know I have said this many times before, Please please please stay focused on what you want in life.  The moment you catch yourself dwelling on what's not right or your problems shift your thoughts back to what you want.  This assumes you know what you want and the sort of lifestyle that you want.
  • Re-focus your thoughts on that picture in your mind of your ideal lifestyle, what do you see happening, what are you doing, saying, hearing?  What are others saying.
  • Look at your vision board - I've blogged previously on how to create one.
  • Keep your mind on what you want and believe in your heart that you can achieve it. 
Most importantly enjoy the present moment,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. To overcome any fears you may have about your life then why not request a copy of my Free Special Report at

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Glass Half full or Half empty?

A Message from Noelyne.....

What is your approach to life?  Are you grateful for what you have?  Or do you focus on what's wrong?  Do you complain at the slightest thing?  Or do you put yourself in the other persons shoes before judging?

I meet many lovely people every week all with there stories to tell, their problems to share.  Each person will handle a similar situation in different ways, that's the beauty of being human.  The power of thought and choice.  I recently met two different people with similar problems with there adult sons.  Both were equally concerned for the welfare of their offspring however, one person was quite depressed and negative about the whole situation while the other was not allowing it to affect the quality of her own present moment enjoyment of life.

The only thing you can control in life is the way you react to what happens.  It's a choice that you can make.  You cannot control another person's behaviour, that's their choice.  Sadly, sometimes people close to you do make poor choices and decisions, regardless of what you have said and done in the past.  At best you can influence people around you however, it is always their choice as to how they behave.  So far better then to focus on your own behaviour and choose to not allow the quality of your life to be affected by the poor decisions of others.

Stay focused on what you want.  You only get one chance at this life so you may as well choose to be happy now.

Enjoy the process of life!

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to easily Overcome Your Fears here

Monday, 1 March 2010

Life experiences - Holiday

A Message from Noelyne.....

I've just returned from a week's ski-ing holiday in the beautiful Austrian resort of Lech.  I had an absolutely wonderful time with the holiday exceeding my expectations.  A smooth journey to the resort, flying into Innsbruck has to be done for the spectacular scenery, lovely hotel, friendly professional staff, excellent food with wine included, superb snow conditions, sun during the day and snow at night, a ski host to take us around the mountain and lovely friendly guests in the hotel. 

And what's more I got such a lot in terms of personal development and achievement even though I was on holiday.  I've had a three year gap since the last time I skied so I was wary of my level of fitness, despite having done lots of ski exercises before going.  These paid off as I was soon hurtling around the mountain trying to keep up with the ski host.  I found out later that they do this on purpose the first day to test us and sort out the true intermediates and to encourage people who need to join ski school to do so.  I managed to keep up!

I travelled alone on holiday and without exception people were in admiration of me for doing so.  They admired my courage.  A good reminder of my confidence levels and the fact that this year I focused on what I want and did not allow other things to stop me from doing something I am passionate about.  On one of the days after a tumble at speed I was still a little shaken when the ski host gave out the instructions for the next stage of the ski run.  I ended up catching a lift only to realise that the rest of the group were all stood on the slope below me, this meant ski-ing alone for the rest of the day and finding my own way back from St Anton to Lech, which I managed succesfully.  Again people commented on my confidence and courage.

On the 5th day I fell and my knee was injured due to the binding not being released.  Very painful and extremely doubtful that I would ski on day 6.  However, I used my Aloe MSM gel, an ice pack and rested it overnight and totally believed that my body would heal.  I skied from 10am until 5.15pm the following day. I am now completely sold on the power of Aloe Vera and the power of the mind to heal.  I drove home safely last night and was able to deliver the first of four 'Make the Best of You' workshops today in Peterborough.

I made loads of new friends and now have a ski buddy or two for next year, so all being well I will ski with friends next year.  It was also the first time that I had skied Austria since my divorce, my ex-husband and I skied in Austria every year.  The memories were fond and no longer caused pain or sadness.  I've come a long way!

Isn't life wonderful.

Enjoy the process,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of a Free Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears now