Tuesday 1 June 2010

Using your Intuition to Prevent Problems

A Message from Noelyne...

When did you last listen to your intuition and actually take action?  That sixth sense that's telling you that all is not well.  Why is that when you sense something is not quite right you still don't take action.  You leave it and hope it will sort itself out.  You think that you're probably being silly and there's not really an issue.  It's a minor thing and you shouldn't make a fuss or maybe you think it not important enough to do something about it.  You bury your head in the sand or put it to the bottom of the list, which never gets actioned.

Developing and using your intuition will add another resource to your tollkit for life.  Trust me when I say 'The next time you get a niggling doubt, check things out straight away'.  When I reflect back on the situations I have found myself in that developed into a problem there is more often than not a time at the start of the activity, project or relationship when something happened to tell me that all was not quite how it should be, a warning signal, that I chose to ignore.  Often quite small although sometimes major. Regardless I chose to ignore it or it suited me to choose to believe that it wasn't really a problem, and yes it was my choice.  Normally, because it didn't seem sufficiently significant at the time.  Or I was too busy.  Maybe I didn't want to have to deal with it for fear of the consequences there and then.

It's often as a result of always seeing the best in people and then doubting the evidence in front of you.  Convincing yourself that it's OK and that the person hasn't really crossed your boundaries.  Perhaps you don't feel strongly enough about it.  It could be down to a lack of self worth and not putting enough value on the things that are important to you.  Allowing other people to break your rules and standards and not doing something about it.  Allowing others to take advantage of your good nature.  And of course you only have yourself to blame.  One of my beliefs in life is that you are responsible for everything that happens to you in your life.  You are where you are as a result of the decisions you do or don't make.

However, if you trust your intuition and take action at the start when you get that niggling doubt, you nip things in the bud.  You prevent it from becoming a major issue.  This works for both personal, professional and Business Life.  So overcome your fear of using your intuition and stop burying your head in the sand.  Use your intuition to become aware of when other people have stepped over your boundaries and take action.  Speak up for yourself.  If you're wrong there's no harm done and at least you will feel better and can rest assured that have done everything you possibly could. 

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report How to Easily Overcome Your Fears
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