A Message from Noelyne.....
Is your lack of succes down to your fear of making the wrong decision? Are you afraid of making a bad decision and getting things wrong? Do you ask your friends and family for advice and still not do anything in case you get it wrong? Are you afraid to follow your instincts because other people in your life are telling you not to be so stupid? And you fear that if you do follow your instincts those people will then just say 'Well I told you so!'.
Many people who come to me for Coaching have got themsleves stuck in a vicious circle of indecision. Some have never been able to make decisions and have lacked confidence all their lives so have not reached their full potential and often end up doing what other people think is good for them . Others were once very confident and sure of themselves, made decisions easily and got what they wanted in life until something or someone entered their life. It can be a life event such as bereavement, divorce, redundancy or illnes. Or it can be a person such as a new friend or new family member or in-law.
Life events can take their toll on your self-esteem. You lose confidence and self-belief and you lose sight of any dreams and aspirations that you once had so decision making becomes difficult.
A significant person in your life who constantly puts you down and belittles you in front of the rest of your family, children and friends will over time chip away at your confidence and self esteem. You will start to avoid being in this persons company and make excuses not to be around them. With some people you will be able to cut them from your life completely but with others that is not always an option. For example a mother-in-law who does not like a new daughter-in-law will perhaps do everything possible to make their life difficult. If you are not aware of what's happening the standard of your behaviour towards the mother-in-law will drop. Behaviour breeds behaviour. Until such time as something or someone changes. If the daughter-in-law is not supported by their husband this will make the situation worse. Over time both relationships will deteriorate.
This one person or one event will affect the whole of your life. If you are not aware of it your confidence and self-esteem will decrease and your fear of making wrong or bad decisions will increase. If any of this sounds familiar then now is the time to stop it from continuing to make your life a misery.
Request a copy of my Free Special Report for some instant tips on how to overcome your fears. If you like what you read then ask me for details of my Membership club where I show you how to break out of the fear of making wrong decisions. I show you how to stop the negative people in your life from influencing your decisions.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
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