A Message from Noelyne...
When looking for ways to overcome your fears it is important to establish where exactly does your fear start from. What causes you to choose to feel the fear? What is the trigger? What tells you it is time to feel fearful and freeze? How does that serve you? I can guarantee that the cause of your fear will start with a thought. Let me explain what I mean.
Your thoughts are the most powerful resource that you have for overcoming your fears and getting what you want in life. They are the one thing you have control over. Sometimes it does not feel that way particularly when you are stressed or feeling low, or when the world seems to overwhelm you however, you do have a choice about what thoughts you have. Everything that you are, do and have starts with a thought. Your reaction to what happens is as a result of a thought that you have about the situation.
The thought you have about a situation will be mixed with your values and beliefs, memories and previous experiences to create an internal meaning or representation. This in turn will affect your feelings, your physiology and state. If your previous experiences are negative then you may feel fearful or upset or stress and worried. This leads on to poor decisions which end up in poor results. You keep repeating the mistakes you have made in the past.
The thoughts you have now today will create the future that you have tomorrow. When you believe this you will start to understand the importance of choosing good thoughts now. Once you are aware of how the thought process works you can start to re-train your mind to choose thoughts that will help you achieve what you want.
Many people dwell on past experiences and continually go over things that happened and replay events like an old black and white movie. What you are doing there is focusing on the past and keeping it alive in your mind. You get what you focus on in life so by thinking about the past you are recreating it now and for the future.
Another of my favourite quotes by Napolean Hill is 'What the mind can conceive and the heart can believe then you can achieve'. If you think you can do something and truly believe that you can, then you will achieve it. It all starts with a thought.
What thoughts are you going to choose today? What future do you want? Start choosing those good thoughts now. Choose thoughts that will help you start to move towards overcoming your challenges so that you can get the life that you want. If you want to be more confident you need to start by thinking that you can.
I have often pondered on Rene Descartes quote ‘I think therefore, I am’. If I did not have thought then I would not exist. It is only because I think that I exist. Last year I read a book by his holiness the Dalai Lama on How to see yourself as you really are. It is a fascinating read about the importance of self-knowledge in creating the world you would like to live in. During the recommended meditation you are asked to consider I, my mind and my body as being one and if so, how come you can say my mind and my body. When you flip that and consider I, my mind and my body as being separate then you should be able to take my mind and body away and I would stand alone. Therefore, as Descartes said I only exist because I think I do.
I urge you to not underestimate the power of your thoughts. Start to treat your thoughts as a valuable resource that needs to be fed and nurtured. Choose your thoughts wisely today so that you create a wonderful life for you.
If it is fear that keeps you stuck in life, start to think that you can overcome your fear. Start by thinking that you can be confident and get the life that you want.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a Free Copy of my Special Report 'How to Easily Over Your Fears in 7 Days' Click Here
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