Wednesday 2 June 2010

Negativity - Could it be Who you are Associating with?

A Message from Noelyne...

Could your negativity and lack of success be as a result of the people you choose to spend your time with?  Have you become negative because of the negative attitude that other people have?

Don't underestimate the influence that other people have on you.  Think about the quote by Jim Rohn 'You are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with'.  If you surround yourself with positive, powerful people then this will rub off on you.  You will start to behave in ways that are more positive and you will be more successful.  Whenever I play tennis or golf with someone who is far better than me, then my performance improves.  It's the same in business so I make sure that I have a circle of enthusiatic, positive , highly successful people in my network.

Likewise, if you are surrounded by negative people then you will end up being negative too. 

Watch this video which is about 8 minutes long by motivational speaker Les Brown.  Listen to what he has to say and then think about who you spend time with.

Are you being influenced by negative people?  Is that the cause of your negativity and lack of success?

Remember awareness is key.  Once you are aware of the negative influences in your life then you can start to take action to minimise the impact on you.  And yes sometimes that will mean choosing not to have that negative person in your life.

If you would like support with this please contact me by e-mail to discuss what options are available to you.  Email me here

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here

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