Tuesday 29 June 2010

How to face and overcome your fears

A Message from Noelyne....

Well done you are already one step closer to facing your fears and overcoming them.  The people who don't overcome their fears find it difficult to admit that they have any in the first place.  They know they have however, they don't accept and acknowledge those fears , often for fear of what others will think of them.  But that's not you because you have found this blog post and are reading it.  Thank you!

How to face and overcome your fears.

Step 1 - Accept that you are feeling the fear.

Step 2 - Own the feeling and get curious about it.  What is that feeling telling you?  What are you afraid of?  What is it that you think will happen?  The fear is normally about something in the future that has not yet happened which means that there still time to do something about it. Hurrah!

Step 3 - What do you need to do?  This of course will depend on what you are afraid of and will vary form person to person.  For example, you have been asked to make a presentation to the board and you immediately go into panic mode at the thought.  You are fearful of making mistakes or making a complete fool of yourself.  Well I'm not surprised particularly if it's your first time.  You need to do some preparation, ask someone for help, carry out research and practice the presentation.  Stand in front of the mirror or the dog and go through what you will say until you are feeling more confident.  In fact it's actually good to feel a little nervous before the presentation to keep you on your toes.  So work out what it is that you have not yet done and then take some action to overcome the fear.

In situations where you have to face fear many people give up and decide not to overcome the fear and keep themselves safe instead.  They prefer not to take the risk which is OK if you want to keep on getting what you've always got. 

In my experience and this is a generalisation, men tend to be better at admitting their own fears and asking for help mor equickly, which in turn moves them forward faster.  Women tend to hide the fear and pretend that everything is OK, but inwardly struggle with their emotions for fear of appearing foolish or incapable.

What's your experience of facing fear and admitting it?  Let me know your thoughts in the comment box below.

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report to ensure that your fears are overcome forever
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