A Message from Noelyne....
It just would not be right if I didn't do at least one blog about the weather would it? The British are famous for talking about it aren't they? Many conversations start with a 'How are you?' followed swiftly by a comment about the weather either too cold or too hot. Yes, often complaining about it instead of making the most of the day.
Why is it that some people like to complain and seem to take great pleasure in complaining? In fact if something goes well they make a comment that it won't last...It's a life's not fair attitude. It makes it easier for the person to blame something or someone for their situation instead of taking responsibility and getting on with life. Well I would be happy if the weather was better! LOL It's very easy to find an excuse not to do something and the British weather often provides you with excellent excuses to stay indoors and watch the TV.
The British weather certainly gives us plenty of variety so I guess that's the reason we are so fascinated by it. We have a whole Government Department dedicated to studying it, the best in the world of course!
The last two summers have been wet so I have used my brand new wooden table and chairs about twice in the two years since I bought it. I had dreamed of a set of quality wood garden table and chairs. Anyway here I am sitting enjoying the glorious sunshine. It's 27 degree and I am loving it. Here's a picture just to prove it....
You have to grab every opportunity as you just never know when it's going to turn cold again. Perhaps that's why people are so temperamental. They change their emotions as quickly as the weather.
Talking of people complaining, I was in Peterborough this morning and water fountains have been installed in the cathedral square. A number of children were running around totally wet whilst trying to dodge the water jets, squealing with delight. The sun was shining and people were sat around smiling. It certainly brought a smile to my face. In fact I've taken a photo which I need to upload. Then two women walking past slowly with frowns on their faces, muttered 'What a complete and utter waste of money'. Isn't it amazing how people say it as loudly as possible hoping that other people will join in their negativity.
What purpose does someone have in complaining about something they have no control over? How does it serve them? What are they trying to achieve? I guess they get a sense of connection if someone joins in their complaint. Could they not see the joy on people's faces? Why were they choosing to focus on the cost of installing them?
I ignored them and continued to focus on the happy smiley faces. I think the water fountains are a wonderful addition and have brought the square to life.
What's your verdict?
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears. It could help you to overcome a fear of finding something else to talk about rather than the weather!
I'm home alone so have had to take a self photo just to prove that I am in the garden.
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