A Message from Noelyne...
What's your attitude to life? Do you constantly moan about how bad things are? Do you listen to the doom and gloom reported in the media and allow it to affect your attitude? Did you participate in the recession because your friends are telling you how awful things are? If you were made redundant what was your attitude to it? Would you like to improve your attitude?
Here's a short video by Richard Bandler the co-creator of Neuro Linguistic Programming in which he talks about the impact of your attitude.
Do you agree? or disagree? I really appreciate your comments as to whether you need to improve your attitude. Would you be able to overcome anything if you did?
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
How to face and overcome your fears
A Message from Noelyne....
Well done you are already one step closer to facing your fears and overcoming them. The people who don't overcome their fears find it difficult to admit that they have any in the first place. They know they have however, they don't accept and acknowledge those fears , often for fear of what others will think of them. But that's not you because you have found this blog post and are reading it. Thank you!
How to face and overcome your fears.
Step 1 - Accept that you are feeling the fear.
Step 2 - Own the feeling and get curious about it. What is that feeling telling you? What are you afraid of? What is it that you think will happen? The fear is normally about something in the future that has not yet happened which means that there still time to do something about it. Hurrah!
Step 3 - What do you need to do? This of course will depend on what you are afraid of and will vary form person to person. For example, you have been asked to make a presentation to the board and you immediately go into panic mode at the thought. You are fearful of making mistakes or making a complete fool of yourself. Well I'm not surprised particularly if it's your first time. You need to do some preparation, ask someone for help, carry out research and practice the presentation. Stand in front of the mirror or the dog and go through what you will say until you are feeling more confident. In fact it's actually good to feel a little nervous before the presentation to keep you on your toes. So work out what it is that you have not yet done and then take some action to overcome the fear.
In situations where you have to face fear many people give up and decide not to overcome the fear and keep themselves safe instead. They prefer not to take the risk which is OK if you want to keep on getting what you've always got.
In my experience and this is a generalisation, men tend to be better at admitting their own fears and asking for help mor equickly, which in turn moves them forward faster. Women tend to hide the fear and pretend that everything is OK, but inwardly struggle with their emotions for fear of appearing foolish or incapable.
What's your experience of facing fear and admitting it? Let me know your thoughts in the comment box below.
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report to ensure that your fears are overcome forever
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Fear of Goal Setting - Why Set Goals?
A Message from Noelyne...
Do you have a fear of goal setting? Have you set goals in the past that didn’t work out how you wanted? Are you disheartened as a result? Or maybe you are afraid to set goals in case you fail and you know how awful that feels so end up staying safe instead. Some people are afraid to set a goal in case they can’t handle the success so they put off setting the goal and keep putting it off. Do you procrastinate when it comes to goal setting?
To set or not to set goals?
Do you even think about it? Most people don’t and that’s OK so long as you are not bothered what turns up in your life and who you are, what you have and what you do. So I’m in the yes goals are good for you school of thought.
First of all consider why you want to have a goal. What’s your reason for wanting to be, do or have whatever it is? Your Reason Why. For example, you want to overcome your fears. Great! A really positive desire. However, why do you want to overcome your fears? Why is this important? What will it give you? When you know exactly why you have set the goal and if it’s a compelling reason then you will take the action require to achieve it. For example, you want to earn more money because it will pay for your children’s education. You want to overcome your fears so that you can get a better job or start your own business and have the lifestyle you deserve.
You need to know where you want to end up so that you will know when you have got there. If you are not bothered about where you end up and when then you don’t need to set a goal. It’s about being able to measure how well you are doing and if you are not moving forward fast enough then you can decide what else you can do. One of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey is Begin with the end in mind. What is it that you want to achieve? If you want to be more confident, think about what this means. What will you look like? What will you be saying? How will you feel? What will you do differently when you are confident? Once you are clear about what the end goal means then you can start to work out what steps you need to take to get there.
In the business world it’s about having a Vision or mission statement and breaking it down into objectives that will get the organisation to where it wants to be. All objectives need to be linked to the higher purpose and each individual needs to work on tasks that will achieve their objectives and ultimately the company goals.
In a survey of Yale’s University graduates it was found that 3% had accumulated more personal financial wealth, over a 20 year period, than the other 97% of the class combined. The only difference was that the 3% had written goals.
Even if you know that setting a goal is a good thing to do that will not stop you from worrying about how you will achieve it. Those fears about how you are going to get to where you want to be take over and you end up doing nothing except worry. Your own thoughts limit your success. You need to get into the habit of forgetting about the how, establish what you want to achieve and then trust that everything else will fall into place.
I am interested to know your experiences of goal setting so do let me know, you can submit comments below.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. To help further with your fear of goal setting request a copy of my Free Special Report
Do you have a fear of goal setting? Have you set goals in the past that didn’t work out how you wanted? Are you disheartened as a result? Or maybe you are afraid to set goals in case you fail and you know how awful that feels so end up staying safe instead. Some people are afraid to set a goal in case they can’t handle the success so they put off setting the goal and keep putting it off. Do you procrastinate when it comes to goal setting?
To set or not to set goals?
Do you even think about it? Most people don’t and that’s OK so long as you are not bothered what turns up in your life and who you are, what you have and what you do. So I’m in the yes goals are good for you school of thought.
First of all consider why you want to have a goal. What’s your reason for wanting to be, do or have whatever it is? Your Reason Why. For example, you want to overcome your fears. Great! A really positive desire. However, why do you want to overcome your fears? Why is this important? What will it give you? When you know exactly why you have set the goal and if it’s a compelling reason then you will take the action require to achieve it. For example, you want to earn more money because it will pay for your children’s education. You want to overcome your fears so that you can get a better job or start your own business and have the lifestyle you deserve.
You need to know where you want to end up so that you will know when you have got there. If you are not bothered about where you end up and when then you don’t need to set a goal. It’s about being able to measure how well you are doing and if you are not moving forward fast enough then you can decide what else you can do. One of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey is Begin with the end in mind. What is it that you want to achieve? If you want to be more confident, think about what this means. What will you look like? What will you be saying? How will you feel? What will you do differently when you are confident? Once you are clear about what the end goal means then you can start to work out what steps you need to take to get there.
In the business world it’s about having a Vision or mission statement and breaking it down into objectives that will get the organisation to where it wants to be. All objectives need to be linked to the higher purpose and each individual needs to work on tasks that will achieve their objectives and ultimately the company goals.
In a survey of Yale’s University graduates it was found that 3% had accumulated more personal financial wealth, over a 20 year period, than the other 97% of the class combined. The only difference was that the 3% had written goals.
Even if you know that setting a goal is a good thing to do that will not stop you from worrying about how you will achieve it. Those fears about how you are going to get to where you want to be take over and you end up doing nothing except worry. Your own thoughts limit your success. You need to get into the habit of forgetting about the how, establish what you want to achieve and then trust that everything else will fall into place.
I am interested to know your experiences of goal setting so do let me know, you can submit comments below.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. To help further with your fear of goal setting request a copy of my Free Special Report
Saturday, 26 June 2010
Go the extra mile, here's why!
A Message from Noelyne...
I'm sure that you've heard of people who go the extra mile or know of someone who goes the extra mile. I remember when I managed a team I rewarded people who went the extra mile when dealing with customers. This isn't something new, it's been around for a long time, in fact most of the inspirational messages you receive have been around a long time. They are just repackaged in the style of the person who is sending the message this time. In their own brand.
Watch this 8 minute video of Napolean Hill talking about going the extra mile.
And you thought video was a modern invention...
Technology is amazing isn't it,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Overcome your fears easily with my Free Special Report
Friday, 25 June 2010
Fear of Losing Control
A Message from Noelyne...
Recently, I was considering the Fear of Losing Control and how that impacts on your life. I was reflecting on aspects of my life and in particular my relationships with significant partners, ex-husband and current partner. It struck me that I enjoy being in control of the finances, the home, the food, the garden...in fact most things.
I've not always been in total control as when I was married it was a joint decision making process and in fact my ex made a lot of the major decisions and generally took control and solved problems. I was quite dependant on him. When the marriage fell apart I had huge fears about being on my own and managing tasks and making decisions and in particular being financially secure. It was a scary time. However, I overcome the fears and came through with flying colours. Although a side effect is that I like to be in control. I really enjoy makng my own decisions and not having to consult anyone else. It's much easier. When you are faced with having to make joint decisions again it can make you fearful. That fear of losing control arises. But what does that mean? What is that you are fearful of losing control of?
The problem is that making decisions on your own when you are in a relationship is not a good thing. If you make major decisions without consulting the other person they are highly likely to not be best pleased and can be quite hurt or angry. Imagine if the other person did that to you....would you like it? So why would you expect the other person to be OK with it? It can lead to a breakdown in the relationship or even the end of a relationship.
Have you experienced anything like this? Do you have a fear of losing control and how does that affect your behaviour in relationships? This can also surface in relationships with colleagues and friends.
Do let me know your thoughts,
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Now is a good time to request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Easily Overcome your Fears Click here to enter your name and e-mail to download.
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Why do Friendships end?
A message from Noelyne...
Feeling upset about a friendship that has ended and you don't know why? Wondering what you've done to cause the friendship to end?
Have you ever heard the saying that people come into your life for a reason, season or a lifetime?
If it's for a reason then you or they have something to learn, something you need help with or that you can help them with. Perhaps you have a problem that needs to be solved. A fear to overcome or help moving a project forward. When you ask for help you normally receive it perhaps by a chance meeting or a phone call or by discovering a new piece of information whilst browsing the Internet or in the library.
You may be unhappy in your job and a chance meeting opens up a new opportunity. You may have problems with a relationship and you meet someone who gives you advice which helps you see it from a different perspective. Whoever you meet for a reason stays as long as you need help. Once you or they have learned all they need to they move on.
When someone comes into your life for a season it's normally due to the circumstances for example, friendships made on holiday, or in college or acquaintances from clubs or colleagues at a place of work. They are in your life for as long as you or they stay at the place, organisation or club etc. The people you make relationships with due to circumstances and when those change you lose touch.
And then there are the people who will always be on your life no matter what happens. The childhood friendships, your family your life partner, the people you may not see for a while but when you do it's as though you pick up where you left off.
It's your own personal network of supportive people who you can turn to when you want. The amazing thing is that when you need help and you ask the universe, someone will turn up to help you out.
I've also learned not to get upset when people move on and don't stay in touch. Don't take it personally as it will be because you or they have learned what they needed.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Have you requested my Free Special Report Click here to enter your name and e-mail to download now.
Feeling upset about a friendship that has ended and you don't know why? Wondering what you've done to cause the friendship to end?
Have you ever heard the saying that people come into your life for a reason, season or a lifetime?
If it's for a reason then you or they have something to learn, something you need help with or that you can help them with. Perhaps you have a problem that needs to be solved. A fear to overcome or help moving a project forward. When you ask for help you normally receive it perhaps by a chance meeting or a phone call or by discovering a new piece of information whilst browsing the Internet or in the library.
You may be unhappy in your job and a chance meeting opens up a new opportunity. You may have problems with a relationship and you meet someone who gives you advice which helps you see it from a different perspective. Whoever you meet for a reason stays as long as you need help. Once you or they have learned all they need to they move on.
When someone comes into your life for a season it's normally due to the circumstances for example, friendships made on holiday, or in college or acquaintances from clubs or colleagues at a place of work. They are in your life for as long as you or they stay at the place, organisation or club etc. The people you make relationships with due to circumstances and when those change you lose touch.
And then there are the people who will always be on your life no matter what happens. The childhood friendships, your family your life partner, the people you may not see for a while but when you do it's as though you pick up where you left off.
It's your own personal network of supportive people who you can turn to when you want. The amazing thing is that when you need help and you ask the universe, someone will turn up to help you out.
I've also learned not to get upset when people move on and don't stay in touch. Don't take it personally as it will be because you or they have learned what they needed.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Have you requested my Free Special Report Click here to enter your name and e-mail to download now.
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Fear of asking for help
A message from Noelyne...
Do you have a fear of asking for help because of what people might think of you? Do you think that asking for help is a sign of weakness so you believe that you have to solve your own problems yourself? Do you believe others will think you are a failure or inadequate if you admit you don't know how to do something?
I used to be like that, stubbornly doing everything myself, struggling to cope with work and life tasks, always wanting to appear strong and in control. If only I'd known then what I know now. I would quickly have got over my fear of asking for help. Other people like to help and what's more when you shows signs of vulnerability, it draws people closer to you. You gain respect as you and other people realise you are human after all.
So the next time you struggle with something or can't decide or don't know how to do something.. Ask for help! Then watch what happens.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
p.s. Request a copy of my Free Special Report How to Overcome your Fears in 7 days http:/www.howtoovercomeyourfears.com
Do you have a fear of asking for help because of what people might think of you? Do you think that asking for help is a sign of weakness so you believe that you have to solve your own problems yourself? Do you believe others will think you are a failure or inadequate if you admit you don't know how to do something?
I used to be like that, stubbornly doing everything myself, struggling to cope with work and life tasks, always wanting to appear strong and in control. If only I'd known then what I know now. I would quickly have got over my fear of asking for help. Other people like to help and what's more when you shows signs of vulnerability, it draws people closer to you. You gain respect as you and other people realise you are human after all.
So the next time you struggle with something or can't decide or don't know how to do something.. Ask for help! Then watch what happens.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
p.s. Request a copy of my Free Special Report How to Overcome your Fears in 7 days http:/www.howtoovercomeyourfears.com
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Charlie bit my finger - again !
Check out this video on YouTube:
Sent from my iPhone
I just could not resist posting this...
Noelyne Jones
Monday, 21 June 2010
Sonia Ricotti - Letting Go of the Past
A Message from Noelyne...
Here's a terrific video of an interview with Sonia Ricotti to compliment my blog yesterday on letting go of the past.
Remember to request a copy of my Free Special Report to show you how to overcome a fear of letting go,
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Click here to enter you name and e-mail and then download the Free Special Report
Here's a terrific video of an interview with Sonia Ricotti to compliment my blog yesterday on letting go of the past.
Remember to request a copy of my Free Special Report to show you how to overcome a fear of letting go,
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Click here to enter you name and e-mail and then download the Free Special Report
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Why would you not want to let go of past pain?
A Message from Noelyne...
What makes you hold onto the past? For what purpose do you dwell on the things that didn't go well and past bad experiences? Are you afraid to let go of the past?
Dwelling on past memories that cause you to feel pain or sad is not a good thing to do. Every moment you spend thinking about the past bad experience you are allowing the pain of the past to live in the present. You are not allowing yourself to let go of past pain. You are choosing to stay stuck in the past and not allowing yourself to enjoy the present moment, which in turn means that you are holding yourself back from a fabulous future.
So for what purpose do you do it? What do you fear? How does holding on to the past serve you? In what way does recreating the pain of the past help you now?
Recalling past happy memories or looking at photos that bring happiness and joy is fantastic. It's important to have a treasure chest full of wonderful happy memories and experiences to recall when the going gets tough. For those low moments when things aren't going so well and the world gets you down. When you don't have happy memories it's not easy to be happy. You can end up living a very serious, unhappy or miserable life where you focus on things that are wrong or missing. Life becomes an uphill struggle and you forget how to laugh.
Life events can cause you to get into a negative state and become miserable without realising it. If you are lucky something happens to make you aware that you are not the bundle of joy you once were. For example, if someone asked you to recall a happy memory would you find thsi easy or would you struggle? If you struggle then it's time to start doing more activities that make you feel happy. You need to build up your reserves, make some deposits into the happy bank.
So for what purpose do you decide not to let go of the past? What do you fear? How does holding on to the past pain serve you? In what way does recreating the memories and pain of the past help you now?
Your experiences make you who you are. The mistakes you make are wonderful opportunities to learn and grow. Be thankful for those opportunities. Learn from them and let them go. You are unable to go back and change the past however the past does not have to equal the future.
Decide how you want to be, do and have and start to focus on what you want rather than what went wrong in the past. Remember that you get what you focus on.
Request a copy of my Free Special Report for more tips on creating a better future by overcoming your fears. In this case a fear of letting go of the past.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Click here for a copy of the Free Special Report
Friday, 18 June 2010
A Great Way to Start the day
A Message from Noelyne....
A short video to brighten the start to your day....
Chiquita Banana, 1940's commercial produced by Walt Disney.
Noelyne Jones
A short video to brighten the start to your day....
Chiquita Banana, 1940's commercial produced by Walt Disney.
Noelyne Jones
Thursday, 17 June 2010
Overcoming Frustration of Losing a Word Document
A Message from Noelyne....
Do you remember that sinking feeling when you realise that the work that you have spent hours completing has not saved correctly? You search all your folders desperately looking for the file. You search all directories even though you know there is no way that it will be in the G: drive...all to no avail? For a while you are in denial and keep telling yourself that it must be there somewhere, surely? Eventually the reality starts to seep through and then the frustration builds into panic and annoyance at the thought of having to do it all again.
Yesterday I spent all day designing a Facilitator Brief to accompany a new Training course. I kept pressing save regularly because learning from experience I wanted to avoid losing any work or having to redo it. I updated my client at the end of the day feeling quite proud of myself as to how much I had achieved, including mastering the required template.
So can you imagine my horror this morning as it slowly dawned on me that the word document that I thought I had so carefully saved was no where to be found. Have you ever done that? It sends you into a panic and sick feeling and then tears of frustration. You don't think you can face having to do it again and want to give in there and then. You feel totally frustrated and helpless because you know there is absolutely nothing you can do to retrieve the document. If you know something that I don't please comment below.
Yet you know that you have to overcome the frustration. You have to get over your feelings of annoyance and stupidity and resign yourself to the fact that it has to be reworked. So I notified my client of my superb mistake and that there was a chance that I would not make the deadline as a result. Better to be upfront and honest about it. Own up to my mistake. Then set about starting all over. I struggled to overcome the frustration initially as my brain sort of went into a 'I don't want to do this mode' however, once I got over that the actual task second timr round was much easier. I was now familiar with the content, design and layout so it took far less time to complete. It made me look at the source documents again and I spotted things I had missed first time round. The finished product was far superior to the original and what's more I completed it on time.
A big lesson was learned about saving files contained originally in a zip file....it doesn't! You need to extract them and save as. I'm now and expert in this design and topic. By the way if you do lose a document try these options to recover it before you start over: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/316951
The lesson is never ever give up no matter how much you want to. If it's worth doing you will get your rewards. Overcome your frustration and just do it!
Although I don't recommend this as a learning approach.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Relaxing Music to Soothe your Nerves
A Message from Noelyne...
It so important to find time to chill out regularly and soothe shattered nerves. Find time to listen to some relaxing music every day. It's so easy to access great music via the internet. I love the power of the internet to open up opportunities to listen to music produced by people I've not heard of. Here's a wonderful track...relax and enjoy!
Find 10 minutes every day to chillout.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Click here to request a copy of my Free Special Report just enter your details to get access to the download. www.howtoovercomeyourfears.com
It so important to find time to chill out regularly and soothe shattered nerves. Find time to listen to some relaxing music every day. It's so easy to access great music via the internet. I love the power of the internet to open up opportunities to listen to music produced by people I've not heard of. Here's a wonderful track...relax and enjoy!
Find 10 minutes every day to chillout.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Click here to request a copy of my Free Special Report just enter your details to get access to the download. www.howtoovercomeyourfears.com
Monday, 14 June 2010
Motivational Song - Never Give up on your Dreams
A Message from Noelyne....
Music is incredible for litting the spirits, recalling memories and generally creating a feel good factor. Here is an inspirational video and song to remind you Never give up on your Dreams. It's about 4 minutes.
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
Music is incredible for litting the spirits, recalling memories and generally creating a feel good factor. Here is an inspirational video and song to remind you Never give up on your Dreams. It's about 4 minutes.
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
Sunday, 13 June 2010
Overcoming Disappointment
As this blog is all about overcoming life's challenges I have to write about last nights football result...and overcoming the disappointment.
I now find myself in the position of having to overcome the shock of firstly not seeing the England goal as ITV HD went to adverts a tad early just at the crucial moment. By the time they returned to the game England had scored and I felt robbed of my moment of celebration. It's just not quite the same after the moment.
Plus, how on earth do you overcome the shock of watching the ball slowly trickle into the net after the goalkeepers mistake. My jaw remained in a dropped position for some time in total disbelief. Added to this overcoming the disappointment of England failing to score another goal. All credit to the American's.
Ok so it's not quite the end of the world and we still have two more games to play....can my nerves stand the tension. Well of course, it's all part of the fun of watching the World Cup. At least England are there this time.
Putting it into the context of Personal Development....I could not resist an opportunity! No matter how much you want something to happen there are some situations that are outside your control. You are reliant on other people to do their bit and even when the others involved are committed to the same outcome, mistakes happen. You need to learn from it, support each other and stay focused on what you want. So long as you can say you did as much as you possibly could to influence the result then you need to let go of the actual outcome. And move on to the next challenge.
Roll on next Friday.
Noelyne Jones
P.S. My Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears has some advice that will help. Click here for your copy
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Fear of Making the Wrong Decision
A Message from Noelyne.....
Is your lack of succes down to your fear of making the wrong decision? Are you afraid of making a bad decision and getting things wrong? Do you ask your friends and family for advice and still not do anything in case you get it wrong? Are you afraid to follow your instincts because other people in your life are telling you not to be so stupid? And you fear that if you do follow your instincts those people will then just say 'Well I told you so!'.
Many people who come to me for Coaching have got themsleves stuck in a vicious circle of indecision. Some have never been able to make decisions and have lacked confidence all their lives so have not reached their full potential and often end up doing what other people think is good for them . Others were once very confident and sure of themselves, made decisions easily and got what they wanted in life until something or someone entered their life. It can be a life event such as bereavement, divorce, redundancy or illnes. Or it can be a person such as a new friend or new family member or in-law.
Life events can take their toll on your self-esteem. You lose confidence and self-belief and you lose sight of any dreams and aspirations that you once had so decision making becomes difficult.
A significant person in your life who constantly puts you down and belittles you in front of the rest of your family, children and friends will over time chip away at your confidence and self esteem. You will start to avoid being in this persons company and make excuses not to be around them. With some people you will be able to cut them from your life completely but with others that is not always an option. For example a mother-in-law who does not like a new daughter-in-law will perhaps do everything possible to make their life difficult. If you are not aware of what's happening the standard of your behaviour towards the mother-in-law will drop. Behaviour breeds behaviour. Until such time as something or someone changes. If the daughter-in-law is not supported by their husband this will make the situation worse. Over time both relationships will deteriorate.
This one person or one event will affect the whole of your life. If you are not aware of it your confidence and self-esteem will decrease and your fear of making wrong or bad decisions will increase. If any of this sounds familiar then now is the time to stop it from continuing to make your life a misery.
Request a copy of my Free Special Report for some instant tips on how to overcome your fears. If you like what you read then ask me for details of my Membership club where I show you how to break out of the fear of making wrong decisions. I show you how to stop the negative people in your life from influencing your decisions.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
Decision making,
overcome your fear,
Saturday, 5 June 2010
Making the Most of the British Weather
A Message from Noelyne....
It just would not be right if I didn't do at least one blog about the weather would it? The British are famous for talking about it aren't they? Many conversations start with a 'How are you?' followed swiftly by a comment about the weather either too cold or too hot. Yes, often complaining about it instead of making the most of the day.
Why is it that some people like to complain and seem to take great pleasure in complaining? In fact if something goes well they make a comment that it won't last...It's a life's not fair attitude. It makes it easier for the person to blame something or someone for their situation instead of taking responsibility and getting on with life. Well I would be happy if the weather was better! LOL It's very easy to find an excuse not to do something and the British weather often provides you with excellent excuses to stay indoors and watch the TV.
The British weather certainly gives us plenty of variety so I guess that's the reason we are so fascinated by it. We have a whole Government Department dedicated to studying it, the best in the world of course!
The last two summers have been wet so I have used my brand new wooden table and chairs about twice in the two years since I bought it. I had dreamed of a set of quality wood garden table and chairs. Anyway here I am sitting enjoying the glorious sunshine. It's 27 degree and I am loving it. Here's a picture just to prove it....
You have to grab every opportunity as you just never know when it's going to turn cold again. Perhaps that's why people are so temperamental. They change their emotions as quickly as the weather.
Talking of people complaining, I was in Peterborough this morning and water fountains have been installed in the cathedral square. A number of children were running around totally wet whilst trying to dodge the water jets, squealing with delight. The sun was shining and people were sat around smiling. It certainly brought a smile to my face. In fact I've taken a photo which I need to upload. Then two women walking past slowly with frowns on their faces, muttered 'What a complete and utter waste of money'. Isn't it amazing how people say it as loudly as possible hoping that other people will join in their negativity.
What purpose does someone have in complaining about something they have no control over? How does it serve them? What are they trying to achieve? I guess they get a sense of connection if someone joins in their complaint. Could they not see the joy on people's faces? Why were they choosing to focus on the cost of installing them?
I ignored them and continued to focus on the happy smiley faces. I think the water fountains are a wonderful addition and have brought the square to life.
What's your verdict?
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears. It could help you to overcome a fear of finding something else to talk about rather than the weather!
I'm home alone so have had to take a self photo just to prove that I am in the garden.
Friday, 4 June 2010
How Content are You with Your Life?
A Message from Noelyne....
Today I'm feeling particularly happy and content with who I am and where I am in my journey through life. It hasn't always been like that as I am sure you are aware if you have been following my blogs. For many years I kept searching for happiness. I kept thinking that I'll be happy when I do this or achieve that, or have this or be different. The only trouble was that when I got there I still wasn't content and so would begin the cycle again of striving for the next item on my list in search of that complete feeling.
Along the way life has delivered a number of challenging situations that I have overcome. My own fears and self doubts, low confidence and self-esteem. I have learned a lot about myself as a result. The fantastic thing is that I now share my learning, knowledge and experience with my clients so that they can shorten the time it takes to get to that point of completeness. People come to me with their problems, fears, self doubts and hopes and aspirations and I show them the way forward. I show them how to be content and happy with who they are, where they are and where they are going in life. Together we put a plan in place, a blueprint that matches who they are. Once this is in place the rest just happens naturally and life becomes a dream.
I absolutely love what I do and have found a way to be happy and content. If you would like to know more about how you can too then first of all request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears. You can download it here after entering your e-mail and name. You will then get access to the Free Report and can contact me directly.
Enjoy the Process of Life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Access the Free Special Report here
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Overcome Your Fears Easily with Your Thoughts
A Message from Noelyne...
When looking for ways to overcome your fears it is important to establish where exactly does your fear start from. What causes you to choose to feel the fear? What is the trigger? What tells you it is time to feel fearful and freeze? How does that serve you? I can guarantee that the cause of your fear will start with a thought. Let me explain what I mean.
Your thoughts are the most powerful resource that you have for overcoming your fears and getting what you want in life. They are the one thing you have control over. Sometimes it does not feel that way particularly when you are stressed or feeling low, or when the world seems to overwhelm you however, you do have a choice about what thoughts you have. Everything that you are, do and have starts with a thought. Your reaction to what happens is as a result of a thought that you have about the situation.
The thought you have about a situation will be mixed with your values and beliefs, memories and previous experiences to create an internal meaning or representation. This in turn will affect your feelings, your physiology and state. If your previous experiences are negative then you may feel fearful or upset or stress and worried. This leads on to poor decisions which end up in poor results. You keep repeating the mistakes you have made in the past.
The thoughts you have now today will create the future that you have tomorrow. When you believe this you will start to understand the importance of choosing good thoughts now. Once you are aware of how the thought process works you can start to re-train your mind to choose thoughts that will help you achieve what you want.
Many people dwell on past experiences and continually go over things that happened and replay events like an old black and white movie. What you are doing there is focusing on the past and keeping it alive in your mind. You get what you focus on in life so by thinking about the past you are recreating it now and for the future.
Another of my favourite quotes by Napolean Hill is 'What the mind can conceive and the heart can believe then you can achieve'. If you think you can do something and truly believe that you can, then you will achieve it. It all starts with a thought.
What thoughts are you going to choose today? What future do you want? Start choosing those good thoughts now. Choose thoughts that will help you start to move towards overcoming your challenges so that you can get the life that you want. If you want to be more confident you need to start by thinking that you can.
I have often pondered on Rene Descartes quote ‘I think therefore, I am’. If I did not have thought then I would not exist. It is only because I think that I exist. Last year I read a book by his holiness the Dalai Lama on How to see yourself as you really are. It is a fascinating read about the importance of self-knowledge in creating the world you would like to live in. During the recommended meditation you are asked to consider I, my mind and my body as being one and if so, how come you can say my mind and my body. When you flip that and consider I, my mind and my body as being separate then you should be able to take my mind and body away and I would stand alone. Therefore, as Descartes said I only exist because I think I do.
I urge you to not underestimate the power of your thoughts. Start to treat your thoughts as a valuable resource that needs to be fed and nurtured. Choose your thoughts wisely today so that you create a wonderful life for you.
If it is fear that keeps you stuck in life, start to think that you can overcome your fear. Start by thinking that you can be confident and get the life that you want.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a Free Copy of my Special Report 'How to Easily Over Your Fears in 7 Days' Click Here
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Negativity - Could it be Who you are Associating with?
A Message from Noelyne...
Could your negativity and lack of success be as a result of the people you choose to spend your time with? Have you become negative because of the negative attitude that other people have?
Don't underestimate the influence that other people have on you. Think about the quote by Jim Rohn 'You are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with'. If you surround yourself with positive, powerful people then this will rub off on you. You will start to behave in ways that are more positive and you will be more successful. Whenever I play tennis or golf with someone who is far better than me, then my performance improves. It's the same in business so I make sure that I have a circle of enthusiatic, positive , highly successful people in my network.
Likewise, if you are surrounded by negative people then you will end up being negative too.
Watch this video which is about 8 minutes long by motivational speaker Les Brown. Listen to what he has to say and then think about who you spend time with.
Are you being influenced by negative people? Is that the cause of your negativity and lack of success?
Remember awareness is key. Once you are aware of the negative influences in your life then you can start to take action to minimise the impact on you. And yes sometimes that will mean choosing not to have that negative person in your life.
If you would like support with this please contact me by e-mail to discuss what options are available to you. Email me here
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Using your Intuition to Prevent Problems
A Message from Noelyne...
When did you last listen to your intuition and actually take action? That sixth sense that's telling you that all is not well. Why is that when you sense something is not quite right you still don't take action. You leave it and hope it will sort itself out. You think that you're probably being silly and there's not really an issue. It's a minor thing and you shouldn't make a fuss or maybe you think it not important enough to do something about it. You bury your head in the sand or put it to the bottom of the list, which never gets actioned.
Developing and using your intuition will add another resource to your tollkit for life. Trust me when I say 'The next time you get a niggling doubt, check things out straight away'. When I reflect back on the situations I have found myself in that developed into a problem there is more often than not a time at the start of the activity, project or relationship when something happened to tell me that all was not quite how it should be, a warning signal, that I chose to ignore. Often quite small although sometimes major. Regardless I chose to ignore it or it suited me to choose to believe that it wasn't really a problem, and yes it was my choice. Normally, because it didn't seem sufficiently significant at the time. Or I was too busy. Maybe I didn't want to have to deal with it for fear of the consequences there and then.
It's often as a result of always seeing the best in people and then doubting the evidence in front of you. Convincing yourself that it's OK and that the person hasn't really crossed your boundaries. Perhaps you don't feel strongly enough about it. It could be down to a lack of self worth and not putting enough value on the things that are important to you. Allowing other people to break your rules and standards and not doing something about it. Allowing others to take advantage of your good nature. And of course you only have yourself to blame. One of my beliefs in life is that you are responsible for everything that happens to you in your life. You are where you are as a result of the decisions you do or don't make.
However, if you trust your intuition and take action at the start when you get that niggling doubt, you nip things in the bud. You prevent it from becoming a major issue. This works for both personal, professional and Business Life. So overcome your fear of using your intuition and stop burying your head in the sand. Use your intuition to become aware of when other people have stepped over your boundaries and take action. Speak up for yourself. If you're wrong there's no harm done and at least you will feel better and can rest assured that have done everything you possibly could.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report How to Easily Overcome Your Fears
When did you last listen to your intuition and actually take action? That sixth sense that's telling you that all is not well. Why is that when you sense something is not quite right you still don't take action. You leave it and hope it will sort itself out. You think that you're probably being silly and there's not really an issue. It's a minor thing and you shouldn't make a fuss or maybe you think it not important enough to do something about it. You bury your head in the sand or put it to the bottom of the list, which never gets actioned.
Developing and using your intuition will add another resource to your tollkit for life. Trust me when I say 'The next time you get a niggling doubt, check things out straight away'. When I reflect back on the situations I have found myself in that developed into a problem there is more often than not a time at the start of the activity, project or relationship when something happened to tell me that all was not quite how it should be, a warning signal, that I chose to ignore. Often quite small although sometimes major. Regardless I chose to ignore it or it suited me to choose to believe that it wasn't really a problem, and yes it was my choice. Normally, because it didn't seem sufficiently significant at the time. Or I was too busy. Maybe I didn't want to have to deal with it for fear of the consequences there and then.
It's often as a result of always seeing the best in people and then doubting the evidence in front of you. Convincing yourself that it's OK and that the person hasn't really crossed your boundaries. Perhaps you don't feel strongly enough about it. It could be down to a lack of self worth and not putting enough value on the things that are important to you. Allowing other people to break your rules and standards and not doing something about it. Allowing others to take advantage of your good nature. And of course you only have yourself to blame. One of my beliefs in life is that you are responsible for everything that happens to you in your life. You are where you are as a result of the decisions you do or don't make.
However, if you trust your intuition and take action at the start when you get that niggling doubt, you nip things in the bud. You prevent it from becoming a major issue. This works for both personal, professional and Business Life. So overcome your fear of using your intuition and stop burying your head in the sand. Use your intuition to become aware of when other people have stepped over your boundaries and take action. Speak up for yourself. If you're wrong there's no harm done and at least you will feel better and can rest assured that have done everything you possibly could.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report How to Easily Overcome Your Fears
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