Monday 4 January 2010

Top Ten Tips for Keeping New Year Resolutions

Top tips to keep New Years Resolutions

How many of you make New Years resolutions with every good intention of sticking to them however, by mid January you have given up on 50% if not all of them?
Making successful New Year Resolutions will depend on a number of things.

Ask yourself the following questions:

What sort of state were you in when you made the resolutions? Were you happy or sad?
Often we make resolutions when we are feeling low which is not the best time.

How are your resolutions worded? Do you want to stop smoking? Lose weight?

We often phrase our goals negatively which makes it more difficult to achieve.

How committed are you really to taking the action required now?
You will need to take responsibility for making things happen for yourself. No-one else will do it for you.

Are you making a resolution because you feel you should?

So here are some tips for making resolutions that you will stick to:-

1. Set aside some time when you can be alone in a favourite place so that you can relax and allow yourself to feel really happy. I am sure that you can remember some happy times so think of one now and remember what it felt like and allow those feelings to return.

2. In that good state start to focus on your life. You will need a pen and paper to capture your thoughts. Now is the time to think about what you don't want, what you put up with - what drains you, stops you from having more time and energy.

3. Make a list of five things you are tolerating at home including things about yourself

4. Make a list of five things you are tolerating at work

5. Understand the payoff some of these tolerations may have for you
For example, staying stuck in a dead-end job may stop you from risking rejection or the fear of failure in setting up your own business.

6. Understand the cost
If you do nothing about that dead-end job, losing weight, stopping smoking, what will that cost you in your life?

7. Pick the costliest toleration on your list
Decide to eliminate it 100%. Identify what it is that you really want, not what you don’t want or think you should do. If I tell you not to think of a blue tree then what’s the first thing you think of? When we focus on what we don’t want then guess what? That’s what turns up in our life. So if you focus on ‘not being fat’ the chances are you will stay fat. If you want to stop smoking you will need to think of yourself as a non-smoker and why you want to stop i.e. to be fitter, healthier, richer.

8. Set a goal.
I want to be fit and healthy by March 2010. I want to weigh 9st by July 2010. Be realistic when setting the timescale. You will not be able to lose 3 stone in a week!

9. Live the goal
Before you begin, imagine exactly what it will be like when you succeed. See it, hear it, feel it. Keep that in mind as it will keep you motivated. This is a very important part of keeping your resolution

10. Make a plan
Get the support you need to make it stick. Tell someone of your intention. Then Just do it. Make sure you are having fun too!

Think good thoughts as these are what create your future.

Enjoy the process!


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