Saturday 23 January 2010

Essential Steps for Taking Action to Get What You Want

A Message from Noelyne Jones......
Setting goals and then hoping that it will all fall into place just doesn't work.
If you keep on doing what you've always done you'll keep on getting what you've always got.
When you decide to make changes in your life you are starting on a journey.
At the start of that journey you need to make a commitment to take action.
You need to be so focused that you will continue to take action even when faced with barriers. You will be determined to take action to overcome those barriers.

When you have set yourself a compelling goal, something that you really really really want, something that is very important to you then you are much more likely to take action no matter what happens or what anyone else says. If on the other hand it's not important to you then it will not be in your life mainly because you will not have taken whatever action is required to get it.

And remember that even when you have taken action you cannot control the outcome. You have to let go of the result.

When making decision to take action I recommend that you get yourself into a good state first.

By state I mean your mind and physiology. You will make much better decisions if you are relaxed and feeling great about yourself.

As one of my clients recently pointed out, she has made some incredibly important decisions about hers and her childrens lives
in a state of stress. So no wonder she has got the results she has got.

So back to action. JDI!

1. Once you have made your mind up to do something set yourself a date by when you will achieve it and go to it!
2. The sooner you take action, the sooner you will get feedback from the Universe as to whether this is the right path for you.
3. Depending on what happens you can adjust your direction accordingly, a bit like trimming the sail of a yacht.
For example, you decide that you want to join a local jazzercise class as you want to get fit and lose some weight. After the second class you realise that this is not for you and decide not to go again. If you had not taken action to attend the first class you would not have found out that you didn't like it and would still be planning to go. Instead you can plan to join a different class or method of getting fit.

Action is the key to success.

Enjoy the process,


P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here to Overcome Your Fears Easily now

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