Thursday 28 January 2010

Lifelong Learning.

A Message from Noelyne.....

If you think you will eventually get to a point when you don't have to learn or managing change anymore then think again.  Life is one continuous learning journey.

So to help you along this wonderful learning journey here are a few questions:

What do you want to learn or change?

Why do you want to learn or change?               

What is your motivation to learn or change?                 

How will you learn or change?                                       

Who will help you to learn or change?  Do you need to work with others? Do you need feedback on what you are doing or at this stage are you just gaining knowledge?

What else do you need to do?                        

How will you know you have been successful?   

How will you reward yourself?

How can I continue my learning and personal growth?        How can I keep using what I have learnt?
What new things do I want to learn?

Answering these questions will help you to recognise a learning need, clarify your learning objectives and identify your preferred learning style.

As ever Enjoy the Process.

Noelyne Jones

P.S.  Overcome your fear of learning and change by requesting my Free Special Report ' 7 Vital Steps to Overcome Your Fears'

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