Tuesday 5 January 2010

Top 5 Tips to Having a Great Day!

Top 5 tips to ensuring you have a great day

1. Focus on today only.

Yes, we need to have long-term goals. As Stephen Covey recommends ‘Begin with the end in mind’. So have a picture of where you want to be in mind however, our focus must be on today. It is imperative that we focus in on our short-term. Don’t think about tomorrow. Today is enough trouble in and of itself. You can work on tomorrow when it gets here. Instead, make today the best day you have ever had. Realise that when you lay down to sleep tonight you will have just given up the only shot you will ever have at today. Today is now gone and it is only a memory. You only get one shot at your today so focus intently on making it all that it possibly can be. Focus, focus, focus! When you focus on making today great, you are on the road to guaranteeing that you will make your day GREAT, every day!

2. Embrace your power to choose.

When your today becomes your yesterday, you will look back and realise that that day was a result of your choices and your choices only. ‘What if my boss controlled my day? That isn’t my choice!’ But it is your choice to work for someone else! Your choice to let someone else tell you what to do.
The moment we realise that we have a gift, the gift of free will and choice, and when we realise the inherent power within that gift, and ultimately when we finally begin to exercise that gift, then and only then, will we begin to create for ourselves a GREAT day each and every day! Take ownership of the direction in your life. Make your choices then carry them out!

3. Your attitude is up to you.

Yes, bad things may happen in your day. You cannot control what others may do or say. However, you do control your attitude and reaction to whatever happens. Your attitude about whatever happens to you is up to you.
When something happens to you, you have the choice: Will you let it get you down and depressed, keeping you from forging ahead and making the day the best one ever? Or will you say to yourself that no matter what happens you are on the path to success and no obstacle will keep you from it? Will you say, ‘Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose – I guess this time I lost’? Will you say, ‘Sometime you win and sometimes you learn – I can really learn something from this!’?
It is all in what attitude we choose. Your attitude is up to you and when you choose to have a great attitude, you are choosing to guarantee to have a GREAT day, every day!

4. Live out and act on your priorities.

So far we have dealt with internal perspectives, and that is indeed the place to start. But the practical place is in our priorities. If we want to make our days great, then we have to live out those things that will by definition make our days great. And those things are what are important to us. They are our priorities.
So each morning you start out by saying, ‘What things are important to me today? What are the things I need to accomplish in order for me to lay down tonight and know that I lived a GREAT day?’ Then you put those in order of most important to least important.
Don’t do what is fun. Don’t do what is easy. Do what is IMPORTANT! Live out your priorities! When you do, you will guarantee that you will make your day GREAT, every day!

5. Enjoy the process of life!

Smile as much as possible and create time to laugh and have fun. A smile not only makes you feel better it affects the people you meet too. The next time you pass someone in the street, give them a smile and watch their reaction. Even if you have many problems and life is not how you would like it to be you may as well smile and enjoy the process. After all there is only now!

Each day go through the five following points and see if you don’t make today and every day a GREAT day:

1. Focus on today only.
2. Understand that I get to choose how today will go.
3. Remain in a positive attitude no matter what happens.
4. Live out and act on my priorities.
5. Smile!

Remember Enjoy the Process of life!


P.S. Coming soon a membership club especially for you


Martha Simpson said...

Hey Noelyne, You're on a roll with your blog! I'm so impressed you're writing every day. Great commitment and great content.
Best wishes for a happy and successful 2010,

Noelyne said...

Thank you Martha, I'm really enjoying sharing my thoughts and as you know when you enjoy something it comes easily. Best wishes to you too for 2010. I still have your Coaching retreats on my list of rewards!

Narayanan Nampoothiri said...

thank you for your excellent article. i wish to add as postscript that if one can live and enjoy every second one by one it will be great as actually we have only seconds at our disposal the rest is past and future.

Unknown said...

Absolutely Narayanan, there is only now, you cannot change the past it is over and the future is unknown. If you enjoy each second of today then you are more likely to enjoy each second of the future. Why wait! Thank you for your comment.

Best wishes,

