Sunday, 31 January 2010
Do You Love Your Life?
A Message from Noelyne........
I'm guessing that if you have opened this message then the answer is No. Do you believe it's possible to have a wonderful life? The answer to that one needs to be Yes. Anything other than that means it is unlikely that you will ever be happy with your life.
I absolutely totally and utterly love my There was a time though when I felt desperately unhappy, a failure and feeling as though everything was against me. I've turned my life round completely and I am now completely happy with who I am and where I am. I do indeed love my life. I now know that I can have what I want. Three years ago my goal was to be running my own business working part-time for a full-time income. That's what I am now doing.
It proves to me that 'What your Mind Can Conceive, And Your Heart can Believe, You can Achieve!'
To know more about how I turned my life around and learn from my personal development tips start by signing up for my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears and Get What You Want in Life
Enjoy reading,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Personal Achievers Club Membership site coming soon
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Product Recommendations
A Message from Noelyne.....
I felt it worth mentioning that I only recommend products and services that I am either using, have tried or have been recommended by one of my customers.
I welcome your comments too on anything that I have posted on this blog.
All the Best,
P.S. Have you signed up for my Free Special Report yet? Click Here and enter your name and e-mail to download the report and find out How to Overcome Your Fears and Get the Life You Want.
Friday, 29 January 2010
How to overcome a lack of motivation
Knowing why we are doing something. What makes us take action?
Even if a goal has been set by someone else it is important to know your own reason for wanting to achieve that goal and keep you moving forward to success. You can have as many dreams and even goals as you want and if you can establish your reason for pursuing that goal or dream you are much more likely to achieve it.
Stephen Covey recommends we ‘start with the end in mind’ because knowing what it is that you want to achieve and why increases your motivation and therefore, your chances of success.
How do we do that?
Consider Mount Everest climbers
They know what their end goal is – where they want to go – the summit of Mount Everest.
They also need to know what their short term goals are on the way up to the summit.
Preparation beforehand, planning the route, then they set off to base camp.
Break down the goal into manageable steps and work towards achieving them one at a time.
The summit doesn’t look as high from half way up.
We don’t start off feeling confident however, if we can capture what it feels like to be confident, knowing what we have to do we are more likely to achieve the goal.
To raise your self-confidence levels I want to encourage you to use the following visualisation exercise:
Stand up and have a good stretch
Choose one of your current goals to focus on:
Close your eyes
How committed are you to doing well on a scale of 1 – 10?
Imagine you have just completed the task and have done really really well.
What can you see happening?
What are you saying to yourself?
What are others saying to you?
How do you feel?
What are the benefits of you doing well?
What are the benefits to your team?
What are the consequences of not doing well?
What did you have to do to achieve this high grade?
What obstacles might get in the way of you achieving this?
(If it’s a belief that you can’t do well, change it to I can and I will do well – it’s your choice)
Now on a scale of 1 – 10 how committed are you to doing well?
Open your eyes and sit down
Write down 3 things that you need to do to achieve the goal you want.
Did your score increase after visualising doing really well?
What benefits did you gain from doing that exercise?
Enjoy the process!
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Lifelong Learning.
If you think you will eventually get to a point when you don't have to learn or managing change anymore then think again. Life is one continuous learning journey.
So to help you along this wonderful learning journey here are a few questions:
What do you want to learn or change?
Why do you want to learn or change?
What is your motivation to learn or change?
How will you learn or change?
Who will help you to learn or change? Do you need to work with others? Do you need feedback on what you are doing or at this stage are you just gaining knowledge?
What else do you need to do?
How will you know you have been successful?
How will you reward yourself?
How can I continue my learning and personal growth? How can I keep using what I have learnt?
What new things do I want to learn?
Answering these questions will help you to recognise a learning need, clarify your learning objectives and identify your preferred learning style.
As ever Enjoy the Process.
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Overcome your fear of learning and change by requesting my Free Special Report ' 7 Vital Steps to Overcome Your Fears'
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Do you ever ask for feedback?
I don't know about you however, I used to hate giving and receiving feedback it took me right out of my comfort zone. I had a real fear of giving and receiving feedback mainly because of how it made me feel. Now 10 years later I totally get the concept and have benefited immensely from some very effective constructive feedback from friends, colleagues and of course family, (although feedback from family this can sometimes hurt the most)
When we are learning about feedback the emphasis tends to be on the skill of giving feedback and not much emphasis on how we receive feedback.
So what do we mean by feedback?
Feedback is information about how our behaviour affects others. It helps us to see ourselves as others see us.
There's 3 key areas to feedback:
- Awareness: we are told what we have done and what effect it has had. If we are not told the effect it is not feedback!
- Affirming: the affect we are having is helpful or positive and therefore the person who is giving us the feedback wants us to keep doing what we are doing.
- Developmental: the affect we are having is negative and therefore the person who is giving the feedback wants us to consider changing our behaviour.
Receiving personal feedback is possibly the best way of getting to know how we are affecting others. However, we sometimes hear the feedback as a personal attack. We then can become defensive and our defensiveness may mean we get angry, or upset and then we stop listening to what is being said. And then of course if we stop listening, we stop learning. The trick is to keep our emotions under control, stay Adult. If you are not sure what I mean you may want to join my Membership site to find out more information on controlling emotions.
So if you've not received any feedback lately then perhaps it's time to ask for some. Choose someone you trust and who knows you well. It can be quite enlightening to get someone else perception of you.
Enjoy the process!
Noelyne Jones
P.S. To overcome a Fear of Feedback get my Free Special Report here
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
What prompted you to visit this site?
A Message from Noelyne Jones.....
What is it that you are looking to achieve? What do you want to change? What are you hoping to learn? A vital aspect of taking action is wanting, or needing to do something about something? We have a motivation to take action.
Jot down on a piece of paper why you visited this site.
What prompted you to do it? What do you hope to learn?
Make it as precise as you can. Describe what you want to be able to do differently from what you are doing at the moment. Please feel free to e-mail your thoughts to me by clicking this link
These thoughts can become your goals or objectives which you may want to write in SMART terms.
I'll be covering 'How to write objectives that work' in my membership site so add your name to my mailing list by signing up for my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears in 7 Vital Steps' so that you can be one of the first to here about the launch. The report is packed full of great tips too!
Sometimes our motivation comes from outside of ourselves (extrinsic). For example, I recently had to follow instructions to download software on to my laptop. I didn’t particularly want to do it but if I didn’t I wouldn’t be able to access my work files, there was no one else to do it for me, so I needed to learn to do it for myself.
One school of thought is that our motivation to do something is always extrinsic, we are always reacting to something outside of ourselves.
Sometimes our motivation comes from inside ourselves (intrinsic), we just feel that we want to. Maybe we take up painting or playing a sport because it makes us feel good. Some people believe that true motivation comes from within. If our motivation is both a need and a want then we are really motivated to learn and change! If it is only a need we may still learn but it might not be such an enjoyable experience.
If we can identify “WIIFM” – “what’s in it for me”, the more time and effort we will put into whatever it is that we are doing.
More on motivation in another post to help you overcome your lack of motivation.
Enjoy the process!
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Do you fear failure? Then request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears
Monday, 25 January 2010
When did you last celebrate your own success?
When was the last time you had a celebration? A birthday or Christmas holiday maybe?
When was the last time you celebrated your success? That long ago Huh!
Are you are too busy rushing around going from one problem to the next and never stopping to think about what you have achieved today or this week, or month or year?
Perhaps you don't view yourself as being successful. If that's the case then ask yourself:
What does success mean to you?
What needs to happen for you to feel successful?
How often do you recognise and encourage the achievement of people close to you either family members
friends or colleagues?
If you constantly beat yourself up about the results and outcomes that you achieve in life then the chances are you will be lowering your own self-esteem slowly but surely. Give yourself a break and take time out to say 'Well Done'. Give yourself a pat on the back and celebrate. Reward yourself with something you love to do and watch how good you feel. Continue to build your confidence and self-esteem.
Enjoy the process!
Noelyne Jones,
P.S To overcome your fears now request a copy of my Free Special Report here
Sunday, 24 January 2010
Tired of not getting the results you want?
You keep trying your best but the results just don't happen for you?
If you have a less than effective experience or you don't get the results you were looking for you may be feeling disappointed, frustrated, annoyed with yourself, low confidence etc etc.
Remember I said to let go of the outcome. Now is the time to do that. Congratulate yourself on having taken the action, having a go. It's more than many people will have done. Ok it didn't turn out exactly how you wanted it but so what? Maybe you expected too much yourself. High expectations often set you up for failure whether it's high expectations of yourself or someone else.
You can control your own behaviour and so long as you have done your best in a situation then you cannot control the results particularly if the outcome is dependent on someone else. For example, you apply for a job by making sure you have an excellent CV and application form, you get an interview as a result. You prepare for the interview and do your best on the day however, you don't get the job. Clearly you are going to be disappointed particularly if it was a job you were really keen on. By the way avoid setting your heart on something e.g a specific job, a new house If you don't get it you will end up feeling distraught. Ok back to the job you didn't get. Always ask the company for feedback to find out what you could improve on. Review your performance yourself and see if there is anything you can do differently next time. Turn a negative experience into a positive one. Something better will come along. Trust me. Persistence is key though. Don't allow setbacks to put you off.
"Winners never quit and Quitters never win!"
The Experiential Learning Cycle
1. Experience - What happened?
2. Reflect - What went well? What could have been even better?
3. Theorise/Generalise - What could I do differently next time? What have others done in the same situation and were successful?
4. Plan to do it differently next time.
Keep repeating this cycle so that you continue to learn and grow. Life is one big long learning journey.
Enjoy the process
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Sign up for my Free Special Report to Overcome your Fears now and fast forward to success.
Saturday, 23 January 2010
Essential Steps for Taking Action to Get What You Want
A Message from Noelyne Jones......
Setting goals and then hoping that it will all fall into place just doesn't work.
If you keep on doing what you've always done you'll keep on getting what you've always got.
When you decide to make changes in your life you are starting on a journey.
At the start of that journey you need to make a commitment to take action.
You need to be so focused that you will continue to take action even when faced with barriers. You will be determined to take action to overcome those barriers.
When you have set yourself a compelling goal, something that you really really really want, something that is very important to you then you are much more likely to take action no matter what happens or what anyone else says. If on the other hand it's not important to you then it will not be in your life mainly because you will not have taken whatever action is required to get it.
And remember that even when you have taken action you cannot control the outcome. You have to let go of the result.
When making decision to take action I recommend that you get yourself into a good state first.
By state I mean your mind and physiology. You will make much better decisions if you are relaxed and feeling great about yourself.
As one of my clients recently pointed out, she has made some incredibly important decisions about hers and her childrens lives
in a state of stress. So no wonder she has got the results she has got.
So back to action. JDI!
1. Once you have made your mind up to do something set yourself a date by when you will achieve it and go to it!
2. The sooner you take action, the sooner you will get feedback from the Universe as to whether this is the right path for you.
3. Depending on what happens you can adjust your direction accordingly, a bit like trimming the sail of a yacht.
For example, you decide that you want to join a local jazzercise class as you want to get fit and lose some weight. After the second class you realise that this is not for you and decide not to go again. If you had not taken action to attend the first class you would not have found out that you didn't like it and would still be planning to go. Instead you can plan to join a different class or method of getting fit.
Action is the key to success.
Enjoy the process,
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here to Overcome Your Fears Easily now
Setting goals and then hoping that it will all fall into place just doesn't work.
If you keep on doing what you've always done you'll keep on getting what you've always got.
When you decide to make changes in your life you are starting on a journey.
At the start of that journey you need to make a commitment to take action.
You need to be so focused that you will continue to take action even when faced with barriers. You will be determined to take action to overcome those barriers.
When you have set yourself a compelling goal, something that you really really really want, something that is very important to you then you are much more likely to take action no matter what happens or what anyone else says. If on the other hand it's not important to you then it will not be in your life mainly because you will not have taken whatever action is required to get it.
And remember that even when you have taken action you cannot control the outcome. You have to let go of the result.
When making decision to take action I recommend that you get yourself into a good state first.
By state I mean your mind and physiology. You will make much better decisions if you are relaxed and feeling great about yourself.
As one of my clients recently pointed out, she has made some incredibly important decisions about hers and her childrens lives
in a state of stress. So no wonder she has got the results she has got.
So back to action. JDI!
1. Once you have made your mind up to do something set yourself a date by when you will achieve it and go to it!
2. The sooner you take action, the sooner you will get feedback from the Universe as to whether this is the right path for you.
3. Depending on what happens you can adjust your direction accordingly, a bit like trimming the sail of a yacht.
For example, you decide that you want to join a local jazzercise class as you want to get fit and lose some weight. After the second class you realise that this is not for you and decide not to go again. If you had not taken action to attend the first class you would not have found out that you didn't like it and would still be planning to go. Instead you can plan to join a different class or method of getting fit.
Action is the key to success.
Enjoy the process,
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here to Overcome Your Fears Easily now
Friday, 22 January 2010
How to Overcome Negative Emotions
A Message from Noelyne Jones......
You have probably heard the saying 'Curiosity killed the Cat' which has the meaning 'Inquisitiveness can lead one into dangerous situations.' If you were brought up with this sort of belief then you probably tend not to ask questions and accept what happens for fear of getting into trouble or rocking the boat. Sound familiar? I know it did for me. Trust me that the inquisitive people get ahead. They are the ones that get noticed and get what they want.
Ok so what's this got to do with your emotions? Well I want you to get curious about your emotions. Don't push them to one side and hope they will go away. Your emotions are telling you something so stop and ask yourself what it is that's not right. I cover this in more detail in my Free Special Report so why not sign up for it now to find out more on how to overcome your negative emotions.
Enjoy the process,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. I can recommend Susan Jeffers book 'Feel the Fear and do it Anyway' to further aid your understanding on this topic. Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway: How to Turn Your Fear and Indecision into Confidence and Action
You have probably heard the saying 'Curiosity killed the Cat' which has the meaning 'Inquisitiveness can lead one into dangerous situations.' If you were brought up with this sort of belief then you probably tend not to ask questions and accept what happens for fear of getting into trouble or rocking the boat. Sound familiar? I know it did for me. Trust me that the inquisitive people get ahead. They are the ones that get noticed and get what they want.
Ok so what's this got to do with your emotions? Well I want you to get curious about your emotions. Don't push them to one side and hope they will go away. Your emotions are telling you something so stop and ask yourself what it is that's not right. I cover this in more detail in my Free Special Report so why not sign up for it now to find out more on how to overcome your negative emotions.
Enjoy the process,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. I can recommend Susan Jeffers book 'Feel the Fear and do it Anyway' to further aid your understanding on this topic. Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway: How to Turn Your Fear and Indecision into Confidence and Action
Thursday, 21 January 2010
How to Stop Fearful Thoughts
First of all let's consider 'What is a thought?'. Is it something tangible that you can get hold of? No it's not. Here's wikipedia's definition of thought.
Thought and thinking are mental forms and processes,respectively ("thought" is both). Thinking allows beings to model the world and to represent it according to their objectives, plans, ends and desires. Words referring to similar concepts and processes include cognition, sentience, consciousness, idea, and imagination.
Your thoughts are often directly related to your beliefs about life. And of course beliefs are not tangible either as they are also thoughts that we hold to be true based on many factors such as our upbringing, education, the media, friends and family etc. Belief in your self comes from the thoughts that you have about yourself.
Your thoughts are one of the few things that you can control in life so ask yourself the question 'For what purpose are you having fearful thoughts?'
The answer to that question can be quite revealing and will inform your next action.
Thankfully you can change your thoughts to more positive ones. Awareness is key and as you are already aware of your fearful thoughts the next step is to take responsibility for changing them.
Enjoy the process,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. My membership site is packed full of tips to get you unstuck and moving forward so check it out.
Thought and thinking are mental forms and processes,respectively ("thought" is both). Thinking allows beings to model the world and to represent it according to their objectives, plans, ends and desires. Words referring to similar concepts and processes include cognition, sentience, consciousness, idea, and imagination.
Your thoughts are often directly related to your beliefs about life. And of course beliefs are not tangible either as they are also thoughts that we hold to be true based on many factors such as our upbringing, education, the media, friends and family etc. Belief in your self comes from the thoughts that you have about yourself.
Your thoughts are one of the few things that you can control in life so ask yourself the question 'For what purpose are you having fearful thoughts?'
The answer to that question can be quite revealing and will inform your next action.
Thankfully you can change your thoughts to more positive ones. Awareness is key and as you are already aware of your fearful thoughts the next step is to take responsibility for changing them.
Enjoy the process,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. My membership site is packed full of tips to get you unstuck and moving forward so check it out.
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
How to Overcome Your Fears
How to Overcome Your Fears
I want to share with you one of my favourite quotes often attributed to Nelson Mandela however, was actually written by Marianne Williamson. It's thought provoking and shows the importance of overcoming your fears.
Our Greatest Fear
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of
God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.
—Marianne Williamson
So I urge you to overcome your fear of upsetting others and allow the diamond within you to sparkle. Visualise the difference you will make to everyone you meet. Watch the smiles appear on their faces as they gaze at you in admiration. You deserve it!
Most importantly..Enjoy the Process!
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Sign up for my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears with 7 Vital Secrets.
I want to share with you one of my favourite quotes often attributed to Nelson Mandela however, was actually written by Marianne Williamson. It's thought provoking and shows the importance of overcoming your fears.
Our Greatest Fear
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of
God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.
—Marianne Williamson
So I urge you to overcome your fear of upsetting others and allow the diamond within you to sparkle. Visualise the difference you will make to everyone you meet. Watch the smiles appear on their faces as they gaze at you in admiration. You deserve it!
Most importantly..Enjoy the Process!
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Sign up for my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears with 7 Vital Secrets.
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Thoughts become Things
Here's one of my favourite websites for inspiration. If you sign up for the 'Notes from the Universe' you receive a message each morning by e-mail. It really helps keep you on track and positive.
Life can be fantastic if you allow it to.
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Coming soon your very own membership club packed full of tips, advice, inspiration and whatever you need to overcome life's challenges
Life can be fantastic if you allow it to.
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Coming soon your very own membership club packed full of tips, advice, inspiration and whatever you need to overcome life's challenges
Monday, 18 January 2010
You Are What You Think About
I bet you are very clear about what you don't want in life? Right? In my experience the thing people struggle with most is deciding what they actually want so intsead they focus on what they don't want. Guess what you get what you focus on. Am I right again? If you are currently focusing on what you don't want or how bad your life is or what's wrong with your life then that's what you will keep on getting.
Successful people know what they want and think about how they are going to get it.
Don't take my word for it check out this short video put together by a highly successful coach Brian Tracey
So make a list now of all the things that you want in life, including all the things you want to overcome. If you want to know how to start writing your goals I cover this in my membership site which is due to be launched shortly. In the meantime sign up or my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears, you will then automatically be sent the launch details and limited special offer.
Noelyne Jones
P.S. The Free Special Report has some good stuff in it too!
Successful people know what they want and think about how they are going to get it.
Don't take my word for it check out this short video put together by a highly successful coach Brian Tracey
So make a list now of all the things that you want in life, including all the things you want to overcome. If you want to know how to start writing your goals I cover this in my membership site which is due to be launched shortly. In the meantime sign up or my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears, you will then automatically be sent the launch details and limited special offer.
Noelyne Jones
P.S. The Free Special Report has some good stuff in it too!
Sunday, 17 January 2010
How to Overcome Trust Issues.
In the '7 Habits of Highly Effective People' Stephen R Covey introduces the concept of Emotional Bank Accounts. In relationships you make deposits into the relationship by being loving, caring, honest, respectful, doing things for the other person unconditionally etc. The more deposits you make the stronger the relationship and the higher the levels of trust. This leads to a feeling of safety within the relationship. As with financial bank accounts you need to build up sufficient funds so that if you need to you can make withdrawals. You can make mistakes and the trust level or emotional reserve will compensate for it.
If you tend to be discourteous, disrespectful, dishonest or overreact or betray trust then eventually the emotional bank account will become overdrawn and trust levels will be very low. Communication will no longer be easy, instant and effective as there will be too much suspicion and tension. You will have to watch what you say for fear of the consequences.
In personal relationships communication tends to break down, you become withdrawn and start to protect yourself from being hurt. You may start to live independent lifestyles or of course it can lead to defensiveness and hostility.
1. Consider your own relationships now. Rate each one on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being low and 10 being high as to the level of trust.
2. Choose one of the relationships and make a list of all the things that you can do to make more deposits into that relationship to build and maintain the emotional bank account and trust levels.
3. Start making those deposits today.
4. Watch and enjoy the positive changes that happen as a result of your actions.
Enjoy the process!
P.S. Buy the book here The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything
If you tend to be discourteous, disrespectful, dishonest or overreact or betray trust then eventually the emotional bank account will become overdrawn and trust levels will be very low. Communication will no longer be easy, instant and effective as there will be too much suspicion and tension. You will have to watch what you say for fear of the consequences.
In personal relationships communication tends to break down, you become withdrawn and start to protect yourself from being hurt. You may start to live independent lifestyles or of course it can lead to defensiveness and hostility.
1. Consider your own relationships now. Rate each one on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being low and 10 being high as to the level of trust.
2. Choose one of the relationships and make a list of all the things that you can do to make more deposits into that relationship to build and maintain the emotional bank account and trust levels.
3. Start making those deposits today.
4. Watch and enjoy the positive changes that happen as a result of your actions.
Enjoy the process!
P.S. Buy the book here The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything
Saturday, 16 January 2010
Overcoming low levels of trust
I felt the need to write some more about Trust as I feel it is another fundamental criteria for overcoming your fear and ensuring success. If you think about it relationships are vital to everything we do, unless you have chosen to lead the life of a hermit, but even then you have a relationship with yourself. In Stephen M.R. Covey's book 'The Speed of Trust' his focus first is on Self-Trust.
I had not thought about this before and it was quite enlightening. There are some exercises in the book that you can complete to check out your self-awareness of trust. If you have low levels of self trust then you will also probably have low levels of trust for others. Thankfully you can build your levels of self trust quite easily. For example, I love to do yoga and for the past six months I have not found time to practise and this has been bothering me. I kept promising myself that I will do it today or one day this week and then would not get round to it. I was letting myself down. To build your levels of trust you need to honour the commitment or promise you have made to yourself. So that day I promised that I would do my yoga and I did. I felt brilliant and this action builds self-trust. When I promise to do something for myself I know I will.
This of course leads onto relationship trust, which I'll cover in another blog post.
All the best,
P.S. Buy the book here The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything
I had not thought about this before and it was quite enlightening. There are some exercises in the book that you can complete to check out your self-awareness of trust. If you have low levels of self trust then you will also probably have low levels of trust for others. Thankfully you can build your levels of self trust quite easily. For example, I love to do yoga and for the past six months I have not found time to practise and this has been bothering me. I kept promising myself that I will do it today or one day this week and then would not get round to it. I was letting myself down. To build your levels of trust you need to honour the commitment or promise you have made to yourself. So that day I promised that I would do my yoga and I did. I felt brilliant and this action builds self-trust. When I promise to do something for myself I know I will.
This of course leads onto relationship trust, which I'll cover in another blog post.
All the best,
P.S. Buy the book here The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything
Friday, 15 January 2010
'Trust' - The one thing that changes everything.
I have just finished reading Stephen M.R Covey's book 'The Speed of Trust'. This is son of Stephen R. Covey author of 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People'. I can totally recommend both books for some great ideas to add to your toolkit for life. I'll share some of my thoughts about the 7 Habits in a future blog post however, lets focus on 'Trust' for now.
The book is written with a focus on Business relationships and a lovely combination of personal relationship anecdotes so you gain ideas for both perspectives. The key message is that where you have high levels of trust in an organisation or relationship then things get done quickly and there are greater levels of achievement and success. Where there are low levels of trust in an organisation this leads to suspicion, rumours, doubt, slower decision making, power struggles and a higher cost to the organisation leading to less success. Having worked in both types of organisations I know which I prefer!
Whilst reading the book the penny dropped into place for me about the personal relationships that have broken down for me. In all cases the other person had crossed one of my boundaries or broken one of my rules/values in life and as a result my level of trust in that person had plummeted leading to the end of the relationship.
Stpehen suggests that trust can be regained in certain circumstances. I am currently working on trusting again someone who crossed one of my boundaries. This person is very important to me so I am trusting that it will lead to an even stronger, better relationship. I am not in control of the outcome however, in ten years time I would regret not doing my best to rebuild the relationship, no matter what the outcome.
I'll keep you upated with my progress.
Enjoy the process!
Noelyne Jones
P.S. To purchase 'The Speed of Trust' click here The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything
The book is written with a focus on Business relationships and a lovely combination of personal relationship anecdotes so you gain ideas for both perspectives. The key message is that where you have high levels of trust in an organisation or relationship then things get done quickly and there are greater levels of achievement and success. Where there are low levels of trust in an organisation this leads to suspicion, rumours, doubt, slower decision making, power struggles and a higher cost to the organisation leading to less success. Having worked in both types of organisations I know which I prefer!
Whilst reading the book the penny dropped into place for me about the personal relationships that have broken down for me. In all cases the other person had crossed one of my boundaries or broken one of my rules/values in life and as a result my level of trust in that person had plummeted leading to the end of the relationship.
Stpehen suggests that trust can be regained in certain circumstances. I am currently working on trusting again someone who crossed one of my boundaries. This person is very important to me so I am trusting that it will lead to an even stronger, better relationship. I am not in control of the outcome however, in ten years time I would regret not doing my best to rebuild the relationship, no matter what the outcome.
I'll keep you upated with my progress.
Enjoy the process!
Noelyne Jones
P.S. To purchase 'The Speed of Trust' click here The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Do you have a fear of letting go?
How often have you wanted to make changes in your life and know what you would like to do yet stop yourself from doing it for fear of letting go of what you have? You're afraid to let go of the safety net, the comfort zone that you are currently in? Those negative thoughts cause you to doubt your way forward. Perhaps you are waiting for something to happen to force you to make a decision. Maybe you are thinking 'What if whatever it is that you want to do doesn't work out? I'm better off as I am'. You will be pleased to know that these feelings are quite normal.
If you are struggling to make decisions to change things in your life then you are probably not ready to take action yet. Give yourself a break, stop worrying and beating yourself up and go back to enjoying the present moment. Contemplate the vision of what you want. Sharpen the dream and make those pictures in your mind bright. Be grateful for what you have. An attitude of gratitude is one of the keys to success.
When the time is right you will take the action required to move you to where you want to be. Letting go will not be an issue because you will know that it is the right path for you and everyone else in your life. Hoping that things will work out how you want them has never achieved much. Expect great things and take action are two more keys to success.
And remember to enjoy the process!
Noelyne Jones
If you are struggling to make decisions to change things in your life then you are probably not ready to take action yet. Give yourself a break, stop worrying and beating yourself up and go back to enjoying the present moment. Contemplate the vision of what you want. Sharpen the dream and make those pictures in your mind bright. Be grateful for what you have. An attitude of gratitude is one of the keys to success.
When the time is right you will take the action required to move you to where you want to be. Letting go will not be an issue because you will know that it is the right path for you and everyone else in your life. Hoping that things will work out how you want them has never achieved much. Expect great things and take action are two more keys to success.
And remember to enjoy the process!
Noelyne Jones
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
How to overcome a lack of motivation.
How many New Years Resolutions did you make that you have not yet started? How many things do you intend to do if only you could stop procrastinating and get motivated now? Still putting things off because of the dark nights and cold weather? Finding plenty of excuses not to go to the gym or start that diet?
If this sounds familiar then your resolutions and goals are probably not compelling enough. Ask yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you really want to achieve whatever it is?
If it's anything less than a 10 then your motivation will be lowered.
So how do you stop procrastinating and get motivated?
Choose a goal that you would like to achieve or something that you have been meaning to do but have just not got around to it.
Take a few deep breaths, relax and then ask yourself:-
How committed are you to doing well on a scale of 1 – 10 with 1 being low and 10 high? Be honest with yourself, it's the best policy!
Now I want you to imagine you have just completed the task and have done really, really well.
What can you see happening?
What are you saying to yourself?
What are others saying to you?
How do you feel?
What are the benefits of you doing well?
What are the consequences of not doing well?
What did you have to do to achieve your goal?
What obstacles might get in the way of you achieving this?
(If it’s a belief that you can’t do well, change it to I can and I will do well – it’s your choice)
Close your eyes now and picture what success looks like. Imagine how you will feel once you have achieved it.
Open your eyes.
Now on a scale of 1 – 10 how committed are you to doing well?
If your score is still below 7 then your goal is not sufficiently compelling. You may want to change the goal.
While you were answering the questions you may have thought of some things that you need to do so write them down now. Choose the three most important and...
Go do them!
If not now? When?
Keep visualising the end goal to help keep you motivated. Put a picture of whatever it is that you want to achieve on a wall where you will se it regularly or create a vision board.
Enjoy the process!
P.S. Sign up for my Free Report on overcoming your fears and automatically receive new special offers and freebies.
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
We Will Rock You!
I just have to tell you how fantastic this show is. Whether you love 'Queen' or not you are guaranteed to enjoy this show from the moment the first note sounds. Amazing combination of music, dancing, humour and pure enjoyment. Totally recommended.
I absolutely love going to the theatre and totally spoiled myself this weekend with two shows (Oliver on Friday), good food, wine, and watching the world go by in the company of a very close friend. A fantastic boost on a freezing January weekend.
It's so important to take time out to do the things you love to do. Make a list of all the things you love to do and make sure you fit them into your life. If not now, when?
Have fun!
I absolutely love going to the theatre and totally spoiled myself this weekend with two shows (Oliver on Friday), good food, wine, and watching the world go by in the company of a very close friend. A fantastic boost on a freezing January weekend.
It's so important to take time out to do the things you love to do. Make a list of all the things you love to do and make sure you fit them into your life. If not now, when?
Have fun!
Monday, 11 January 2010
Overcoming your fears
How to Overcome Fears
Franklin D. Roosevelt once declared "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." He described that fear as the "nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." FDR's message was that the real danger was not the economic conditions themselves, but the prospect that we would become immobilised by our fear of them.
So how can you overcome fear?
Overcoming Fear
“It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, “Always do what you are afraid to do.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson
“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”
Eleanor Roosevelt
The best way to learn something is to dive right in to it. When you overcome your fear, you learn that only those who are asleep make no mistakes. Fear is the only thing keeping you from experiencing a life of love and fulfillment. If you make a commitment to overcoming your fears, you will realise that as you take action, learn and develop, your fears start to disappear. The more confident and greater self-belief you have the easier it becomes to manage your fears.
1. You need to define your fears in order to conquer them. Create a list of everything you’re afraid of and start facing them one at a time. Make a commitment to yourself now to not let fear rule your life.
2. It is often the thought that is far worse than the action
“Fear: False Evidence Appearing Real.”
How often have you been very fearful about doing something but when you actually take action it was not as bad as you thought? There's a hint here. Have the fearful thought and then get on with it because it will not be as bad as you think.
3. Be curious
“Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery will.”
James Stephens
Get curious about those fears or emotions that you are feeling. What are they telling you? Maybe you need to do some preparation or research before taking the action?
4. Don't allow other people's fears to stop you
I also feel it is important in times of uncertainty to stay focused on what you want in life and not allow other people’s fears to get the better of you.
Enjoy the process!
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report How to Overcome Your Fears to start your journey to a fear free life Click here
Franklin D. Roosevelt once declared "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." He described that fear as the "nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." FDR's message was that the real danger was not the economic conditions themselves, but the prospect that we would become immobilised by our fear of them.
So how can you overcome fear?
Overcoming Fear
“It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, “Always do what you are afraid to do.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson
“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”
Eleanor Roosevelt
The best way to learn something is to dive right in to it. When you overcome your fear, you learn that only those who are asleep make no mistakes. Fear is the only thing keeping you from experiencing a life of love and fulfillment. If you make a commitment to overcoming your fears, you will realise that as you take action, learn and develop, your fears start to disappear. The more confident and greater self-belief you have the easier it becomes to manage your fears.
“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”
Dale Carnegie
Dale Carnegie
1. You need to define your fears in order to conquer them. Create a list of everything you’re afraid of and start facing them one at a time. Make a commitment to yourself now to not let fear rule your life.
2. It is often the thought that is far worse than the action
“Fear: False Evidence Appearing Real.”
How often have you been very fearful about doing something but when you actually take action it was not as bad as you thought? There's a hint here. Have the fearful thought and then get on with it because it will not be as bad as you think.
3. Be curious
“Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery will.”
James Stephens
Get curious about those fears or emotions that you are feeling. What are they telling you? Maybe you need to do some preparation or research before taking the action?
4. Don't allow other people's fears to stop you
I also feel it is important in times of uncertainty to stay focused on what you want in life and not allow other people’s fears to get the better of you.
Enjoy the process!
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report How to Overcome Your Fears to start your journey to a fear free life Click here
Sunday, 10 January 2010
10 Minute Mind Spa.
Guaranteed to calm your thoughts
At this time of year it is easy to feel a bit dispirited by the dark days and colder weather. If you want to put the pep back into your step you may want to try meditating. It’s been around for a long time, so there’s definitely something in it. It aims to train your mind to achieve clarity, soothe the spirit and enrich your emotional life.
Most of your mental activity distracts you from knowing how you actually feel and what’s going on inside you. Meditation slices through the fog and helps you feel centred and in touch with who and where you are.
It can take a while to train your brain to meditate however, it’s worth persisting as you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the results… Try it at any time when you will not be disturbed, first for one minute, then build up to ten.
• Sit in an upright and comfortable way
• Scan your body to check you are relaxed – your toes, feet, legs, tummy, arms and hands, shoulders, jaw and eyes.
• Become aware of your breath in and out
• Continue to focus on the gentle rise and fall of your chest as you breathe in and out
• When your mind starts to wander – and it will – just acknowledge that you have lost contact with your breath and watch the next inhalation
• The more you do it the more you’ll have the experience of that ‘pause’ when the mind is fully present which refreshes you.
Remember to Enjoy the Process and if you're not then congratulate yourself for giving it a go and try something else. What works for one person may not work for you so it's all about exploring options and finding something to suit you. I have a toolkit of resources that I can call upon at anytime. Things I have developed over the past 20 years and I am sharing those with you in my membership site about to be launched soon.
Watch this space or even better sign up for my Free Report to be kept in the loop.
At this time of year it is easy to feel a bit dispirited by the dark days and colder weather. If you want to put the pep back into your step you may want to try meditating. It’s been around for a long time, so there’s definitely something in it. It aims to train your mind to achieve clarity, soothe the spirit and enrich your emotional life.
Most of your mental activity distracts you from knowing how you actually feel and what’s going on inside you. Meditation slices through the fog and helps you feel centred and in touch with who and where you are.
It can take a while to train your brain to meditate however, it’s worth persisting as you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the results… Try it at any time when you will not be disturbed, first for one minute, then build up to ten.
• Sit in an upright and comfortable way
• Scan your body to check you are relaxed – your toes, feet, legs, tummy, arms and hands, shoulders, jaw and eyes.
• Become aware of your breath in and out
• Continue to focus on the gentle rise and fall of your chest as you breathe in and out
• When your mind starts to wander – and it will – just acknowledge that you have lost contact with your breath and watch the next inhalation
• The more you do it the more you’ll have the experience of that ‘pause’ when the mind is fully present which refreshes you.
Remember to Enjoy the Process and if you're not then congratulate yourself for giving it a go and try something else. What works for one person may not work for you so it's all about exploring options and finding something to suit you. I have a toolkit of resources that I can call upon at anytime. Things I have developed over the past 20 years and I am sharing those with you in my membership site about to be launched soon.
Watch this space or even better sign up for my Free Report to be kept in the loop.
Saturday, 9 January 2010
A New Year Poem!
One of my very good friends sent me this poem:
Recipe for
a Happy New Year
Take twelve whole months,
Clean them thoroughly of
all bitterness, hate and jealousy,
Make them just as fresh and
clean as possible.
Now cut each month into
twenty-eight, thirty, or thirty-one
different parts, but don't make up
the whole batch at once.
Prepare it one day at a time
out of these ingredients.
Mix well into each day
one part of faith,
one part of patience,
one part of courage,
and one part of work.
Add to each day
one part of hope, faithfulness,
generosity and kindness.
Blend with one part prayer,
one part meditation and
one good deed.
Season the whole with a dash
of good spirits, a sprinkle of fun,
a pinch of play and a cupful
of good humour.
Pour all of this into
a vessel of love.
Cook thoroughly over radiant joy,
garnish with a smile, and serve
with quietness, unselfishness
And cheerfulness.
You're bound to have
a happy new year.
Julie Jones from ChangesForever
Best Wishes,
P.S.Sign up for my Free Special Report to start the journey to your new life!
Recipe for
a Happy New Year
Take twelve whole months,
Clean them thoroughly of
all bitterness, hate and jealousy,
Make them just as fresh and
clean as possible.
Now cut each month into
twenty-eight, thirty, or thirty-one
different parts, but don't make up
the whole batch at once.
Prepare it one day at a time
out of these ingredients.
Mix well into each day
one part of faith,
one part of patience,
one part of courage,
and one part of work.
Add to each day
one part of hope, faithfulness,
generosity and kindness.
Blend with one part prayer,
one part meditation and
one good deed.
Season the whole with a dash
of good spirits, a sprinkle of fun,
a pinch of play and a cupful
of good humour.
Pour all of this into
a vessel of love.
Cook thoroughly over radiant joy,
garnish with a smile, and serve
with quietness, unselfishness
And cheerfulness.
You're bound to have
a happy new year.
Julie Jones from ChangesForever
Best Wishes,
P.S.Sign up for my Free Special Report to start the journey to your new life!
Friday, 8 January 2010
How do you feel when you get out of bed each morning?
How do you feel when you hear the alarm clock?
Does that sound fill you with dread, or do you jump out of bed with excitement wondering what wonderful things the day has in store for you?
What thoughts run through your mind as you prepare for a new day?
How you feel and what you think about your day ahead have a big impact on how the day will actually turn out. If you begin each morning dreading what the day will hold, the chances are that this will become your reality.
For example, if you get up in the morning and the first thing you do is trip over your slippers or poke your mascara wand in your eye, you will probably start to think ‘this is going to be a rotten day’. This starts to create a negative pattern of thought. The more you then focus on how 'bad' your day is going, the chances are, more things will probably go wrong. Does this sound familiar to you?
If you continue to bombard yourself with negative thoughts, you will begin to believe negative things about yourself and your behaviour will follow accordingly.
Negative thoughts, lead to negative expectations, lead to negative outcomes!
However, if you believed the day was going to be totally successful, and you jumped out of bed filled with excitement the chances are, you would feel more positive about your day and your day would be filled with positive experiences. You may end up thinking it was one of the best days of your life!
Whether you believe in the power of thought or not, they are already operating in your life. That is why it is so important to understand and use them to your advantage. The process of consciously transforming your thoughts is the first step in changing your external world.
Positive thoughts, lead to positive expectation, lead to positive outcomes!
It takes time to change from a negative mindset to a positive one however, it is possible. I know because I have done it and helped many others to overcome negative thought patterns too.
I have many activities that I will be sharing with you in mu on-line membership club coming shortly, so to make sure you don't miss the launch offers send me your details by requesting my Free Special Report.
All the best,
Does that sound fill you with dread, or do you jump out of bed with excitement wondering what wonderful things the day has in store for you?
What thoughts run through your mind as you prepare for a new day?
How you feel and what you think about your day ahead have a big impact on how the day will actually turn out. If you begin each morning dreading what the day will hold, the chances are that this will become your reality.
For example, if you get up in the morning and the first thing you do is trip over your slippers or poke your mascara wand in your eye, you will probably start to think ‘this is going to be a rotten day’. This starts to create a negative pattern of thought. The more you then focus on how 'bad' your day is going, the chances are, more things will probably go wrong. Does this sound familiar to you?
If you continue to bombard yourself with negative thoughts, you will begin to believe negative things about yourself and your behaviour will follow accordingly.
Negative thoughts, lead to negative expectations, lead to negative outcomes!
However, if you believed the day was going to be totally successful, and you jumped out of bed filled with excitement the chances are, you would feel more positive about your day and your day would be filled with positive experiences. You may end up thinking it was one of the best days of your life!
Whether you believe in the power of thought or not, they are already operating in your life. That is why it is so important to understand and use them to your advantage. The process of consciously transforming your thoughts is the first step in changing your external world.
Positive thoughts, lead to positive expectation, lead to positive outcomes!
It takes time to change from a negative mindset to a positive one however, it is possible. I know because I have done it and helped many others to overcome negative thought patterns too.
I have many activities that I will be sharing with you in mu on-line membership club coming shortly, so to make sure you don't miss the launch offers send me your details by requesting my Free Special Report.
All the best,
Thursday, 7 January 2010
If You Could Live Your Life Over Again?
If you could live your life all over again, what would you change?
What is the wisdom you would pass on?
What would you do differently?
BIG questions – however, let’s give you some themes and ideas to stimulate your thinking!
I would see the big picture…
Sometimes we’re so busy living day to day, caught up in the pace of life that we can so often miss truly living our lives – days, weeks, months all blend into one.
Before you know it the 20’s are gone, the 30’s, the milestone of 40 is reached and you’ll be at the retirement.
I would be more courageous…
Are you courageous? Do you take calculated risks, especially in the big areas of your life – work and relationships?
In my experience these are the two areas most people tell me they fall short in!
In work are you really realising your full potential – are you challenging, creative and engaged in work which you enjoy and excites you?
In your relationships are you focused on being the best friend, partner, parent, son or daughter?
I would make a difference…
At some level we all want to make a difference – the only question is how much of a difference do you want to make?
What legacy are you currently creating - one to be proud of?
Your Choice…
If you want to start making a difference to your life, if you want to be more courageous and take more risks then I will show you how in my membership site, coming soon.
P.S. Enjoy the process of life!
What is the wisdom you would pass on?
What would you do differently?
BIG questions – however, let’s give you some themes and ideas to stimulate your thinking!
I would see the big picture…
Sometimes we’re so busy living day to day, caught up in the pace of life that we can so often miss truly living our lives – days, weeks, months all blend into one.
Before you know it the 20’s are gone, the 30’s, the milestone of 40 is reached and you’ll be at the retirement.
I would be more courageous…
Are you courageous? Do you take calculated risks, especially in the big areas of your life – work and relationships?
In my experience these are the two areas most people tell me they fall short in!
In work are you really realising your full potential – are you challenging, creative and engaged in work which you enjoy and excites you?
In your relationships are you focused on being the best friend, partner, parent, son or daughter?
I would make a difference…
At some level we all want to make a difference – the only question is how much of a difference do you want to make?
What legacy are you currently creating - one to be proud of?
Your Choice…
If you want to start making a difference to your life, if you want to be more courageous and take more risks then I will show you how in my membership site, coming soon.
P.S. Enjoy the process of life!
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
How to Overcome Seasonal Stress
The build up to the Christmas holidays is often a stressful and emotional time for many reasons. From planning how or who to spend the holidays with to managing budgets and meeting ever increasing demands from children and family.
It can often be a time when you give yourself permission to allow any past hurts and resentments to surface and be expressed. You remember loved ones who are no longer with you and recall fond memories of times when perhaps you feel things were better. It can all add up to a volatile, tiring and negative experience mixed in with the hope of the Christmas season and a brand New year to come.
Knowing how to handle all this and not make decisions that you will regret can be challenging. How often have you heard of marriages and relationships ending during the Christmas period? Spending time with the family can cause emotions to run high particularly after much richer food and if there is alcohol involved.
It's important to allow yourself to be upset and feel those emotions. When you are watching a film that triggers an emotion, let it out. Have a good cry or express your irritation or annoyance. Then let it go. Let go of the past so that it no longer affects you in the present. Holding on to negative emotions is not resourceful; for you or the people in your life. Allow yourself the gift of a new beginning be it a new start in an existing relationship or to end a relationship that is no longer serving your needs. If you want to know more about your values and needs in a relationship I cover this in detail in my membership club.
If not now when will you? If not you then who?
The start of a New Year is a good time to plan for the year ahead. Make sure you are in a relaxed and resourceful state when you plan what sort of lifestyle you want.
Enjoy the process!
It can often be a time when you give yourself permission to allow any past hurts and resentments to surface and be expressed. You remember loved ones who are no longer with you and recall fond memories of times when perhaps you feel things were better. It can all add up to a volatile, tiring and negative experience mixed in with the hope of the Christmas season and a brand New year to come.
Knowing how to handle all this and not make decisions that you will regret can be challenging. How often have you heard of marriages and relationships ending during the Christmas period? Spending time with the family can cause emotions to run high particularly after much richer food and if there is alcohol involved.
It's important to allow yourself to be upset and feel those emotions. When you are watching a film that triggers an emotion, let it out. Have a good cry or express your irritation or annoyance. Then let it go. Let go of the past so that it no longer affects you in the present. Holding on to negative emotions is not resourceful; for you or the people in your life. Allow yourself the gift of a new beginning be it a new start in an existing relationship or to end a relationship that is no longer serving your needs. If you want to know more about your values and needs in a relationship I cover this in detail in my membership club.
If not now when will you? If not you then who?
The start of a New Year is a good time to plan for the year ahead. Make sure you are in a relaxed and resourceful state when you plan what sort of lifestyle you want.
Enjoy the process!
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Top 5 Tips to Having a Great Day!
Top 5 tips to ensuring you have a great day
1. Focus on today only.
Yes, we need to have long-term goals. As Stephen Covey recommends ‘Begin with the end in mind’. So have a picture of where you want to be in mind however, our focus must be on today. It is imperative that we focus in on our short-term. Don’t think about tomorrow. Today is enough trouble in and of itself. You can work on tomorrow when it gets here. Instead, make today the best day you have ever had. Realise that when you lay down to sleep tonight you will have just given up the only shot you will ever have at today. Today is now gone and it is only a memory. You only get one shot at your today so focus intently on making it all that it possibly can be. Focus, focus, focus! When you focus on making today great, you are on the road to guaranteeing that you will make your day GREAT, every day!
2. Embrace your power to choose.
When your today becomes your yesterday, you will look back and realise that that day was a result of your choices and your choices only. ‘What if my boss controlled my day? That isn’t my choice!’ But it is your choice to work for someone else! Your choice to let someone else tell you what to do.
The moment we realise that we have a gift, the gift of free will and choice, and when we realise the inherent power within that gift, and ultimately when we finally begin to exercise that gift, then and only then, will we begin to create for ourselves a GREAT day each and every day! Take ownership of the direction in your life. Make your choices then carry them out!
3. Your attitude is up to you.
Yes, bad things may happen in your day. You cannot control what others may do or say. However, you do control your attitude and reaction to whatever happens. Your attitude about whatever happens to you is up to you.
When something happens to you, you have the choice: Will you let it get you down and depressed, keeping you from forging ahead and making the day the best one ever? Or will you say to yourself that no matter what happens you are on the path to success and no obstacle will keep you from it? Will you say, ‘Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose – I guess this time I lost’? Will you say, ‘Sometime you win and sometimes you learn – I can really learn something from this!’?
It is all in what attitude we choose. Your attitude is up to you and when you choose to have a great attitude, you are choosing to guarantee to have a GREAT day, every day!
4. Live out and act on your priorities.
So far we have dealt with internal perspectives, and that is indeed the place to start. But the practical place is in our priorities. If we want to make our days great, then we have to live out those things that will by definition make our days great. And those things are what are important to us. They are our priorities.
So each morning you start out by saying, ‘What things are important to me today? What are the things I need to accomplish in order for me to lay down tonight and know that I lived a GREAT day?’ Then you put those in order of most important to least important.
Don’t do what is fun. Don’t do what is easy. Do what is IMPORTANT! Live out your priorities! When you do, you will guarantee that you will make your day GREAT, every day!
5. Enjoy the process of life!
Smile as much as possible and create time to laugh and have fun. A smile not only makes you feel better it affects the people you meet too. The next time you pass someone in the street, give them a smile and watch their reaction. Even if you have many problems and life is not how you would like it to be you may as well smile and enjoy the process. After all there is only now!
Each day go through the five following points and see if you don’t make today and every day a GREAT day:
1. Focus on today only.
2. Understand that I get to choose how today will go.
3. Remain in a positive attitude no matter what happens.
4. Live out and act on my priorities.
5. Smile!
Remember Enjoy the Process of life!
P.S. Coming soon a membership club especially for you
1. Focus on today only.
Yes, we need to have long-term goals. As Stephen Covey recommends ‘Begin with the end in mind’. So have a picture of where you want to be in mind however, our focus must be on today. It is imperative that we focus in on our short-term. Don’t think about tomorrow. Today is enough trouble in and of itself. You can work on tomorrow when it gets here. Instead, make today the best day you have ever had. Realise that when you lay down to sleep tonight you will have just given up the only shot you will ever have at today. Today is now gone and it is only a memory. You only get one shot at your today so focus intently on making it all that it possibly can be. Focus, focus, focus! When you focus on making today great, you are on the road to guaranteeing that you will make your day GREAT, every day!
2. Embrace your power to choose.
When your today becomes your yesterday, you will look back and realise that that day was a result of your choices and your choices only. ‘What if my boss controlled my day? That isn’t my choice!’ But it is your choice to work for someone else! Your choice to let someone else tell you what to do.
The moment we realise that we have a gift, the gift of free will and choice, and when we realise the inherent power within that gift, and ultimately when we finally begin to exercise that gift, then and only then, will we begin to create for ourselves a GREAT day each and every day! Take ownership of the direction in your life. Make your choices then carry them out!
3. Your attitude is up to you.
Yes, bad things may happen in your day. You cannot control what others may do or say. However, you do control your attitude and reaction to whatever happens. Your attitude about whatever happens to you is up to you.
When something happens to you, you have the choice: Will you let it get you down and depressed, keeping you from forging ahead and making the day the best one ever? Or will you say to yourself that no matter what happens you are on the path to success and no obstacle will keep you from it? Will you say, ‘Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose – I guess this time I lost’? Will you say, ‘Sometime you win and sometimes you learn – I can really learn something from this!’?
It is all in what attitude we choose. Your attitude is up to you and when you choose to have a great attitude, you are choosing to guarantee to have a GREAT day, every day!
4. Live out and act on your priorities.
So far we have dealt with internal perspectives, and that is indeed the place to start. But the practical place is in our priorities. If we want to make our days great, then we have to live out those things that will by definition make our days great. And those things are what are important to us. They are our priorities.
So each morning you start out by saying, ‘What things are important to me today? What are the things I need to accomplish in order for me to lay down tonight and know that I lived a GREAT day?’ Then you put those in order of most important to least important.
Don’t do what is fun. Don’t do what is easy. Do what is IMPORTANT! Live out your priorities! When you do, you will guarantee that you will make your day GREAT, every day!
5. Enjoy the process of life!
Smile as much as possible and create time to laugh and have fun. A smile not only makes you feel better it affects the people you meet too. The next time you pass someone in the street, give them a smile and watch their reaction. Even if you have many problems and life is not how you would like it to be you may as well smile and enjoy the process. After all there is only now!
Each day go through the five following points and see if you don’t make today and every day a GREAT day:
1. Focus on today only.
2. Understand that I get to choose how today will go.
3. Remain in a positive attitude no matter what happens.
4. Live out and act on my priorities.
5. Smile!
Remember Enjoy the Process of life!
P.S. Coming soon a membership club especially for you
Monday, 4 January 2010
Top Ten Tips for Keeping New Year Resolutions
Top tips to keep New Years Resolutions
How many of you make New Years resolutions with every good intention of sticking to them however, by mid January you have given up on 50% if not all of them?
Making successful New Year Resolutions will depend on a number of things.
Ask yourself the following questions:
What sort of state were you in when you made the resolutions? Were you happy or sad?
Often we make resolutions when we are feeling low which is not the best time.
How are your resolutions worded? Do you want to stop smoking? Lose weight?
We often phrase our goals negatively which makes it more difficult to achieve.
How committed are you really to taking the action required now?
You will need to take responsibility for making things happen for yourself. No-one else will do it for you.
Are you making a resolution because you feel you should?
So here are some tips for making resolutions that you will stick to:-
1. Set aside some time when you can be alone in a favourite place so that you can relax and allow yourself to feel really happy. I am sure that you can remember some happy times so think of one now and remember what it felt like and allow those feelings to return.
2. In that good state start to focus on your life. You will need a pen and paper to capture your thoughts. Now is the time to think about what you don't want, what you put up with - what drains you, stops you from having more time and energy.
3. Make a list of five things you are tolerating at home including things about yourself
4. Make a list of five things you are tolerating at work
5. Understand the payoff some of these tolerations may have for you
For example, staying stuck in a dead-end job may stop you from risking rejection or the fear of failure in setting up your own business.
6. Understand the cost
If you do nothing about that dead-end job, losing weight, stopping smoking, what will that cost you in your life?
7. Pick the costliest toleration on your list
Decide to eliminate it 100%. Identify what it is that you really want, not what you don’t want or think you should do. If I tell you not to think of a blue tree then what’s the first thing you think of? When we focus on what we don’t want then guess what? That’s what turns up in our life. So if you focus on ‘not being fat’ the chances are you will stay fat. If you want to stop smoking you will need to think of yourself as a non-smoker and why you want to stop i.e. to be fitter, healthier, richer.
8. Set a goal.
I want to be fit and healthy by March 2010. I want to weigh 9st by July 2010. Be realistic when setting the timescale. You will not be able to lose 3 stone in a week!
9. Live the goal
Before you begin, imagine exactly what it will be like when you succeed. See it, hear it, feel it. Keep that in mind as it will keep you motivated. This is a very important part of keeping your resolution
10. Make a plan
Get the support you need to make it stick. Tell someone of your intention. Then Just do it. Make sure you are having fun too!
Think good thoughts as these are what create your future.
Enjoy the process!
How many of you make New Years resolutions with every good intention of sticking to them however, by mid January you have given up on 50% if not all of them?
Making successful New Year Resolutions will depend on a number of things.
Ask yourself the following questions:
What sort of state were you in when you made the resolutions? Were you happy or sad?
Often we make resolutions when we are feeling low which is not the best time.
How are your resolutions worded? Do you want to stop smoking? Lose weight?
We often phrase our goals negatively which makes it more difficult to achieve.
How committed are you really to taking the action required now?
You will need to take responsibility for making things happen for yourself. No-one else will do it for you.
Are you making a resolution because you feel you should?
So here are some tips for making resolutions that you will stick to:-
1. Set aside some time when you can be alone in a favourite place so that you can relax and allow yourself to feel really happy. I am sure that you can remember some happy times so think of one now and remember what it felt like and allow those feelings to return.
2. In that good state start to focus on your life. You will need a pen and paper to capture your thoughts. Now is the time to think about what you don't want, what you put up with - what drains you, stops you from having more time and energy.
3. Make a list of five things you are tolerating at home including things about yourself
4. Make a list of five things you are tolerating at work
5. Understand the payoff some of these tolerations may have for you
For example, staying stuck in a dead-end job may stop you from risking rejection or the fear of failure in setting up your own business.
6. Understand the cost
If you do nothing about that dead-end job, losing weight, stopping smoking, what will that cost you in your life?
7. Pick the costliest toleration on your list
Decide to eliminate it 100%. Identify what it is that you really want, not what you don’t want or think you should do. If I tell you not to think of a blue tree then what’s the first thing you think of? When we focus on what we don’t want then guess what? That’s what turns up in our life. So if you focus on ‘not being fat’ the chances are you will stay fat. If you want to stop smoking you will need to think of yourself as a non-smoker and why you want to stop i.e. to be fitter, healthier, richer.
8. Set a goal.
I want to be fit and healthy by March 2010. I want to weigh 9st by July 2010. Be realistic when setting the timescale. You will not be able to lose 3 stone in a week!
9. Live the goal
Before you begin, imagine exactly what it will be like when you succeed. See it, hear it, feel it. Keep that in mind as it will keep you motivated. This is a very important part of keeping your resolution
10. Make a plan
Get the support you need to make it stick. Tell someone of your intention. Then Just do it. Make sure you are having fun too!
Think good thoughts as these are what create your future.
Enjoy the process!
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Feeling unhappy?
Are you constantly feeling sad, low or disappointed with life? Perhaps you feel a little depressed on times? Do you wish you could find happiness but perhaps don't think it will ever happen for you? If that's you then continue reading.
What exactly is 'Happiness', this state that most people never seem to achieve or believe they will achieve if only something or someone happens? What does it mean to you?
For many years I strived to find happiness by constantly pushing myself to achieve more and more yet never ever achieving 'happiness'. So one day I sat down and defined happiness and here's what it means to me:
It’s a feeling you have inside that tells you that all is well in your world. You are content and happy in that moment. Any concerns or problems are put to one side and you feel grateful for what you have now. At peace with yourself, your surroundings and the people you are with. You may not have all that you want right now however, you are satisfied with your journey so far in life.
The level of happiness that you experience will vary depending on what is happening and will differ for each person.
The wikipedia definition states ‘Happiness is an emotion associated with feelings ranging from contentment and satisfaction to bliss and intense joy.’
Ok so that's what other people think however, what is more important is what do you believe happiness means? How do you know when you are happy? What needs to happen for you to choose to be happy?
In my experience this will vary from person to person. I have a long list of things that cause me to choose to feel happy. From feeling happy about having woken up to another day to things like hearing birds sing, driving my car or walking through the woods, the exhilaration of ski-ing to having a coffee with friends or buying new clothes.
One man said to me ‘All I need to do is look down. I am happy that I am not six feet under!’
Other people say to me ‘I will be happy when I have a new car or win the lottery or when my partner gets a new job’. These people are putting off feeling happy until something happens, something that is often outside their control. They have a set of rules or criteria for when they will allow themselves to feel happy that are often hard to achieve.
So what has to happen for you to feel happy?
1. Make a list now of all the things that you love to do. The little things that bring a smile to your face. If you find that you have high standards, for once I encourage you to lower them! Give yourself permission to feel happy more often. I want you to start feeling happy at least once a day.
If you struggle to feel happy or it is a long time since you felt happy and you would like to create more happiness in your life then take the following action;
2. I want you to remember a time when you felt really happy. Recall that moment and allow yourself to remember how you felt. I want you to recreate those feelings now. Create a picture in your mind of what happened to cause you to feel happy. See what you saw, hear what was being said and feel what you felt. Allow yourself to drift back to that moment and let the feelings happen again. Enjoy that moment.
If you find it hard to recall a specific time I want you to imagine what it would be like to feel happy. What are you doing? What do you see? What do you hear? How do you feel? Really allow yourself to feel the emotion.
The more often you create the feeling inside the more happy memories you will have and the more you will attract.
Life is not about being happy all the time. It would be unrealistic to expect not to have both ups and downs and quite frankly very dull.
It’s important to be happy with who you are and what you have now. Enjoy the present moment and take into account the following:
• Know what you want,
• Set realistic goals for you and not for someone else (you cannot control another person’s behaviour e.g. I want my partner to get a new job so that I can be happy. Your partner may not want a new job, you have no control over that person and your happiness does not depend on someone else. Decide instead to start doing things that make you feel happy. )
• Take action to achieve it.
Wishing you many happy experiences,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. If you are stuggling to be happy sign up for my special report which will kickstart overcoming your fear of never finding happiness.
What exactly is 'Happiness', this state that most people never seem to achieve or believe they will achieve if only something or someone happens? What does it mean to you?
For many years I strived to find happiness by constantly pushing myself to achieve more and more yet never ever achieving 'happiness'. So one day I sat down and defined happiness and here's what it means to me:
It’s a feeling you have inside that tells you that all is well in your world. You are content and happy in that moment. Any concerns or problems are put to one side and you feel grateful for what you have now. At peace with yourself, your surroundings and the people you are with. You may not have all that you want right now however, you are satisfied with your journey so far in life.
The level of happiness that you experience will vary depending on what is happening and will differ for each person.
The wikipedia definition states ‘Happiness is an emotion associated with feelings ranging from contentment and satisfaction to bliss and intense joy.’
Ok so that's what other people think however, what is more important is what do you believe happiness means? How do you know when you are happy? What needs to happen for you to choose to be happy?
In my experience this will vary from person to person. I have a long list of things that cause me to choose to feel happy. From feeling happy about having woken up to another day to things like hearing birds sing, driving my car or walking through the woods, the exhilaration of ski-ing to having a coffee with friends or buying new clothes.
One man said to me ‘All I need to do is look down. I am happy that I am not six feet under!’
Other people say to me ‘I will be happy when I have a new car or win the lottery or when my partner gets a new job’. These people are putting off feeling happy until something happens, something that is often outside their control. They have a set of rules or criteria for when they will allow themselves to feel happy that are often hard to achieve.
So what has to happen for you to feel happy?
1. Make a list now of all the things that you love to do. The little things that bring a smile to your face. If you find that you have high standards, for once I encourage you to lower them! Give yourself permission to feel happy more often. I want you to start feeling happy at least once a day.
If you struggle to feel happy or it is a long time since you felt happy and you would like to create more happiness in your life then take the following action;
2. I want you to remember a time when you felt really happy. Recall that moment and allow yourself to remember how you felt. I want you to recreate those feelings now. Create a picture in your mind of what happened to cause you to feel happy. See what you saw, hear what was being said and feel what you felt. Allow yourself to drift back to that moment and let the feelings happen again. Enjoy that moment.
If you find it hard to recall a specific time I want you to imagine what it would be like to feel happy. What are you doing? What do you see? What do you hear? How do you feel? Really allow yourself to feel the emotion.
The more often you create the feeling inside the more happy memories you will have and the more you will attract.
Life is not about being happy all the time. It would be unrealistic to expect not to have both ups and downs and quite frankly very dull.
It’s important to be happy with who you are and what you have now. Enjoy the present moment and take into account the following:
• Know what you want,
• Set realistic goals for you and not for someone else (you cannot control another person’s behaviour e.g. I want my partner to get a new job so that I can be happy. Your partner may not want a new job, you have no control over that person and your happiness does not depend on someone else. Decide instead to start doing things that make you feel happy. )
• Take action to achieve it.
Wishing you many happy experiences,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. If you are stuggling to be happy sign up for my special report which will kickstart overcoming your fear of never finding happiness.
Saturday, 2 January 2010
Are you struggling and feeling tense about your life?
How are you feeling right now? If you are tense and struggling with what you are doing then I give you permission to stop now. Take a deep breath, stand up and go and do something different for a while. Take a walk in the fresh air, make a cup of tea, go for a swim, phone a friend whatever you need to do to take your mind off the activity that was causing you to choose to feel tense. That’s right you have a choice!
If you are struggling with whatever it is that you are doing then the chances are that you are focusing on something that you don’t want to do or perhaps are not ready to take action on yet. Far better to go and do something else and then refocus on the original activity when you feel better prepared. It may be that you decide not to follow that path after all.
Of course if it’s frustration that you are feeling then maybe you are on the verge of a breakthrough it’s just you haven’t quite found or mastered the next step yet.
Whatever it is that you are doing now make sure you are relaxed and enjoying it. Your life will be much happier as a result, you will look good (a smile on your face is so much more attractive that a frown) and feel great too.
Expect excitement and adventure every day,
If you are struggling with whatever it is that you are doing then the chances are that you are focusing on something that you don’t want to do or perhaps are not ready to take action on yet. Far better to go and do something else and then refocus on the original activity when you feel better prepared. It may be that you decide not to follow that path after all.
Of course if it’s frustration that you are feeling then maybe you are on the verge of a breakthrough it’s just you haven’t quite found or mastered the next step yet.
Whatever it is that you are doing now make sure you are relaxed and enjoying it. Your life will be much happier as a result, you will look good (a smile on your face is so much more attractive that a frown) and feel great too.
Expect excitement and adventure every day,
Friday, 1 January 2010
A New Year a New You!
Three essential steps for creating a New Life is to :
1. Plan
2. Set Goals
3. Take Action
So many people miss out this important part and go straight to goals, me included, and then wonder why you don't achieve your goals. Planning involves writing down everything that you want to achieve. What outcomes are you looking for? What do you want to happen? Your dreams. Write down ten things that you want to achieve. Think about all areas of your life including Finance, Relationships, Health, Wealth, Contribution, Leisure time and whatever is important to you. Be specific when it comes to Finance terms of how much you want to earn this year.
Set Goals
Once you you have completed the planning then choose the most important area and set some realistic goals for 1 month, 6 months and 12 months. Make sure you include a deadline or time scale.
Take Action
Absolutely vital to do this and don't wait until the time is right or until you are word perfect, just do it! The sooner you take action the sooner you will find out if what you are doing is the best approach or path for you. If not you can change, fine tune, make some adjustments.
Go to it!
Best wishes,
P.S. Have fun in the process and if you are stuck sign up for my Special Report which is guartanteed to get you unstuck!
1. Plan
2. Set Goals
3. Take Action
So many people miss out this important part and go straight to goals, me included, and then wonder why you don't achieve your goals. Planning involves writing down everything that you want to achieve. What outcomes are you looking for? What do you want to happen? Your dreams. Write down ten things that you want to achieve. Think about all areas of your life including Finance, Relationships, Health, Wealth, Contribution, Leisure time and whatever is important to you. Be specific when it comes to Finance terms of how much you want to earn this year.
Set Goals
Once you you have completed the planning then choose the most important area and set some realistic goals for 1 month, 6 months and 12 months. Make sure you include a deadline or time scale.
Take Action
Absolutely vital to do this and don't wait until the time is right or until you are word perfect, just do it! The sooner you take action the sooner you will find out if what you are doing is the best approach or path for you. If not you can change, fine tune, make some adjustments.
Go to it!
Best wishes,
P.S. Have fun in the process and if you are stuck sign up for my Special Report which is guartanteed to get you unstuck!
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