Sunday 6 December 2009

What do our emotions tell us?

Do you avoid emotions particularly the painful ones? Do you ignore the feelings within you hoping it will all go away? Perhaps you enjoy feeling negative and full of self-pity about what life has done to you? Maybe you are scared to really experience the full range of emotions from utter despair and despondency to the heights of passion and joy?

If you really want to make your life work you must make your emotions work for you. Emotions are our signal to tell us how we are feeling about what’s happening around us. They help us make sense of where we are and the decisions we have made so far and what action we need to take as a result.

So what creates emotions? You do, you are the source. So many people either suppress emotions or drive them out of their life yet emotions are one of life’s precious resources.

Do you wait for certain experiences in order to feel the emotions you desire? What if you could feel any way you choose at any moment in time? Well you can with a little thought and practise.

I want you to recognise what emotion you are feeling, think about what it is telling you so that you are ready to take action to change.

I'll be letting you know what each emotion is telling you over the next few days.

Enjoy getting curious,

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