Wednesday 2 December 2009

Day 5 Overcome a lack of energy

Lets focus on those incompletions. They drain you of energy because they are constantly on your mind and you end up feeling down, frustrated, guilty, annoyed at yourself for not completing them. Sound familiar? Here's what to do:

Take a good look at the list… important are these things?

What difference would it make if you did complete it?

What difference would it make if you didn’t?

Perhaps you have high standards which if you dropped them a little would mean that some of the items on the list would disappear?

Next cross at least one of the incompletions off your list…do it now! Doesn’t that feel better.

Next prioritise the incompletions into:

Must do (these are the ones that you identified as important and would make a big difference)

Should do (not so important)

Could do

Now commit to completing at least one of these each day!

Three ways to complete anything:

* Complete it!
* Schedule a time to complete it
* Declare it complete

You are well on your way now to overcome anything you want.

All the best,


p.s. Sign up for my Free Special Report to find out '7 Vital Secrets to Overcome Your Fears Now'

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