Saturday 18 September 2010

Starting Over Without Him 5

Vector image of two human figures with hands i...Image via Wikipedia
A Message from Noelyne...

Building a support network of family and friends who you trust is essential when starting over without him.  This may be challenging particularly if you have been in a long term relationship.  You may have lost touch with your own friends or maybe you were in a realtionship where your partner was your life.  You spent your free time with him and chose not to continue your friendships.  If this is the case you will be feeling very lonely and isolated and fearful of going out and meeting people again.

Step 5 - Build your network of friends. 

Once you decide to build up your network of friends you will start to become aware of the opportunities around you.  You'll bump into people you've not seen for a while and find that their circumstances may well have changed.  This happened to me.  I was sat having a coffee reading a paper when an old friend who I had lost touch with walked in. I subsequently found out that her marriage had also ended.  We arranged to go out for a drink and 10 years later we still meet up regularly even though she has re-married and I am in a long term relationship again.  We helped each other through the bad times, meeting regularly, weekends and holidays together and spent two christmases together too.

Having to start over again taught me a valuable lesson about friendship.  Value your friendships, nurture them and never let them go.  Make regular deposits into the friendship bank account so that if you need to make withdrawals the friendship will still be strong.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

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