Wednesday 8 September 2010

How not to be Happy now

A Message from Noelyne...

If you don't want to be happy now the easiest thing to do is to tell your self that you will be happy when something happens in the future.  For example, you will be happy when you get a new car or change your job or find a partner or move house or get more money.  Have you heard yourself saying things like "I'll be happy when I've paid the mortgage off or when I've decorated the house or when I finish work or when the children have finished their exams or once the housework is done.  I'm sure you have got the idea by now...

Of course, by saying that you will be happy when something happens you are actually putting off being happy now.  You are saying that you will be happy in the future.  Where is the future?  It's always in the future and is never now.  There is only now so give yourself a break and no matter what is or isn't happening for you right now, take a moment to be happy with who you are and what you have right now.

Then start to do that more and more each day, regardless of all the things that you'd still like to be, do and have.  I've learned thatwhen you get to where you want to be there always something else that you want to do.

Be happy and enjoy the process of life, make it magical,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. My Free Special Report can be requested by clicking here 
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