Friday 17 September 2010

Starting Over Without Him 4

A Message from Noelyne....

Have you found yourself so full of pain and sadness and guilt and doubt about having ended the relationship that you don't think you can continue?  That's quite normal too and the best thing is to go through the pain.  Allow yourself to feel it and sob your heart out.  If you feel like sitting on the kitchen floor and crying your eyes out then do it.  It's your bodies way of dealing with the emotion. You will feel so much better afterwards.  You may feel a sense of peace after a good cry and clarity.

Step 4  - Allow yourself to feel the pain.

Don't bottle it up as this can cause dis-ease in your body in the form of headaches, colds, ulcers etc.  So allow yourself to cry whenever you need to.  You will get to a stage when you don't need to cry about the loss of the relationship.  It's all part of the healing process.

If you have a support network of friends then reach out to one of them by picking up the telephone for a chat.  Friends are so important at any time and even more so when a relationship ends.  Be prepared to lose the friends who knew you because you were in a relationship though.  Friends you had as a couple rarely stay in touch with you both.  They tend to remain loyal to the original friend.

If you don't have a strong network of friends it's important to start reaching out and build that network.  Look up people you have not seen for a while and give them a call.  Imagine building a network of friends.  Ask the universe to send friendly people to you.  When I was at a low point after my marriage ended and I had lost touch with most of my friends I asked the universe to send me some friendly people.  The next day I got an invitation to a party from the lady who lived across the street.

Join me again for further tips on starting over without him,

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. You can get a copy of my Free Special Report here
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