Thursday 26 August 2010

What pushes you over your limit?

 Message from Noelyne...
I've been blogging about managing or not managing stress for the last few days mainly because since coming back from holiday I have had additional unexpected challenges to overcome.  I've been managing my normal business activities, completing design work on a training contract which has been a full time job, helping my partner and his two teenage boys to move in with me and getting used to having three men in my life and then the unexpected trashing of a house that I rent out and managing the repairs etc.

I'm getting there slowly but surely, thankfully although there's still a number of loose ends to tie up.  I really don't like loose ends and get quite frustrated when I am unable to finish something, particularly if it's out of my control.  On discovering that some of the paperwork that I need to make a claim is missing I burst into tears.  This was my signal to hold my hands up and say Help!  I have my limits and this one small thing was enough to push me over the limit.  In normal circumstances I would have handled missing paperwork quite calmly however, when it's on top of a lot of other things it can be enough to give you a mini breakdown. Have you felt like that before?  It's all too much and you just don't want to continue?

It's at times like that you need to be able to turn to someone you trust for help and advice.  I don't know about you however, I don't find asking for help very easy.  It can make you feel as though you have failed or are inadequate.  You feel as though you should be able to cope with everything and that people will think badly of you if you can't cope.  Well the other day I turned to my partner and said 'I need help', 'I am not coping with everything'.  A man does not like to see his woman in distress and he immediately came to my rescue and took responsibility for a couple of the tasks I had organised that day.  A man likes to be able to help and solve problems as it makes him feel good and strong too.  It was a huge relief for me and freed me up to concentrate on my key priority for that day, which was meeting my client's training contract requirements.

So don't be afraid to ask for help.  It will make everyone a lot happier!

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. For more advice on overcoming your fears send for a copy of my Free Special Report
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