Friday 13 August 2010

Post holiday stress and how to manage it.

A Message from Noelyne....

It doesn't take long to get stressed out again does it?  You've just had a fabulous holiday and don't have a care in the world and you start to believe that you can be like this all the time.  You know that you have to eventually go home however, you delay switching your mind back on until the very last moment which really starts when you have to pack away your stuff.  That's when you start to wonder where you put things like the tickets, passports and house keys and parking tickets.  The slow process of winding yourself up again starts.

You dread the journey home because there's bound to be delays of some sort or someone will get sick in the car etc.  And then there's the thought of all that washing....  Will the house still be there?  The garden may be overgrown.  Can you feel the tension starting to come back?

The beauty of being in self-catering with a washing machine is that you can do the washing before you come home and get the family to help.  It's quite a novelty for them using someone elses equipment!  Plus the boys were heading straight for another holiday with their Mum so it was a necessity.

Pillows in the car for the children to sleep and Mp3 players are a godsend.  They were soon asleep.  Keeping calm when we got caught in traffic is always a challenge however, great music helps as does a cheerful partner and regular stops for coffee.

Arriving home at a reasonable time of day is always a bonus as it gives you time to unpack and then settle down for an evening meal and relaxation and an early night.  Travelling tends to create stress on the body so it's good not to aim to achieve too much on the first day back.  Do you find that the further away you have travelled the longer it takes you to recover?

This year due to a problem that had arisen whilst on holiday I had to arrange a meeting for the day I arrived home, which was a bit of a shock to the system and not recommended.  However, the meeting identified a new problem which needed to be solved so I was able to take action sooner than if I'd left it yet another day.  Unfortunately, having solved the new problem this identified yet more problems previously hidden.  I can't yet blog about them as I need to seek legal advice.  Yet more challenges to overcome and more things for me to learn and eventually share with you.

So not the best return from a holiday I have had however, at least I was in a wonderful frame of mind to deal with them.  So much for the slow wind up too, guess who is already ready for the next holiday.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my free special report here

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