Monday 16 August 2010

Eliminate Stress from your life.

Effects of stress on the body.Image via Wikipedia
A Message from Noelyne....

I recently saw a title of an article on 'How to eliminate stress and anxiety from your life'.  Initially I thought that was a great title however, after thinking a little more I wondered why you would want to eliminate stress completely.  In my experience some stress is good for you.  It motivates you to take action.  It can give you a buzz and get you in the zone for achieving fantastic results.  Some stress keeps you alert and aware, keeps you focused on what you are aiming for.  Without the stress you tend to sit back, relax and take things easy and so not achieve very much.  Just like when you are on holiday, so now and again this is also good for you.

It's when you get too much stress that things tend to get out of hand resulting in confusion, a loss of focus, overload, poor decision making and poor results.  If the high levels of stress are prolonged then this can often result in illness in the body such as headaches, ulcers and other serious health conditions.

Each individual is different and will have different tolerance levels in terms of dealing with too many things going on at once.  The majority of people would be able to handle each one of these things if that's all that was happening, it's when you get many things all at the same time that it becomes stressful and mistakes happen. I've recently come back from holiday where I totally switched off however, on my return I discovered that my home phone and broadband had been disconnected in error, a number of problems with a property that I rent out, my partner is confirmed as requiring a major operation and getting used to having someone living with me again.  This on top of the normal day to day activities of living and running a thriving business.
Tips for Managing too much going on at once

1. Recognise and accept that you have too much happening.
2. Know that you are not alone, there is always someone ready to help out both voluntarily and paid.
3. Take a deep breath and for each situation be very clear on what you want to achieve. 
4. Plan what needs to be done in order of priority. (Don't panic! as this is when mistakes happen)  Depending on what it is that you are dealing with check your rights and responsibilities first. Write things down.
5.  Take action.  If you need other people on board consider who you know and trust.  If you are paying people aim to employ people recommended to you, so reducing the stress of poor quality work.

Put things into perspective.  You will get through this phase of your life.  There are normally people far worse off for example, people losing their lives in disasters or in conflict situations.  If you are handling situations that you wish had not happened stop focusing on what's wrong and focus on the solution.  See it as a learning experience for you and an opportunity to connect with other people and perhaps to give employment to other people.  There is opportunity in every situation.

I'll post some stress management techniques next time,
 Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears, get your copy here Free
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