A Message from Noelyne...
When you are happy and content and living in the moment it's hard to think of your problems. This blog is about overcoming life's challenges however, whilst on holiday I found it difficult to think of situations
and problems to blog about. I took my laptop with me expecting to be inspired into writing and blogging daily particularly as we were staying in a rural area in th emiddle of nowhere.
However, as I felt totally relaxed and at ease with life I found it difficult to think of anything other than the present moment and enjoying time with my family . I was with people I love and who love me. I felt safe and totally chilled out. Making decisions other than what to do and what to eat, became an effort so I stopped. My brain switched off completely. Nothing really mattered apart from enjoying the moment. Have you ever felt like that? Where all your problems, issues and concerns dissolve.
It's a feeling that I only get when I am on holiday and staying away from home. I can be on holiday at home however, I see all the things I have yet to do so don't completely relax.
Where we stayed there was no Internet access which initially made me feel nervous and as though something was missing. I am so used to accessing emails and websites daily and having access to information at the drop of a hat. However there is more to life than the Internet! For example, to get information about the area I went back to going to the tourist office. It was lovely meetiung and chatting with local people and discovering what to do.
Even though I love what I do. It's been good to have an extended complete break away from what has become my normal life.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Overcome your fears with a copy of my Free Special Report
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