A Message from Noelyne...
One of the key criteria for attracting the life that you want is to develop an attitude of gratitude. The book and Dvd of 'The Secret' mentions this as does Wallace Wattles in the 'Science of getting rich' and Napolean Hill in his Think and Grow Rich as do many of the current day inspirational and successful people. Not only is it a good habit to get into for attracting what you want it’s a fantastic attitude to have for overcoming your fears too. When you are in a thankful or grateful mood then all your fears pale into insignificance.
Just try it. Focus on where you are right now and just be grateful. Enjoy the moment. Be thankful that you have access to a computer to search for advice and read this blog. Be thankful for being able to reach out and find guidance. While you are focused in the moment your fears disappear.
I offer even more exercises on overcoming your fears in my membership site so if you'd like to know more about it request a copy of my Free Special Report at www.howtoovercomeyourfears.com to get a flavour of what to expect.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report to get more tips on overcoming your fears
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