Saturday 3 July 2010

Mischievous in school? Successful now?

A Message from Noelyne...
It's the mischievous people in life who get successful don't you think? I mean really richly abundantly successful.

The people who conform and do as they are supposed to and follow the rules are successful but not in the way the mischievious people are.

Here's some examples, the child who messes about and has fun and doesn't conform to what out education system says is a good thing, leaves school at age 15 with no qualifications and eventually becomes Chief Ex of a very large organisation.  (OK so I know their are children who leave school at 15 and take an alternative route, however, is that due to rebelling against a system that doesn't work for them and their learning needs.) The one who spends time in detention for doing something in the classroom they are not supposed to do and ends up running a global company.  The child who flicks the classroom board on when the teacher is not looking and ends up in the headmaster's office who promptly tries to make the child cry for being mischievous, when in fact the child is intelligent and bored with the lesson as it's not holding their interest.  My monies on that child to solve global warming.

What is it about mischievous people?  They take risks, they push boundaries, they don't accept what is, they challenge the status quo.  Who says they have to do it that way?  They can see an alternative way.  They  know what they want and go for it.  If it goes pear shaped they are not worried because they know something else will show up even better. They know they will be just fine and dandy. They know they can start over again.  They don't allow other peoples opinions to affect them adversely.

They have a 'Rules are meant to be broken aren't they?' attitude to life.

Do you have any rags to riches stories you would be happy to share?  Any mischievous people you know who made it big or otherwise?

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report

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