Tuesday 6 July 2010

Observing people's behaviour on trains

A Message from Noelyne...

Have you ever watched people get on a train with reserved seats only to find there is someone sat in their seat.  Have you watched their reaction?  It's as though the world is going to fall apart.  Now sometimes they are justified when someone has taken a chance on the person not turning up.  Although I don't have a problem with that particularly if there are plenty of seats available.  I would just sit in another seat.  After all that's the outcome you are looking for right?  But even when there are plenty of other seats have you watched someone still insist on sitting in their specific reserved seat?  What's that all about?  Are they afraid that if they sit somewhere else they'll break some sort of rule?

And oh heaven forbid if the train company have had a glitch and have been unable to reserve seats, what a cuffuffle that causes.  The moans and the groans and grumbles.

Fair enough if the train is packed and you have a reserved seat and someone is sat in it, the cheeky monkey! But normally people who are chancing it are quite happy to move so just smile and explain. But please check your seat reservation first and then check if they have a seat reservation too and do ask nicely co maybe there's been an error in the computer booking service and it's double booked. Avoid egg on your face!

Stay happy,

Noelyne Jones

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