Sunday 11 July 2010

Feeling Fear and what to do about it

A Message from Noelyne...

No matter what age you are, how confident you are and how much life experience you have there is sure to be a time when you have to face doing something that will make you feel fear.  You will have butterflies in your stomach, a sick feeling all over and just generally jittery.  No matter what your level of personal development and knowledge of handling fear you will find yourself dwelling on the forthcoming activity, task or event. You will do your utmost to put it out of your mind yet find yourself thinking about what might happen.  Those thoughts will put even more fear into you as you imagine the worst.

You will try to kid yourself that you are managing just fine and then find yourself doing something really stupid and all because you are dwelling on the prospect of doing something that makes you fearful.  In particular if you have done everything you can and then have to wait before you take further action.  You may even start to feel impatient just to get it over and done with.

Then once you are able to take action you push the fear to one side ish and get on with the task.  And guess what I bet the actual activity is not half as bad as you thought it was going to be.

The thought of doing something is often far worse than the reality however, even with that knowledge you may still have to go through those feelings first.  It's quite natural and your body's way of preparing you for action.

The important thing is not to let those fears overcome you and stop you from taking action, unless of course that is the best option.

So if you thought you would get to a point when you don't experience fear... sorry to disappoint you, although it's far better when you know how to manage it.

You can find out more tips on managing and overcoming fear in my Free Special Report.  Request a copy by entering your name and e-mail in the form via this link

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Free Special Report click here

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