A Message from Noelyne...
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Don't let your fears get the better of you send for my Free Special Report to find out how Click here
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Monday, 26 July 2010
Too much going on at once? Feeling stressed
A Message from Noelyne...
Do you get stressed when you have lot of loose ends, things that are still to be done however, you are waiting for other people to do their bit? One or two you can cope with but once you get 5 or six or more then it can get a tad unsettling.
You start to get impatient wanting it all to be resolved sooner rather than later. You can even start to get obsesive with it constantly focusing on things that are outside your control and worrying that it might all go pear shaped.
How to handle the stress?
Make sure you have done everything that you can to influence the outcome and then sit back and wait patiently. Put your mind to other activities that you can do something about and know that all wil be resolved in it's own good time. Stop fighting the power of the universe, which is what you are doing my being impatient. It is a sign of resisitance to change. And anyway the universe doesn't fight it's nly ever there to help and support you so there will be a reason why things are not yet complete, a reason for all those loose ends.
Just imagine what it will feel like when all is finalised and whatever you set out to do is achieved.
How good will that feel.
Finally when you feel stressed, work out what you are feeling stressed about, put them in an imaginary bucket and throw it away. Then list all the things you are thankful for. It will bring a smile to your face and dissolve stress instantly.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to overcome your fears
Saturday, 24 July 2010
Do you have the Confidence and Self-belief to follow your Dreams?
A Message from Noelyne...
I am a great fan of programmes like X Factor and Britain's got talent as it encourages you to follow your dreams which of course resonates with me as that's what I've spent the majority of my life doing, only without the massive budget that Simon Cowell has!
Here is a video of Paul Potts on stage for the first time. It brings tingles to me.
Noelyne Jones
P.S. If you are fearful of following your dreams request a copy of my Free Special Report for tips on how to overcome your fears. Click here
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Where would we be without humour?
A Message from Noelyne...
Where would we be without humour? It overcomes anything! This video is excellent. Watch and enjoy at British Airways expense.
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report here
Where would we be without humour? It overcomes anything! This video is excellent. Watch and enjoy at British Airways expense.
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report here
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
A Message from Noelyne....
I was looking for inspirational quotes on video and found this one. Now I believe that you find things for a reason and these quotes are excellent a brilliant choice by the author. The music though reminded me of my late friend Sandra who was taken from us before her time due to an aggressive cancer. 'Imagine' was played at her funeral as this was her most favourite piece of music. She would have loved this video too and the messages within it. One of her passions in life was learning and development. Take 3 minutes to enjoy and find inspiration.
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
I was looking for inspirational quotes on video and found this one. Now I believe that you find things for a reason and these quotes are excellent a brilliant choice by the author. The music though reminded me of my late friend Sandra who was taken from us before her time due to an aggressive cancer. 'Imagine' was played at her funeral as this was her most favourite piece of music. She would have loved this video too and the messages within it. One of her passions in life was learning and development. Take 3 minutes to enjoy and find inspiration.
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
Sunday, 18 July 2010
More inspiration from the late Jim Rohn
A Message from Noelyne....
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a Free Report here on How to easily overcome your fears
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a Free Report here on How to easily overcome your fears
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
Sunday, 11 July 2010
Feeling Fear and what to do about it
A Message from Noelyne...
No matter what age you are, how confident you are and how much life experience you have there is sure to be a time when you have to face doing something that will make you feel fear. You will have butterflies in your stomach, a sick feeling all over and just generally jittery. No matter what your level of personal development and knowledge of handling fear you will find yourself dwelling on the forthcoming activity, task or event. You will do your utmost to put it out of your mind yet find yourself thinking about what might happen. Those thoughts will put even more fear into you as you imagine the worst.
You will try to kid yourself that you are managing just fine and then find yourself doing something really stupid and all because you are dwelling on the prospect of doing something that makes you fearful. In particular if you have done everything you can and then have to wait before you take further action. You may even start to feel impatient just to get it over and done with.
Then once you are able to take action you push the fear to one side ish and get on with the task. And guess what I bet the actual activity is not half as bad as you thought it was going to be.
The thought of doing something is often far worse than the reality however, even with that knowledge you may still have to go through those feelings first. It's quite natural and your body's way of preparing you for action.
The important thing is not to let those fears overcome you and stop you from taking action, unless of course that is the best option.
So if you thought you would get to a point when you don't experience fear... sorry to disappoint you, although it's far better when you know how to manage it.
You can find out more tips on managing and overcoming fear in my Free Special Report. Request a copy by entering your name and e-mail in the form via this link www.howtoovercomeyourfears.com/
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Free Special Report click here
Friday, 9 July 2010
Being let down by other people
A Message from Noelyne...
Do you get frustrated when you can't complete a task? When you've got things outstanding, loose ends to tie up? You've done everything that you can and the only reason you can't complete it is because other people are involved and they are not doing their tasks on time. They are letting you down. When someone has promised they will do something by a certain date and then don't, how does that make you feel?
It's disappointing isn't it and your level of trust in them plummets. You don't want to be feeling the way you do and you start to get annoyed at the person for doing this. It starts to eat away at you, you go over things and start to wish you had taken different action so that you may have got a different result. And yes it's a good opportunity to learn from your experience. However, you are where you are and it's out of your control until the other person takes the action they have agreed to.
At such times it can be quite easy to start blaming the other person particularly if they are not communicating regularly with you. You start to think the worst of them which leads to a change in your behaviour towards them and ultimately a breakdown in the relationship, particularly where you no longer trust them. Once the relationship has broken down it can be challenging to retrieve so if you are dependent on this person it is always best to maintain good communications where possible.
The solution? Obviously it depends on the circumstances.
Do nothing and wait for the person to act.
Are you totally dependent on this person? Is there someone else who could help?
Consider if there is another way of getting what you want
Accept the situation and manage your fear of what might or might not happen.
Once they have done what you need then you can consider your options as to whether you still wish to have this person in your life.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome your fears easily. Click here to enter your name and e-mail to download
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Overcome your Fears with an Attitude of Gratitude
A Message from Noelyne...
One of the key criteria for attracting the life that you want is to develop an attitude of gratitude. The book and Dvd of 'The Secret' mentions this as does Wallace Wattles in the 'Science of getting rich' and Napolean Hill in his Think and Grow Rich as do many of the current day inspirational and successful people. Not only is it a good habit to get into for attracting what you want it’s a fantastic attitude to have for overcoming your fears too. When you are in a thankful or grateful mood then all your fears pale into insignificance.
Just try it. Focus on where you are right now and just be grateful. Enjoy the moment. Be thankful that you have access to a computer to search for advice and read this blog. Be thankful for being able to reach out and find guidance. While you are focused in the moment your fears disappear.
I offer even more exercises on overcoming your fears in my membership site so if you'd like to know more about it request a copy of my Free Special Report at www.howtoovercomeyourfears.com to get a flavour of what to expect.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report to get more tips on overcoming your fears
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
Observing people's behaviour on trains
A Message from Noelyne...
Have you ever watched people get on a train with reserved seats only to find there is someone sat in their seat. Have you watched their reaction? It's as though the world is going to fall apart. Now sometimes they are justified when someone has taken a chance on the person not turning up. Although I don't have a problem with that particularly if there are plenty of seats available. I would just sit in another seat. After all that's the outcome you are looking for right? But even when there are plenty of other seats have you watched someone still insist on sitting in their specific reserved seat? What's that all about? Are they afraid that if they sit somewhere else they'll break some sort of rule?
And oh heaven forbid if the train company have had a glitch and have been unable to reserve seats, what a cuffuffle that causes. The moans and the groans and grumbles.
Fair enough if the train is packed and you have a reserved seat and someone is sat in it, the cheeky monkey! But normally people who are chancing it are quite happy to move so just smile and explain. But please check your seat reservation first and then check if they have a seat reservation too and do ask nicely co maybe there's been an error in the computer booking service and it's double booked. Avoid egg on your face!
Stay happy,
Noelyne Jones
Monday, 5 July 2010
Gratitude song
A Message from Noelyne...
Gratitude is one of the essential attitudes to have to ensure your success and attract more of what you want and here's a delightful video and song. It's important to be thankful for what you have and to express your gratitude to whoever or whatever you believe created your world.
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request my Free Special Report here
Noelyne Jones
Gratitude is one of the essential attitudes to have to ensure your success and attract more of what you want and here's a delightful video and song. It's important to be thankful for what you have and to express your gratitude to whoever or whatever you believe created your world.
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request my Free Special Report here
Noelyne Jones
Sunday, 4 July 2010
Too afraid to admit you are afraid?
A Message from Noelyne...
I remember a time when I would not say 'Boo to a goose'! I was desperately shy and desperate to do well at everything. During my childhood it was to impress my Mum and then when I started work it was to impress by boss. I thought fear meant that I was inadequate in some way. I thought asking for help meant that I had failed and for a long time my strategy worked quite well so long as I conformed to what other people wanted and followed the rules that they had set. Do you stop yourself from admitting that you need help? Do you worry about what others will think of you if you admit you don't know how to do something? Do you think they will see you as useless or inadequate or not capable? Do you view fear as a weakness? Do you stop yourself from sharing your fears with famly, friends or colleagues?
I now realise it's the people who feel the fear and then reach out and ask for help that move forward much quicker in life. They build a network of people who they trust. People to turn to when they need support. The people who ask questions instead of feeling that they will look stupid if they do. Remember there's no such thing as a stupid question only the one you don't ask.
Feeling fear is a sign of growth in yourself. If you don't feel fear now and again it probably means you are stuck. So be thankful for that fear and see it as a positive sign.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. For help in overcoming your fears request my Free Special Report here
I remember a time when I would not say 'Boo to a goose'! I was desperately shy and desperate to do well at everything. During my childhood it was to impress my Mum and then when I started work it was to impress by boss. I thought fear meant that I was inadequate in some way. I thought asking for help meant that I had failed and for a long time my strategy worked quite well so long as I conformed to what other people wanted and followed the rules that they had set. Do you stop yourself from admitting that you need help? Do you worry about what others will think of you if you admit you don't know how to do something? Do you think they will see you as useless or inadequate or not capable? Do you view fear as a weakness? Do you stop yourself from sharing your fears with famly, friends or colleagues?
I now realise it's the people who feel the fear and then reach out and ask for help that move forward much quicker in life. They build a network of people who they trust. People to turn to when they need support. The people who ask questions instead of feeling that they will look stupid if they do. Remember there's no such thing as a stupid question only the one you don't ask.
Feeling fear is a sign of growth in yourself. If you don't feel fear now and again it probably means you are stuck. So be thankful for that fear and see it as a positive sign.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. For help in overcoming your fears request my Free Special Report here
Saturday, 3 July 2010
Mischievous in school? Successful now?
A Message from Noelyne...
It's the mischievous people in life who get successful don't you think? I mean really richly abundantly successful.
The people who conform and do as they are supposed to and follow the rules are successful but not in the way the mischievious people are.
Here's some examples, the child who messes about and has fun and doesn't conform to what out education system says is a good thing, leaves school at age 15 with no qualifications and eventually becomes Chief Ex of a very large organisation. (OK so I know their are children who leave school at 15 and take an alternative route, however, is that due to rebelling against a system that doesn't work for them and their learning needs.) The one who spends time in detention for doing something in the classroom they are not supposed to do and ends up running a global company. The child who flicks the classroom board on when the teacher is not looking and ends up in the headmaster's office who promptly tries to make the child cry for being mischievous, when in fact the child is intelligent and bored with the lesson as it's not holding their interest. My monies on that child to solve global warming.
What is it about mischievous people? They take risks, they push boundaries, they don't accept what is, they challenge the status quo. Who says they have to do it that way? They can see an alternative way. They know what they want and go for it. If it goes pear shaped they are not worried because they know something else will show up even better. They know they will be just fine and dandy. They know they can start over again. They don't allow other peoples opinions to affect them adversely.
They have a 'Rules are meant to be broken aren't they?' attitude to life.
Do you have any rags to riches stories you would be happy to share? Any mischievous people you know who made it big or otherwise?
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report
It's the mischievous people in life who get successful don't you think? I mean really richly abundantly successful.
The people who conform and do as they are supposed to and follow the rules are successful but not in the way the mischievious people are.
Here's some examples, the child who messes about and has fun and doesn't conform to what out education system says is a good thing, leaves school at age 15 with no qualifications and eventually becomes Chief Ex of a very large organisation. (OK so I know their are children who leave school at 15 and take an alternative route, however, is that due to rebelling against a system that doesn't work for them and their learning needs.) The one who spends time in detention for doing something in the classroom they are not supposed to do and ends up running a global company. The child who flicks the classroom board on when the teacher is not looking and ends up in the headmaster's office who promptly tries to make the child cry for being mischievous, when in fact the child is intelligent and bored with the lesson as it's not holding their interest. My monies on that child to solve global warming.
What is it about mischievous people? They take risks, they push boundaries, they don't accept what is, they challenge the status quo. Who says they have to do it that way? They can see an alternative way. They know what they want and go for it. If it goes pear shaped they are not worried because they know something else will show up even better. They know they will be just fine and dandy. They know they can start over again. They don't allow other peoples opinions to affect them adversely.
They have a 'Rules are meant to be broken aren't they?' attitude to life.
Do you have any rags to riches stories you would be happy to share? Any mischievous people you know who made it big or otherwise?
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report
Friday, 2 July 2010
Learning to be patient pays off
A Message from Noelyne....
Do you get impatient and want things to happen straight away and then get upset when they don't?
Three years ago when I was made redundant and went freelance I imagined one day going back to work as a consultant trainer for my previous employer. I imagined how good it would feel walking back in knowing that I could walk away whenever I wanted. Knowing that I was successfully in business for myself. Knowing that I could share my new business knowledge to improve performance.
At the end of May 2010 I started a training contract with my previous employer. And yesterday I walked back into the HQ of the organisation. My thoughts of three years earlier have become reality and it was an amazing feeling. It felt familiar and reassuring and my confidence was at an all time high.
I used to want things immediately I thought of them. Have you ever felt like that? You decide you want something and then get impatient and frustrated when it doesn't happen straight away. The more you don't have it the more you want it. It can become an obsession.
I've learnt to overcome impatience. It's not a resourceful feeling, impatience that is. It makes you appear desperate and needy. 'Patience is a virtue' - so true!
Knowing that you will receive what you ask for in good time is a much better approach in my opinion and based on experience. Knowing how to be patient is important to ensure your success.
A word of warning though.. You need to realise that it might not turn out exactly as you expect.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Overcome your fears of never being patient with my Free Special Report
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