Overcoming the internal chatter when faced with an unexpected request
On Tuesday, I was on a train on my way home to Peterborough, after a meeting in Manchester, peacefully daydreaming and watching the rolling coutryside pass by when around about Sheffield my mobile interrupted my ipod and jolted me back to reality.
It was a company that I provide training for in a bit of a panic as one of their trainers had gone sick unexpectedly and they needed someone to travel to Portsmouth to deliver an ILM Level 2 - Team Leading Diversity in the workplace event. They didn't just wanted any old trainer though they wanted me. Or at least the Training Manager did a very good job of persuading me that it was very important that someone will my excellent skills etc etc.
My initial reaction was one of panic and a sickening feeling all to do with the fact that I had arranged a very nice relaxing evening at home and was looking forward to cracking on with my new contract the following day. Saying Yes meant that this was immediately changed. Saying Yes also went against what's important to me in terms of my health and well-being. The travelling certainly takes it toll on my energy levels. I was fearful of giving out the wrong message, fearful of being too tired. Saying Yes might give the Training company the idea that I was happy to travel again.
And there was the small matter that I don't have a projector and the course needed one. Anyway whilst all this is going on in my head I hear my voice saying "Yes of course I'll cover it for you". One relieved Training Manager. It was a balancing act between my own personal fears and also my reputation as a professional trainer. You see it's also important to me to help others out as much as possible when they are stuck. I thought of the knock on effect of having the cancel the event, the disappointment of the participants, having to rearrange the date, the room booking. If I said No, then someone else would be contacted ad their life disrupted instead. Plus the Training company have been extremely good to me and look after me in terms of the volume of work I receive. So despite all my internal fears there never really was any doubt that I could say No. My professionalism won't allow it.
So having turned my mind from one of "I can't do this" (read I Don't want to do this) to "Yes I can do it". Guess what I did. I arrived home, printed off the training material, packed my case and jumped in the car, completely forgetting to warn the hotel that I would not get there until midnight. Thankfully, the owner had stayed up. A big 'Thank you' to him. A night in the car would have been a disaster.
I delivered the event with flying colours and then drove the 3 hours back home, getting held up for 45 minutes on the M25. I stopped for a meal at the Wellingborough Buddies Diner, delicious, got home and fell into bed at about 10.30....after catching up with e-mails of course. The group I delivered the training to were highly motivated and really enjoyed the day. A pleasure to work with so a big Thank you to them. I don't think they noticed the match sticks keeping my eyelids up in teh afternoon!
It's not something I would want to do every day however, it does prove that what the mind can conceive, the heart can believe then you can achieve?
What would you have done in that situation?
Would have told the Training manager to get lost (politely)?
Are you a can do sort of person?
Always enjoying the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Remember to request a copu of my Free Special Report to Overcome Your Fears Forever
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