Thursday 20 May 2010

Overcoming a fear of Commitment

A Message from Noelyne....

At a recent workshop many of the particpants expressed that they experience a fear of commitment.  They stop themselves from taking action even on things like meeting a friend for a coffee.  It's easier to stay at home in the comfort of their own home than to risk going out and facing the world.  Going out into the world risks being let down by someone or having to overcome situations that they have a fear of, such as meeting new people.

This fear of commitment will have different causes for each person. It will stem from experiences or events in their past that have created an unresourceful state or meaning for you.  For example, when someone treats you badly or lets you down in some way you lose your trust in that person and it also makes you wary of developing relationships.  You start to put up a barrier which makes it harder for people to get to know you.  You have less people in your life, less support and so you end up only feeling happy at home.  It becomes easier not to go out.  It's easier not to build relationships for fear of opening yourself up to being let down again.  If this sounds familiar then you will not be living life to it's full potential, you are not enjoying life as much as you could.  You are missing out on all the wonderful opportunities available.

When you pinpoint what it is that causes your fear of commitment then you can do something about it.  This is the sort of thing that I cover in the weekly lesson in my Membership site, which takes you step by step through an easy process which frees you up to live a fulfilling life.  It's will enable you to overcome your fear of commitment so that you feel confident and value yourself.

Often it's the thought of doing something that is far worse than the actual activity.  Once you learn how to overcome your fears you will stop allowing those negative thoughts to stop you from getting the life that you want.  The fear of commitment will no longer hold you back in life.

Noelyne Jones

P.S. I have a more detailed report on How to easily Overcome Your Fears - It's free so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain - Request a copy now by clicking here
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