Monday 31 May 2010

Solutions to problems - How to overcome them easily

A Message from Noelyne...

Do you have a problem that you don't know how to overcome?  Are you stuck in a rut and feel you have no choice but to keep doing what you've always done?  Would you like to know how to overcome your problems easily?  Finding solutions to problems can be much easier than you think.

You are bombarded with billions of bits of information every second of every waking moment and your mind would explode if you noticed absolutely everything.  For that reason the mind deletes information so that you can cope.  It also distorts information to suit you too.  I'm sure you have been in a situation where two people have experienced the same event however, have a completely different story to tell.  They noticed different things, felt different and took different meanings from the event.

What information are you deleting from your conscious mind?  What details are you distorting to suit you?  It's information that is there all the time waiting for you to find it.  It's just that normally you are too busy rushing around with the daily tasks at home and work to notice the opportunities, the answers to your problems, the beauty that surrounds you all the time.  When was the last time that you stopped to take notice of what's there before you?

Whenever I have a problem or something bothering me I stop and ask 'What do I need to do?'  More often than not the answer appears although you never know how or when.  It might be a phone call or a chance meeting or a website that you happen to find.  It's about opening your eyes and mind to the possibility.  The solution to your problem is there just waiting to be found when you are ready.

In this journey through life I have learned to take notice of new information or signs that appear to me a few times. So when I become aware of something that's new or different I start to take notice and listen to my inner voice saying, you should have a look at that.  The most recent one is 'Rumi'.  Until listening to one of Deepak Chopra's audio products I had never heard of the name.  Then more recently the word 'Rumi' cropped up again in a different context.  So I thought I'd take a look at what or who Rumi is.

I found this video on You Tube which goes some way to explaining the approach that Rumi had in life.

Here's an extract from wikipedia on Rumi:

Although Rumi's works were written in Persian, Rumi's importance is considered to transcend national and ethnic borders. His original works are widely read in their original language across the Persian-speaking world. Translations of his works are very popular in other countries. His poetry has influenced Persian literature as well as Urdu, Punjabi and other Pakistani languages written in Perso/Arabic script e.g. Pashto and Sindhi. His poems have been widely translated into many of the world's languages and transposed into various formats; He has been described as the "most popular poet in America" in 2007.

Here's one of his poems:

Let go of your worries

and be completely clear-hearted,

like the face of a mirror

that contains no images.

If you want a clear mirror,

behold yourself

and see the shameless truth,

which the mirror reflects.

If metal can be polished

to a mirror-like finish,

what polishing might the mirror

of the heart require?

Between the mirror and the heart

is this single difference:

the heart conceals secrets,

while the mirror does not.

The Divani Shamsi Tabriz, XIII

His work is powerful and beautiful and senistive and emotional.  I have no idea why I needed to blog about Rumi today or why I need to know of his work.  I trust that it will be revealed to me.

I encourage you to stop and look around.  What are you missing?  What are you currently deleting from your mind that could actually make a big difference in your life?  What is staring you in the face but you're just too busy trying to solve the problem to notice?  What sign are you ignoring?

Enjoy the process of life!

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here 

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