Thursday 20 May 2010

Identifying and Overcoming a problem you didn't know you had

A Message from Noelyne...

What I love about what I do is that it also helps me to identify and solve my own problems when I least expect it.  The other day I was coaching a group of people in how to create a compelling future.  I use the Wheel of Life as a tool to help people understand how satisifed they are in important areas of their life such as Health, Wealth, Career, Relationships, Leisure time, Personal Growth, Contribution and Family.  I ask people to rate themselves in each area on a  scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being very dissatisfied and 10 being totally satisfied.

This gives a visual representation of how they view their current state and identifies areas to improve.  It's quite revealing.  Whilst doing this exercise one of the participants asked me 'How satisifed am I with my life?'.  Now given that I am very happy with everything that I have achieved so far, very happy with all areas of my life, I was quite surprised when I hesitated to respond and then did so with an air on uncertainty.

The other participants picked up on this and said they were not convinced that I am satisifed.  I knew in that moment that it was due to a conversation at the weekend with my partner.  I am not able to go into details at this moment as it was a confidential conversation however, I recognised that it had unsettled me.  I know that I will need to make some important decisions in the future and I want to make sure that I make the best decision for all of us.  There is no decision to make at this moment as there are other factors outside our control.  Only when something changes will I need to make a decision.

In the meantime I am back to being totally satisifed with who I am and where I am in my journey through life.  I actually did the Wheel of Life exercise to make sure.  It's good to get into the habit of reviewing your life every now and again.  I know what I want so need to stay focused on that.  It's very easy to be influenced by other people's fears and doubts and desires.  That's OK if they resonate with you.  That's why it is so important to be clear on the sort of life that you want so that you don't end up with someone elses dream.

I talk much more about how to identify what you want and get the life you deserve in my Membership club which is just about to be launched.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here

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