Wednesday 5 May 2010

How to Be all You Can Be - 10 Questions to Ask Yourself

Where DoYou Think You Are Going?Image by Dylan@66 via Flickr
A Message from Noelyne...

"What Really Makes You Tick?" 10 questions you should ask to yourself: a preparation to self-improvement

How to Be all You Can Be. 

1. What do I really want?
The question of the ages. So many things you want to do with your life and so little time to even go about during the day.

Finding something that you are good at can help realize that small step towards improvement.

2. Should I really change?
Only you can be the judge of that.  Be the change that you wish to see.  When you change it's amazing how the people around you change.  So if you perceive a problem in someone in your life, first look at yourself and consider where you need to change.  Make the changes and then notice how the problem in the other person disappears.

3. What's the bright side in all of this?
With so much is happening there seems to be no room for even considering that light at the end of the tunnel. If it's a train at the end of the tunnel, take it for a ride and see where it might take you!

4. Am I comfortable with what I'm doing?
If not, then open your eyes to the opportunity and abundance around you. Try something new.

5. Have I done enough for myself?
Have you, or is there something more you want to do? Discontentment in every aspect can be dangerous in large doses, but in small amounts you'll be able to see and do stuff you could never imagine doing.

6. Am I happy at where I am today?
It's an unfair question so let it be an answer! You love being a good and loving mom or dad to your kids, then take it up a notch! Your kids will love you forever. The same goes with everyday life! Be Happy with what you have now and you will attract even more happiness.

7. Am I appealing to the opposite sex?
So maybe I don't have an answer to that, but that doesn't mean I can't try it, though. Whether you shape-up, change the way you wear your clothes or hair, or even your attitude towards people, you should always remember it will always be for your own benefit.

8. How much could I have?
I suppose in this case there is no such thing as too much or too little, it's more on how badly you really want it.  When you have a burning desire for something, puts lots of energy into getting it, magic will happen.

9. What motivates me?
What motivates you? It's an answer you have to find out for yourself. There are so many things that motivate and it varies from person to person.  You know yourself best and what makes you tick so work out what your motivators are. It's not like you can't have one serving of your favorite food in a buffet and that's it. Just try it piece by piece.

10. What Really Makes You Tick?
So? What really makes you tick? You can be just about anything you always wanted to be...and that thought it itself may seem very difficult and can cause you to give up before you even start that journey.  Always remember, that self-improvement is not just about the physical or philosophical change you have to undergo,   it's about your emotional attachment to the outcome.  How much do you really really want it?

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears - Get your FREE Copy here
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