A Message from Noelyne...
Here's an inspirational video to help build your belief that you can do what it takes and achieve the life that you want. Watch, Listen and enjoy!
One important message was not to allow fear to keep you small. You need to feel that fear and don't let it stop you from getting what you want in life. I can show you how to overcome your fear in my Free Special Report. Click here to get your copy now. By the way, everyone I know including the successful people in life has felt fear at some time. The difference is that the successful people learn how to overcome the fear and take action to achieve their dreams. You can too!
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Here's the link to download my Free Special Report, enter your name and e-mail, click here
Monday, 31 May 2010
Solutions to problems - How to overcome them easily
A Message from Noelyne...
Do you have a problem that you don't know how to overcome? Are you stuck in a rut and feel you have no choice but to keep doing what you've always done? Would you like to know how to overcome your problems easily? Finding solutions to problems can be much easier than you think.
You are bombarded with billions of bits of information every second of every waking moment and your mind would explode if you noticed absolutely everything. For that reason the mind deletes information so that you can cope. It also distorts information to suit you too. I'm sure you have been in a situation where two people have experienced the same event however, have a completely different story to tell. They noticed different things, felt different and took different meanings from the event.
What information are you deleting from your conscious mind? What details are you distorting to suit you? It's information that is there all the time waiting for you to find it. It's just that normally you are too busy rushing around with the daily tasks at home and work to notice the opportunities, the answers to your problems, the beauty that surrounds you all the time. When was the last time that you stopped to take notice of what's there before you?
Whenever I have a problem or something bothering me I stop and ask 'What do I need to do?' More often than not the answer appears although you never know how or when. It might be a phone call or a chance meeting or a website that you happen to find. It's about opening your eyes and mind to the possibility. The solution to your problem is there just waiting to be found when you are ready.
In this journey through life I have learned to take notice of new information or signs that appear to me a few times. So when I become aware of something that's new or different I start to take notice and listen to my inner voice saying, you should have a look at that. The most recent one is 'Rumi'. Until listening to one of Deepak Chopra's audio products I had never heard of the name. Then more recently the word 'Rumi' cropped up again in a different context. So I thought I'd take a look at what or who Rumi is.
I found this video on You Tube which goes some way to explaining the approach that Rumi had in life.
Here's an extract from wikipedia on Rumi:
Although Rumi's works were written in Persian, Rumi's importance is considered to transcend national and ethnic borders. His original works are widely read in their original language across the Persian-speaking world. Translations of his works are very popular in other countries. His poetry has influenced Persian literature as well as Urdu, Punjabi and other Pakistani languages written in Perso/Arabic script e.g. Pashto and Sindhi. His poems have been widely translated into many of the world's languages and transposed into various formats; He has been described as the "most popular poet in America" in 2007.
Here's one of his poems:
Let go of your worries
and be completely clear-hearted,
like the face of a mirror
that contains no images.
If you want a clear mirror,
behold yourself
and see the shameless truth,
which the mirror reflects.
If metal can be polished
to a mirror-like finish,
what polishing might the mirror
of the heart require?
Between the mirror and the heart
is this single difference:
the heart conceals secrets,
while the mirror does not.
The Divani Shamsi Tabriz, XIII
His work is powerful and beautiful and senistive and emotional. I have no idea why I needed to blog about Rumi today or why I need to know of his work. I trust that it will be revealed to me.
I encourage you to stop and look around. What are you missing? What are you currently deleting from your mind that could actually make a big difference in your life? What is staring you in the face but you're just too busy trying to solve the problem to notice? What sign are you ignoring?
Enjoy the process of life!
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
Saturday, 29 May 2010
Overcoming Life's Challenges - Are you tired of it?
A Message from Noelyne...
I've given up.....hoping that one day I will no longer have challenges to overcome in life. A few years ago I had got to the point where I was tired of the constant struggle to overcome the challenges that seem to continually come my way. Challenges at work, in my personal life, with my relationships and after my divorce the financial challenges. I know that you learn most from the experiences that stretch you and take you out of your comfort zone however, I had got to the point where I no longer wanted to be stretched and developed.
Have you ever felt like that? Have you ever felt very tired of the constant battle to keep your head above water? Always feeling as though no matter what you do nothing changes or improves? Thinking that you are just about to get there, then something else arrives to knock you off your stride? Like redundancy or discovering your partner or husband is having an affair? Have you ever felt that you just don't want to have to do what it takes to survive and be successful?
The problem is with hoping that you will find happiness and peace and no struggles one day is, that one day never arrives. Do you know why it will never arrive? Because it's always in the future. That's a big lesson I have learned. There is only now. The past is history, the future a mystery and the present is a gift that's why they call it the present. It's here right now that you will find the peace and contentment and satisfaction and happiness that you desire.
Once realise that there is only now you can start to let go of the worry, frustration and feeling of constant battles. You just need to know that whatever happens you will handle it. I've turned my life around from that desperate feeling of never really getting anywhere with my life and I now have the life of my dreams. Yes there are always things that I desire and strive for, life would be no fun if you didn't have those hopes. The important thing is to enjoy the present moment.
And life continues to throw me those challenges. I've already blogged about one this week when I was asked at short notice to travel to Portsmouth to deliver a training course the following morning. What’s challenging about that I hear you ask? I had been up since 5am to travel to a meeting 3 hours away and was sat on a train on the return journey when the call came through. I arrived home at 7.30 and then drove to Portsmouth arriving at midnight.
This week I've also discovered an issue with one of my tenants, that needs to be dealt with immediately. A few years ago this would have sent me into the panic zone and sleepless nights. That feeling of fear you get to the point where you freeze not knowing what to do. However, now it's a process that needs to be followed to get the desired outcome. No I don't want to have to be dealing with this, it would be lovely if everything was as it should be, but it's not. And the sooner you accept the reality the sooner you can take action to do something about it.
It's often other people's behaviour that causes the problem. In this case, a standard or something that it very important to me has been broken. When you feel strongly enough about the situation and have clear standards then the solution is easy to choose and the action that follows easy to take, even though you don't really want to be doing it. Knowing who to contact for support helps immensely. I used to bottle things up for fear of appearing as though I couldn’t cope, for fear of what other people might think or say. I didn’t want to have to deal with their reaction.
You all need some time now and again in the comfort zone, it’s where you feel safe and things are easy. There’s a familiarity and this can happen at home and at work when you have been living or working on a task for some time. If you stay in the comfort zone too long it can become boring and you start to feel that there must be more to life than this.
If you get out of the habit of setting yourself new goals and activities to follow then you can easily go into your panic zone when facing a new or unexpected situation. This is where you allow your fear of what might or might not happen to stop you from taking action, you freeze. It’s inevitable that you will feel this at different stages throughout your life. You need to recognise the feeling and get curious about what it’s telling you. What are you afraid of? You need to get back to the Stretch zone, where you will feel excited and challenged rather than fearful.
When you overcome your fear and step out of your comfort zone into the stretch zone life becomes much more exciting and challenging. You become more confident as you develop new skills and overcome those challenges.
I've learned that the only thing that I can truly control in my life is my reaction to whatever happens. I've also know that I have the confidence and courage to overcome anything. Life is a balancing act of living in the comfort zone, moving into the stretch zone when appropriate and recognising when you are in the panic zone and need to change your approach. I'm sharing even more of these tips and techniques in my Membership site so that you too can have all the confidence you need and have a wonderful life.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
I've given up.....hoping that one day I will no longer have challenges to overcome in life. A few years ago I had got to the point where I was tired of the constant struggle to overcome the challenges that seem to continually come my way. Challenges at work, in my personal life, with my relationships and after my divorce the financial challenges. I know that you learn most from the experiences that stretch you and take you out of your comfort zone however, I had got to the point where I no longer wanted to be stretched and developed.
Have you ever felt like that? Have you ever felt very tired of the constant battle to keep your head above water? Always feeling as though no matter what you do nothing changes or improves? Thinking that you are just about to get there, then something else arrives to knock you off your stride? Like redundancy or discovering your partner or husband is having an affair? Have you ever felt that you just don't want to have to do what it takes to survive and be successful?
The problem is with hoping that you will find happiness and peace and no struggles one day is, that one day never arrives. Do you know why it will never arrive? Because it's always in the future. That's a big lesson I have learned. There is only now. The past is history, the future a mystery and the present is a gift that's why they call it the present. It's here right now that you will find the peace and contentment and satisfaction and happiness that you desire.
Once realise that there is only now you can start to let go of the worry, frustration and feeling of constant battles. You just need to know that whatever happens you will handle it. I've turned my life around from that desperate feeling of never really getting anywhere with my life and I now have the life of my dreams. Yes there are always things that I desire and strive for, life would be no fun if you didn't have those hopes. The important thing is to enjoy the present moment.
And life continues to throw me those challenges. I've already blogged about one this week when I was asked at short notice to travel to Portsmouth to deliver a training course the following morning. What’s challenging about that I hear you ask? I had been up since 5am to travel to a meeting 3 hours away and was sat on a train on the return journey when the call came through. I arrived home at 7.30 and then drove to Portsmouth arriving at midnight.
This week I've also discovered an issue with one of my tenants, that needs to be dealt with immediately. A few years ago this would have sent me into the panic zone and sleepless nights. That feeling of fear you get to the point where you freeze not knowing what to do. However, now it's a process that needs to be followed to get the desired outcome. No I don't want to have to be dealing with this, it would be lovely if everything was as it should be, but it's not. And the sooner you accept the reality the sooner you can take action to do something about it.
It's often other people's behaviour that causes the problem. In this case, a standard or something that it very important to me has been broken. When you feel strongly enough about the situation and have clear standards then the solution is easy to choose and the action that follows easy to take, even though you don't really want to be doing it. Knowing who to contact for support helps immensely. I used to bottle things up for fear of appearing as though I couldn’t cope, for fear of what other people might think or say. I didn’t want to have to deal with their reaction.
You all need some time now and again in the comfort zone, it’s where you feel safe and things are easy. There’s a familiarity and this can happen at home and at work when you have been living or working on a task for some time. If you stay in the comfort zone too long it can become boring and you start to feel that there must be more to life than this.
If you get out of the habit of setting yourself new goals and activities to follow then you can easily go into your panic zone when facing a new or unexpected situation. This is where you allow your fear of what might or might not happen to stop you from taking action, you freeze. It’s inevitable that you will feel this at different stages throughout your life. You need to recognise the feeling and get curious about what it’s telling you. What are you afraid of? You need to get back to the Stretch zone, where you will feel excited and challenged rather than fearful.
When you overcome your fear and step out of your comfort zone into the stretch zone life becomes much more exciting and challenging. You become more confident as you develop new skills and overcome those challenges.
I've learned that the only thing that I can truly control in my life is my reaction to whatever happens. I've also know that I have the confidence and courage to overcome anything. Life is a balancing act of living in the comfort zone, moving into the stretch zone when appropriate and recognising when you are in the panic zone and need to change your approach. I'm sharing even more of these tips and techniques in my Membership site so that you too can have all the confidence you need and have a wonderful life.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
Thursday, 27 May 2010
What the mind can conceive!
Overcoming the internal chatter when faced with an unexpected request
On Tuesday, I was on a train on my way home to Peterborough, after a meeting in Manchester, peacefully daydreaming and watching the rolling coutryside pass by when around about Sheffield my mobile interrupted my ipod and jolted me back to reality.
It was a company that I provide training for in a bit of a panic as one of their trainers had gone sick unexpectedly and they needed someone to travel to Portsmouth to deliver an ILM Level 2 - Team Leading Diversity in the workplace event. They didn't just wanted any old trainer though they wanted me. Or at least the Training Manager did a very good job of persuading me that it was very important that someone will my excellent skills etc etc.
My initial reaction was one of panic and a sickening feeling all to do with the fact that I had arranged a very nice relaxing evening at home and was looking forward to cracking on with my new contract the following day. Saying Yes meant that this was immediately changed. Saying Yes also went against what's important to me in terms of my health and well-being. The travelling certainly takes it toll on my energy levels. I was fearful of giving out the wrong message, fearful of being too tired. Saying Yes might give the Training company the idea that I was happy to travel again.
And there was the small matter that I don't have a projector and the course needed one. Anyway whilst all this is going on in my head I hear my voice saying "Yes of course I'll cover it for you". One relieved Training Manager. It was a balancing act between my own personal fears and also my reputation as a professional trainer. You see it's also important to me to help others out as much as possible when they are stuck. I thought of the knock on effect of having the cancel the event, the disappointment of the participants, having to rearrange the date, the room booking. If I said No, then someone else would be contacted ad their life disrupted instead. Plus the Training company have been extremely good to me and look after me in terms of the volume of work I receive. So despite all my internal fears there never really was any doubt that I could say No. My professionalism won't allow it.
So having turned my mind from one of "I can't do this" (read I Don't want to do this) to "Yes I can do it". Guess what I did. I arrived home, printed off the training material, packed my case and jumped in the car, completely forgetting to warn the hotel that I would not get there until midnight. Thankfully, the owner had stayed up. A big 'Thank you' to him. A night in the car would have been a disaster.
I delivered the event with flying colours and then drove the 3 hours back home, getting held up for 45 minutes on the M25. I stopped for a meal at the Wellingborough Buddies Diner, delicious, got home and fell into bed at about 10.30....after catching up with e-mails of course. The group I delivered the training to were highly motivated and really enjoyed the day. A pleasure to work with so a big Thank you to them. I don't think they noticed the match sticks keeping my eyelids up in teh afternoon!
It's not something I would want to do every day however, it does prove that what the mind can conceive, the heart can believe then you can achieve?
What would you have done in that situation?
Would have told the Training manager to get lost (politely)?
Are you a can do sort of person?
Always enjoying the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Remember to request a copu of my Free Special Report to Overcome Your Fears Forever
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
How Limiting Beliefs Keep you Safe and Make it Easy Not to Take Action.
A Message from Noelyne...
After a recent session that I delivered on the difference between Limiting Beliefs and Empowering Beliefs a discussion followed amongst the group. For some it was quite revealing how their beliefs about themselves were keeping them stuck and stopping them from achieving their full potential.
One person realised that she was continually saying that she is not confident and that she can't do things.
Another person realised that she was being heavily influenced by people around her and that she had started to believe some of the comments from other people, which were undermining her confidence totally, such as 'You are too stupid to do that'. It was stopping her from taking action.
I shared the concept that people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime which is a belief that I hold to be true. Throughout my life whenever I have had a problem then someone has come along to help me solve it. If I needed to learn something then another person comes along to teach me. Some people have been in my life for a long time and I know they will stay. Some people had not heard of this and found it inspiring.
It lead to another comment from a particpant around a belief that many people have and that is the idea that your life is mapped out for you so no matter what action you take it won't make a difference. The idea that there is a big plan for each individual. It struck me later that this could be a limiting belief as it encourages the person to sit back and wait for the grand plan to unfold. You could end up drifting along and getting nowhere. It would be quite convenient at the end of your life to look back and say, well that's what was intended for me, there was nothing I could do.
If you want to know how to identify any beliefs that could be limiting you and how to overcome them I encourage you to join my Personal Achiever's Club where each week I provide step by step lessons on how to overcome things such as this. You get a toolkit of resources to boost your confidence and self-esteem and empower you forever.
Enjoy the process of life,
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears.
After a recent session that I delivered on the difference between Limiting Beliefs and Empowering Beliefs a discussion followed amongst the group. For some it was quite revealing how their beliefs about themselves were keeping them stuck and stopping them from achieving their full potential.
One person realised that she was continually saying that she is not confident and that she can't do things.
Another person realised that she was being heavily influenced by people around her and that she had started to believe some of the comments from other people, which were undermining her confidence totally, such as 'You are too stupid to do that'. It was stopping her from taking action.
I shared the concept that people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime which is a belief that I hold to be true. Throughout my life whenever I have had a problem then someone has come along to help me solve it. If I needed to learn something then another person comes along to teach me. Some people have been in my life for a long time and I know they will stay. Some people had not heard of this and found it inspiring.
It lead to another comment from a particpant around a belief that many people have and that is the idea that your life is mapped out for you so no matter what action you take it won't make a difference. The idea that there is a big plan for each individual. It struck me later that this could be a limiting belief as it encourages the person to sit back and wait for the grand plan to unfold. You could end up drifting along and getting nowhere. It would be quite convenient at the end of your life to look back and say, well that's what was intended for me, there was nothing I could do.
If you want to know how to identify any beliefs that could be limiting you and how to overcome them I encourage you to join my Personal Achiever's Club where each week I provide step by step lessons on how to overcome things such as this. You get a toolkit of resources to boost your confidence and self-esteem and empower you forever.
Enjoy the process of life,
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears.
Monday, 24 May 2010
Are you Afraid of Making a Decision for Fear of Getting it Wrong?
Do you find it difficult to make decisions? After making a decision do you doubt what you have done and worry that it's the wrong decision? Do you make a decision only to quickly change your mind? Do you regret many of the decisions that you've made and wish your life was different?
If you are nodding you head at this moment then there's a fair chance that you have poor decision making skills. It's quite easy to improve your skills and make better decisions. And I can help you overcome a fear of wrong decision making. I can also guarantee that your decision making will be 100% better once you are clear about your personal values. These are fundamental to effective decision making.
What is a value and value system?
A personal and/or cultural value is an absolute or relative ethical value, the assumption of which can be the basis for ethical action. A value system is a set of consistent values and measures. A principle value is a foundation upon which other values and measures of integrity are based.
Personal values
Values are one's judgements about what is important in life. Values are an integral part of every culture. Along with beliefs and worldview assumptions, they generate behaviour. Being part of a culture that shares a common core set of values creates expectations and predictability without which a culture would disintegrate and its members would lose their personal identity and sense of worth. Values tell people what is good, beneficial, important, useful, beautiful, desirable, appropriate...etc. They answer the question of why people do what they do. Values help people solve common human problems for survival. Over time, they become the roots of traditions that groups of people find important in their day to day lives. Values can be positive or negative; some are destructive. To understand people of other cultures, we must come to understand the values, beliefs and assumptions that motivate their behavior of there values over.
To understand yourself it's important to understand your own value system. You have values that
determine your decisions and guide your lives. You may value your individuality and so take responsibility, are self-reliant and act with self-respect. People who value truthfulness cannot bring themselves to tell a lie. Those who value family or friendship sacrifice their personal interests for the good of others. Those who value goodness cannot bring themselves to do something they know is wrong. You express values in your relationships and interaction with others.For example, being loyal, reliable, honest, generous, trusting, trustworthy. On a more physical level, you may place great value on cleanliness, punctuality, orderliness, accuracy and quality in whatever you do.
I've discovered a way to easily identify personal values and I share this in my Personal Achiever's Club
membership lessons.
Having your own clear set of personal values is like having a blueprint or plan for how you live your life. It helps you understand the reason why you feel uncomfortable or unsettled in certain situations or when spending time with someone who's values system is different to yours. When I work with clients who hate
their job it's often down to the fact that the the activity or behaviour of the employer crosses the boundaries of their own value system. For example, one client values being creative and having the flexibility to do things his way so long as objectives are met. Increasingly the employer was putting pressure on him to conform to a set process. This was increasingly causing my client to feel stressed, frustrated and annoyed. He valued creativity and flexibility too much so decided to change jobs and is now much happier working with a different company who values his contributions.
Just as individuals subscribe to values, so do organisations and institutions. In fact, if we were to examine any company, we would discover that one or more business values was the key to their success.
Apple's - 'taking state-of-the-art technology and making it easy for people' has seen phenomenal growth through the ipod, iphone and ipad.
McDonalds's core values they live by include providing customers unparalleled levels of Quality, Service,
Cleanliness and Value. They value their staff and make sure they are a diverse team and well trained.
Marriott Hotels set of values include a unique blend of quality, consistency, personalized service, and
recognition almost anywhere they travel in the world.
Becoming aware of your own value system and how you can use it to shape your own life is essential for overcoming a fear of making decisions. There's even more information on overcoming your fears in my Free Special Report which you can get here
Enjoy the process of life!
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report www.overcomeyourfears.com
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Overcome Your Fear and Have Fun Creating a Dream Lifestyle
“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.”
- Lawrence J. Peter
In order for you to achieve your dreams, you must have a vision of your goals. Writing down your dreams and creating a list of actions helps you stick to your plan. As it’s said “if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it”. When you turn your goals into measurable actions, you gain clarity and are able to see the necessary steps you must take in order to achieve them. If business is quiet for you now due to the economic climate then now is an excellent time to revisit your dreams. Review where you are and make sure you are still on track.
Action: Visualize a life of your wildest dreams.
Imagine that money is no object so you can have the lifestyle that you really want.
If you knew you couldn't fail what would you be doing?
What did you dream of doing when you were a child?
What would you do if you had a million dollars?
Setting goals is something you you are probably familiar with. People say things like: "Yes, we know we should set goals."; "Yes, we know we can set goals for health, for leisure, for work, for finance – in fact for all aspects of our lives."; "Yes, we know goals are extremely useful both to strive to achieve and to measure progress against.” How many of you actually do it and stick to them?
But what if there was an inspiring, fun, exciting way to set goals for your life? What if the inspiring goals, actually helped your subconscious start focusing on them, day and night, without you even being aware of it?
The steps below show exactly how to develop inspiring goals and will result in you feeling so motivated that you automatically start to track for the things you most want.
Stop saying it and start doing.
How to Make a Dream Board
1. You can either gather a stack of magazines (around 50 to 100), search for specific images on http://www.images.google.com, or both. The magazines should be different types, covering all the topics that you are interested in. Some suggestions include: money/wealth, career, sport, adventure, health, cooking, spirituality/philosophy, fitness, fashion, travel etc.
2. Go through each magazine and cut out any random pictures that appeal to you, and search http://www.images.google.com for keywords that apply to your wants and desires. Allow your mind to wander and follow your instinct. Find bright, colourful images that make you feel fantastic or get you thinking about what life could be like if it were you in that picture. Some suggestions for pictures include people, cars, holidays, fashion, books, food, scenes, kids, adventure, jewellery, books, cash, diamonds, houses, shoes, boats etc. Try to minimize the words that you cut out.
3. Purchase a magnetic board or a large blank painting canvas that is pre-strung on a timber frame and paper glue. (These are inexpensive and available at a local art store. I usually buy one which is about 1m * 1.5m – nice and big!)
4. Schedule some time in your diary for cutting and gluing day! You may need 2 or 3 lots of time.
5. On the day, put on your favourite inspiring music, make some coffee or whatever you like to drink. Buy some goodies to nibble on. And go to it!
6. Cut out the pictures neatly and stick them on your board. Paste over any faces of the people you have cut out. This is your dream board! (And we don’t want you thinking about other people!).
7. Place the dream board beside your bed or in your office and look at it at least twice a day for about 5 minutes. Enjoy the images, enjoy your work and imagine yourself leading the life that is in your dream board.
8. You will notice in the following 12 months that you are starting to achieve some of the dreams you have stuck on your board.
9. Begin collecting pictures for next year's dream board.
10. Include family members in this project.
• Magazines can be expensive! Consider collecting old magazines from friends, your local library, hairdressing salons, doctors surgeries, gyms, your work, thrift stores, bazaars etc. People are usually ecstatic to have someone recycling their old magazines.
• Often magazine subscriptions are much cheaper and there are many that can be ordered online and delivered right to home.
• Blank canvases for painting are available at your local art or stationery store. The cost will vary depending on the size you go for.
• Or you could use a bulletin board
• When making your dream board try to focus on the things you like the most! For example, I love to ski so I have a picture of mountains with a skier and some fabulous skis!
• If you think you are going to need a bigger board then get it! You don’t want to worry you will not have enough space!
The recommended time of year to do a Dream board is January but why wait? Why would you put off having the life that you want? So go to it!
I’ll be waiting to hear about your successes.
Best wishes,
P.S. To overcome any fear you may have of creating a dream board then Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
Saturday, 22 May 2010
Calling all Home Based Workers
A Message from Noelyne....
Calling all Home Based Workers. Remote Employment are holding their 2010 Awards and are looking for entries.
Overcome your fear of putting yourself forward for recognition.
Click on the picture for more information.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Still feeling fearful then request a copy of my Free Special Report
Calling all Home Based Workers. Remote Employment are holding their 2010 Awards and are looking for entries.
Overcome your fear of putting yourself forward for recognition.
Click on the picture for more information.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Still feeling fearful then request a copy of my Free Special Report
Friday, 21 May 2010
How to Overcome Your Fear of Computers
A Message from Noelyne...
How to Overcome Fear - Please print this blog and pass it to anyone you know who has a fear of computers.
Does the thought of computers make you fearful, worried or concerned? Does it cause anxiety as you know you should learn how to use one? Do you feel overwhelmed at the thought of learning a new skill? Are you afraid that you might not be able to learn? Are you scared that you might press the wrong button and delete everything?
A key emotion that can keep you from achieving what you want in life is Fear or Low level concern, Anxiety, Worry. I'm not talking about panic attacks, high level fears and phobias, which are often caused by a significant emotional event in your past. The fear and anxiety I am referring to are those daily worries, niggles or sixth sense telling you that all is not quite right for you. They can keep you stuck if you allow them to and can grow out of all proportion if you don't act to resolve the feelings.
Luckily these fears can be turned into a positive resource and can be easily overcome. They are telling you that something is going to happen soon that you need to prepare for. They are your body's way of alerting you to something you need to do.
The solution
• Review what you are feeling fearful about and evaluate what you must do to prepare yourself.
• Figure out what actions you need to take to deal with the situation in the best possible way.
Overcoming your fear – e.g. a fear of learning IT Skills
1. Understand your reason for wanting to learn new skills. What does it mean to you? What will it give you? What's in it for you?
If you have a compelling reason for achieving your goal of learning a new skill then you will overcome any barriers that might come along.
2. Identify what you are afraid of. What exactly are you saying to yourself? If it’s ‘I can’t do this’ or ‘I’m too old to learn something new’ or ‘I might make a mistake and break something’. These are negative or limiting beliefs that you have about the situation and if you allow them to, will stop you from being successful. What you need to do is change a negative thought to a positive one. For example, ‘I can do it’ or ‘Even though I am XX I can learn a new skill’.
One of my favourite quotes is from Henry Ford who said ‘If you think you can or you think you can’t, your right!’ Start telling yourself that you can do it.
3. What do you need to do? Who can support you? Who do you know who has already done what you want to do? What courses are there locally?
4. Decide what you need to do, believe that you can do it, then do it!
At this stage also check in with yourself about your level of commitment. Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being low and 10 being High as to how much you really want to learn about IT. If it's 7 and above well done and go to it. Anything below 7 then you need to go back to your goal and understand what it is that you want to achieve. Once you are at 10 then you will do whatever it takes.
Enjoy the Process!
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Easily Overcome your Fears
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Identifying and Overcoming a problem you didn't know you had
A Message from Noelyne...
What I love about what I do is that it also helps me to identify and solve my own problems when I least expect it. The other day I was coaching a group of people in how to create a compelling future. I use the Wheel of Life as a tool to help people understand how satisifed they are in important areas of their life such as Health, Wealth, Career, Relationships, Leisure time, Personal Growth, Contribution and Family. I ask people to rate themselves in each area on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being very dissatisfied and 10 being totally satisfied.
This gives a visual representation of how they view their current state and identifies areas to improve. It's quite revealing. Whilst doing this exercise one of the participants asked me 'How satisifed am I with my life?'. Now given that I am very happy with everything that I have achieved so far, very happy with all areas of my life, I was quite surprised when I hesitated to respond and then did so with an air on uncertainty.
The other participants picked up on this and said they were not convinced that I am satisifed. I knew in that moment that it was due to a conversation at the weekend with my partner. I am not able to go into details at this moment as it was a confidential conversation however, I recognised that it had unsettled me. I know that I will need to make some important decisions in the future and I want to make sure that I make the best decision for all of us. There is no decision to make at this moment as there are other factors outside our control. Only when something changes will I need to make a decision.
In the meantime I am back to being totally satisifed with who I am and where I am in my journey through life. I actually did the Wheel of Life exercise to make sure. It's good to get into the habit of reviewing your life every now and again. I know what I want so need to stay focused on that. It's very easy to be influenced by other people's fears and doubts and desires. That's OK if they resonate with you. That's why it is so important to be clear on the sort of life that you want so that you don't end up with someone elses dream.
I talk much more about how to identify what you want and get the life you deserve in my Membership club which is just about to be launched.
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
Overcoming a fear of Commitment
A Message from Noelyne....
At a recent workshop many of the particpants expressed that they experience a fear of commitment. They stop themselves from taking action even on things like meeting a friend for a coffee. It's easier to stay at home in the comfort of their own home than to risk going out and facing the world. Going out into the world risks being let down by someone or having to overcome situations that they have a fear of, such as meeting new people.
This fear of commitment will have different causes for each person. It will stem from experiences or events in their past that have created an unresourceful state or meaning for you. For example, when someone treats you badly or lets you down in some way you lose your trust in that person and it also makes you wary of developing relationships. You start to put up a barrier which makes it harder for people to get to know you. You have less people in your life, less support and so you end up only feeling happy at home. It becomes easier not to go out. It's easier not to build relationships for fear of opening yourself up to being let down again. If this sounds familiar then you will not be living life to it's full potential, you are not enjoying life as much as you could. You are missing out on all the wonderful opportunities available.
When you pinpoint what it is that causes your fear of commitment then you can do something about it. This is the sort of thing that I cover in the weekly lesson in my Membership site, which takes you step by step through an easy process which frees you up to live a fulfilling life. It's will enable you to overcome your fear of commitment so that you feel confident and value yourself.
Often it's the thought of doing something that is far worse than the actual activity. Once you learn how to overcome your fears you will stop allowing those negative thoughts to stop you from getting the life that you want. The fear of commitment will no longer hold you back in life.
Noelyne Jones
P.S. I have a more detailed report on How to easily Overcome Your Fears - It's free so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain - Request a copy now by clicking here
At a recent workshop many of the particpants expressed that they experience a fear of commitment. They stop themselves from taking action even on things like meeting a friend for a coffee. It's easier to stay at home in the comfort of their own home than to risk going out and facing the world. Going out into the world risks being let down by someone or having to overcome situations that they have a fear of, such as meeting new people.
This fear of commitment will have different causes for each person. It will stem from experiences or events in their past that have created an unresourceful state or meaning for you. For example, when someone treats you badly or lets you down in some way you lose your trust in that person and it also makes you wary of developing relationships. You start to put up a barrier which makes it harder for people to get to know you. You have less people in your life, less support and so you end up only feeling happy at home. It becomes easier not to go out. It's easier not to build relationships for fear of opening yourself up to being let down again. If this sounds familiar then you will not be living life to it's full potential, you are not enjoying life as much as you could. You are missing out on all the wonderful opportunities available.
When you pinpoint what it is that causes your fear of commitment then you can do something about it. This is the sort of thing that I cover in the weekly lesson in my Membership site, which takes you step by step through an easy process which frees you up to live a fulfilling life. It's will enable you to overcome your fear of commitment so that you feel confident and value yourself.
Often it's the thought of doing something that is far worse than the actual activity. Once you learn how to overcome your fears you will stop allowing those negative thoughts to stop you from getting the life that you want. The fear of commitment will no longer hold you back in life.
Noelyne Jones
P.S. I have a more detailed report on How to easily Overcome Your Fears - It's free so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain - Request a copy now by clicking here
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
4 Easy Steps to Increase Your Energy Levels
A Message from Noelyne...
Are you constantly feeling tired and lacking in energy? Do you feel drained at the thought of the things on your to do list? Are you looking for a way to overcome tiredness and loss of energy? What are your first thoughts of the day when the alarm goes off? Do you smile and bounce out of bed? Or do you groan and wish you could have a few more hours under the duvet? Do you feel so overwhelmed that its easier to slumping front of the TV instead of taking action ? How many times do you put something off until tomorrow and tomorrow never comes?
Would you like to know how to cope with low energy levels? Would you like to have more energy? Imagine what it would feel like to wake up feeling totally refreshed and energised each morning and to keep that feeling all day? Let me show you how to easily increase your energy levels naturaly and keep that feeling every day.
Step 1
One of the first principles to creating more energy is understanding that you get what you focus on in life. So if you are constantly focusing on how tired you are and how lacking in energy you are then guess what? That's how you will continue to feel. The thoughts that you have and the language you use to yourself create your sense of well-being. Become aware of the thoughts you have so that you can change any that are dragging you down. For example, instead of constantly saying 'I'm so tired', change it to 'I'm recharging'. Even people with heaps of energy need to take time out to recharge their batteries.
Step 2
Knowing what you want in life. Now I know that most people know what they don't want which is great and a good starting point however, if you continue to focus on what you don't want, that's what will show up. From now on I want you to imagine how you want to be feeling. How will you know when you are full of energy? What will you be doing differently? What will your day be like? Start to imagine what it will feel like to be full of energy and going about your daily activities with a renewed sense of purpose and drive. I'm sure that you can remember a time when you did have lots of energy, even if it was in your childhood!
Step 3 - What drains your energy?
Now is the time to think about what you tolerate, what you put up with - what drains you, stops you from having more time and energy.
1. Make a list of all those things you have started and not finished. The incompletions in your life. That list of tasks that you will get round to one day.
2. Make a list of things you are tolerating at home
3. Make a list of things you are tolerating at work
Don’t hold back. Lets capture it all the things that are clutterring up your mind and using up space in your head.
Step 4 - Raising Your Energy Levels
Raising your energy levels to prepare yourself for action. There are three basic principles:-
• We are all or nothing creatures
• Incompletions drain energy from your psyche
• Completions give you energy
Take a good look at the list of incompletions…..how important are these things?
Give each one a rating of High, Medium or Low.
What difference would it make if you did complete it?
What difference would it make if you didn’t?
Perhaps you have high standards which if you dropped them a little would mean that some of the items on the list would disappear?
Next cross at least one of the incompletions off your list…do it now! Doesn’t that feel better.
Next prioritise the incompletions into:-
Must do (these are the ones that you identified as important and would make a big difference)
Should do (not so important)
Could do
Now commit to completing at least one of these each day!
Three ways to complete anything.
• Complete it!
• Schedule a time to complete it
• Declare it complete
See how easy it is to take action once you commit and put your mind to it!
At the end of these steps go back to Step 1 and your original goal of feeling full of energy. How are you feeling now that you have completed some tasks and have a plan to complete the rest? Have your levels of energy increased? Have you achieved your goal of getting more energy? If so, Remember to Celebrate these small steps too. How will you reward yourself? This too will help with your motivation levels and keep you going when obstacles come your way.
If not, what else do you need to consider to increase your levels of energy? Diet and exercise play a big part in providing the get up and go feeling, so maybe you need to review your daily habits. Do you need to relax and pamper yourself more often. I cover these topics and more in detail in my blog which you can access via the link below.
Enjoy the process of life!
Noelyne Jones
P.S. For more tips on personal development request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears Click Here
Monday, 17 May 2010
Tony Robbins tells Rocky's story.
Tony Robbins is one of my favourite Personal Development experts. In this video he shares Sylvester Stallone's story and how he overcame many barriers and challenges in his quest to fulfil hos goal of becoming a movie star. At one stage he was completely broke, had lost his wife and had to sell his dog just to survive. It's an amazing story and inspirational.
When you know exactly what you want to do or be and are totally passionate about achieving it you will overcome any challenge set in front of you. Nothing will stop you. Listen and watch the video and be inspired.
1. Know what you want
2. Be prepared to lose everything
3. Be persistent
4. Take action.
Enjoy the process of life!
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Overcome Your Fears Easily
Click here
Sunday, 16 May 2010
7 steps to overcome and manage anxiety
A Message from Noelyne...
Effective Steps for Managing Anxiety
Have you ever been in a situation that brought on sweats, rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath? You probably weren’t having a heart attack but an anxiety attack. If you suffer from anxiety disorders, learning to manage it is the first step to overcoming it.
Anxiety is characterized as extreme reactions to fearful situations. When someone follows you into a dark alley, those anxious feelings of a racing heartbeat and sweaty palms gives way to heightened senses and a rush of adrenalin that can save your life. This is the fight or flight syndrome.
In the case of frequent anxiety, the fearful feelings are dread of a particular situation and not the situation itself. Getting caught in traffic can cause an anxiety attack over what might happen when you get to work late. Starting a new job can bring on anxiety attacks. You don’t know anyone and fear of that unknown can send you into a panic.
Everyone experiences panic or anxiety in small ways. Like the fight or flight example, it can save your life. In new situations, we get panicky but when the outcome we fear fails to materialize, the anxiety stops. For someone with chronic anxiety, this is not the case.
Every situation that brings anxiety is not life-threatening. More than likely it is an extremely stressful situation that has brought on the anxiety as a way of dealing with it. Unchecked anxiety of this type can lead to depression.
If you suffer from anxiety attacks on occasion or a more frequent anxiety disorder, there are steps you can take to keep your anxiety under control.
1. See a professional. This is always a good first step. Self-diagnosis of any type of physical or mental condition is unwise and can be dangerous. A professional psychologist can help you understand your anxiety and prescribe medication or other effective techniques.
2. Get a good night’s sleep. During the sleep cycle, your body repairs itself. You feel more rested after several hours of restorative sleep, reaching the REM stage. Most people need eight hours a night which varies within an hour or two each way.
3. Exercise on a consistent basis. Exercise helps you to use oxygen more efficiently. It helps to get more oxygen to the brain. It also increases focus which may help you see solutions to problems rather than simply worrying about them.
4. Meditate. Meditation is more than chanting mantras. Yoga is an exercise that involves quieting the mind and controlling your breathing. Simple mediation such as taking 5 minutes to clear your mind everyday can work wonders in the fight against anxiety.
5. Manage the worry. When you feel your pulse start to quicken, count backwards from ten. As you count, focus on the situation. What has actually happened? Resist the urge to read anything more into the situation.
6. Don’t use alcohol. You might think that the glass of wine is relaxing your tension but alcohol is a depressant. In anxious situations you could rely too heavily on it and gain another problem in the process.
7. Find some relaxing activities. Stress can rob you of your energy. On a regular basis, do something you like such as gardening, painting, reading or listening to music.
Anxiety can come into your life at any time. It’s normal. When the anxiety becomes frequent you could be at risk for more serious conditions. If you feel your anxiety is starting to take over your life or increasingly causing you problems, seek professional help immediately. There is no need to suffer this terrible condition in silence.
Helping you to stay healthy and happy,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report 'Top 10 tips to Guarantee Health and Happiness' Click here
Effective Steps for Managing Anxiety
Have you ever been in a situation that brought on sweats, rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath? You probably weren’t having a heart attack but an anxiety attack. If you suffer from anxiety disorders, learning to manage it is the first step to overcoming it.
Anxiety is characterized as extreme reactions to fearful situations. When someone follows you into a dark alley, those anxious feelings of a racing heartbeat and sweaty palms gives way to heightened senses and a rush of adrenalin that can save your life. This is the fight or flight syndrome.
In the case of frequent anxiety, the fearful feelings are dread of a particular situation and not the situation itself. Getting caught in traffic can cause an anxiety attack over what might happen when you get to work late. Starting a new job can bring on anxiety attacks. You don’t know anyone and fear of that unknown can send you into a panic.
Everyone experiences panic or anxiety in small ways. Like the fight or flight example, it can save your life. In new situations, we get panicky but when the outcome we fear fails to materialize, the anxiety stops. For someone with chronic anxiety, this is not the case.
Every situation that brings anxiety is not life-threatening. More than likely it is an extremely stressful situation that has brought on the anxiety as a way of dealing with it. Unchecked anxiety of this type can lead to depression.
If you suffer from anxiety attacks on occasion or a more frequent anxiety disorder, there are steps you can take to keep your anxiety under control.
1. See a professional. This is always a good first step. Self-diagnosis of any type of physical or mental condition is unwise and can be dangerous. A professional psychologist can help you understand your anxiety and prescribe medication or other effective techniques.
2. Get a good night’s sleep. During the sleep cycle, your body repairs itself. You feel more rested after several hours of restorative sleep, reaching the REM stage. Most people need eight hours a night which varies within an hour or two each way.
3. Exercise on a consistent basis. Exercise helps you to use oxygen more efficiently. It helps to get more oxygen to the brain. It also increases focus which may help you see solutions to problems rather than simply worrying about them.
4. Meditate. Meditation is more than chanting mantras. Yoga is an exercise that involves quieting the mind and controlling your breathing. Simple mediation such as taking 5 minutes to clear your mind everyday can work wonders in the fight against anxiety.
5. Manage the worry. When you feel your pulse start to quicken, count backwards from ten. As you count, focus on the situation. What has actually happened? Resist the urge to read anything more into the situation.
6. Don’t use alcohol. You might think that the glass of wine is relaxing your tension but alcohol is a depressant. In anxious situations you could rely too heavily on it and gain another problem in the process.
7. Find some relaxing activities. Stress can rob you of your energy. On a regular basis, do something you like such as gardening, painting, reading or listening to music.
Anxiety can come into your life at any time. It’s normal. When the anxiety becomes frequent you could be at risk for more serious conditions. If you feel your anxiety is starting to take over your life or increasingly causing you problems, seek professional help immediately. There is no need to suffer this terrible condition in silence.
Helping you to stay healthy and happy,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report 'Top 10 tips to Guarantee Health and Happiness' Click here
Saturday, 15 May 2010
How to Overcome Emotional Eating
How to Overcome Emotional Eating
Eating is a part of life. Your body gets its nutrients from food. Sometimes we can go overboard with our eating habits and it can result in gaining weight. One issue with food is emotional eating.
The problem of emotional eating may end with the scale but it begins in the mind. Stress takes its toll on your life. When your defenses are compromised your health takes a hit and so do your emotions.
Everyone has good days and bad days. How you deal with the bad ones brings emotional eating into play. You look for comfort for your hurts. People who turn to food for comfort find a coping mechanism that won’t judge them, hurt them or tell them “no.” To complicate the issue, eating pleasurable foods can stimulate the release of endorphins just like exercise. So, after you eat, you feel better.
Emotional eaters use food to relieve stress. They hide behind the food instead of seeking solutions to the problems. This is not uncommon when the stressor is something horrible such as physical abuse or a death.
But, how do you know you are using food in this way? The first sign is obvious. You will gain weight if you eat too much. In light of the weight gain, examine other areas of your life:
* Have you been under stress lately at work or at home?
* Has anything traumatic happened in the last year?
* Are you dealing with a problem but haven’t found a solution?
Answering “yes” to any of these questions could mean that you are an emotional eater. You eat but you are not necessarily hungry at the time. The foods that you choose are what we term “comfort foods”:
* High fat foods like French fries, fried foods
* High carb foods like macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes
* Sugary foods like ice cream, donuts, cookies, cake
There is help for emotional eaters. The first step is recognizing that you have a problem. You’ll experience feelings of helplessness and guilt. The guilt is over potentially ruining your health and the helplessness lies in the fact that you don’t see a way out.
Secondly, seek counseling. There are many types of counselors out there that can meet your need. Emotional eating has nothing to do with dieting or changing your eating habits but gaining control over your emotions.
A counselor might suggest things like visualization, practicing problem solving skills, relaxation techniques and family support. Visualization helps you to see your problems in a realistic way and not blown out of proportion. You will also learn to see food as nutrition for the body and not an emotional crutch.
Thirdly, your family can learn your triggers for stress and be on the lookout for changes in your eating habits. They can help you be aware of the foods you are eating, assist you in making healthy food choices and exercise along with you. Proper diet and exercise increases immunity, blood flow and positive thinking. Yoga enhances the mind/body connection so you don’t eat when you aren’t hungry.
Finding new ways to solve your problems and deal with stress will push food out of the equation. You’ll feel good about finding solutions which will replace the dependence on food.
Helping you stay happy and healthy,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report here
Friday, 14 May 2010
10 easy steps to guarantee happiness
A Message from Noelyne....
Happy as You Want to Be
Almost everyone have heard the hit single 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' by Bobby McFerrin. The song has a very catchy way of conveying its message of being happy to everyone. Bobby Mcferiin's simple message surely made a lot of people by telling them not to worry.
Living a happy, resilient and optimistic life is wonderful, and is also good for your health. Being happy actually protects you from the stresses of life. Stress is linked to top causes of death such as heart disease, cancer and stroke.
One of the better things ever said is - 'The only thing in life that will always remain the same is change', and in your life you have the power to make the necessary changes if you want to. Even if you find yourselves in an unbearable situation you can always find solace in the knowledge that it too would change.
Social networks or relationships are essential to happiness. People are different, accept people for who or what they are, avoid clashes, constant arguments, and let go of all kinds of resentments. If arguments seem unavoidable still try and make an effort to understand the situation and you might just get along with well with
Happiness is actually found in everyone, increasing it is a way to make a life more wonderful and also more healthy.
To be happy is relatively easy, just decide to be a happy person. Abraham Lincoln observed that most people for most of the time can choose how happy or stressed, how relaxed or troubled, how bright or dull their outlook to be. The choice is simple really, choose to be happy.
There are several ways by which you can do this.
1. Being grateful is a great attitude. We have so much to be thankful for. Thank the taxi driver for bringing you home safely, thank the cook for a wonderful dinner and thank the guy who cleans your windows. Also thank the mailman for bringing you your mail, thank the policeman for making your place safe and thank God for being alive.
2. News is stressful. Get less of it. Some people just can't start their day without their daily dose of news. Try and think about it, 99% of the news you hear or read is bad news. Starting the day with bad news does not seem to be a sensible thing to do. Nor does ending the day with bad news so avoid TV and radio last thing at night. In fact avoid TV if you really want to be successful.
3. A religious connection is also recommended. Being part of a religious group with its singing, sacraments, chanting, prayers and meditations foster inner peace.
4. Manage your time. Time is invaluable and too important to waste. Time management can be viewed as a list of rules that involves scheduling, setting goals, planning, creating lists of things to do and prioritizing. These are the core basics of time management that should be understood to develop an efficient personal time management skill. These basic skills can be fine tuned further to include the finer points of each skill that can give you that extra reserve to make the results you desire.
5. Laugh and laugh heartily everyday. Heard a good joke? Tell your friends or family about it. As they also say -'Laughter is the best medicine'.
6. Express your feelings, affections, friendship and passion to people around you. They will most likely reciprocate your actions. Try not to keep pent up anger of frustrations, this is bad for your health. Instead find ways of expressing them in a way that will not cause more injury or hurt to anyone.
7. Working hard brings tremendous personal satisfaction. It gives a feeling of being competent in finishing our tasks. Accomplishments are necessary for all of us, they give us a sense of value. Work on things that you feel worthy of your time.
8. Learning is a joyful exercise. Try and learn something new everyday. Learning also makes us expand and broaden our horizons. And could also give us more opportunities in the future.
9. Run, jog, walk and do other things that your body was made for. Feel alive.
10. Avoid exposure to negative elements like loud noises, toxins and hazardous places.
These are the few simple things you can do everyday to be happy.
And always remember the quote from Abraham Lincoln, he says that, "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."
Enjoy the process of life!
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Feel Healthy and Happy
Happy as You Want to Be
Almost everyone have heard the hit single 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' by Bobby McFerrin. The song has a very catchy way of conveying its message of being happy to everyone. Bobby Mcferiin's simple message surely made a lot of people by telling them not to worry.
Living a happy, resilient and optimistic life is wonderful, and is also good for your health. Being happy actually protects you from the stresses of life. Stress is linked to top causes of death such as heart disease, cancer and stroke.
One of the better things ever said is - 'The only thing in life that will always remain the same is change', and in your life you have the power to make the necessary changes if you want to. Even if you find yourselves in an unbearable situation you can always find solace in the knowledge that it too would change.
Social networks or relationships are essential to happiness. People are different, accept people for who or what they are, avoid clashes, constant arguments, and let go of all kinds of resentments. If arguments seem unavoidable still try and make an effort to understand the situation and you might just get along with well with
Happiness is actually found in everyone, increasing it is a way to make a life more wonderful and also more healthy.
To be happy is relatively easy, just decide to be a happy person. Abraham Lincoln observed that most people for most of the time can choose how happy or stressed, how relaxed or troubled, how bright or dull their outlook to be. The choice is simple really, choose to be happy.
There are several ways by which you can do this.
1. Being grateful is a great attitude. We have so much to be thankful for. Thank the taxi driver for bringing you home safely, thank the cook for a wonderful dinner and thank the guy who cleans your windows. Also thank the mailman for bringing you your mail, thank the policeman for making your place safe and thank God for being alive.
2. News is stressful. Get less of it. Some people just can't start their day without their daily dose of news. Try and think about it, 99% of the news you hear or read is bad news. Starting the day with bad news does not seem to be a sensible thing to do. Nor does ending the day with bad news so avoid TV and radio last thing at night. In fact avoid TV if you really want to be successful.
3. A religious connection is also recommended. Being part of a religious group with its singing, sacraments, chanting, prayers and meditations foster inner peace.
4. Manage your time. Time is invaluable and too important to waste. Time management can be viewed as a list of rules that involves scheduling, setting goals, planning, creating lists of things to do and prioritizing. These are the core basics of time management that should be understood to develop an efficient personal time management skill. These basic skills can be fine tuned further to include the finer points of each skill that can give you that extra reserve to make the results you desire.
5. Laugh and laugh heartily everyday. Heard a good joke? Tell your friends or family about it. As they also say -'Laughter is the best medicine'.
6. Express your feelings, affections, friendship and passion to people around you. They will most likely reciprocate your actions. Try not to keep pent up anger of frustrations, this is bad for your health. Instead find ways of expressing them in a way that will not cause more injury or hurt to anyone.
7. Working hard brings tremendous personal satisfaction. It gives a feeling of being competent in finishing our tasks. Accomplishments are necessary for all of us, they give us a sense of value. Work on things that you feel worthy of your time.
8. Learning is a joyful exercise. Try and learn something new everyday. Learning also makes us expand and broaden our horizons. And could also give us more opportunities in the future.
9. Run, jog, walk and do other things that your body was made for. Feel alive.
10. Avoid exposure to negative elements like loud noises, toxins and hazardous places.
These are the few simple things you can do everyday to be happy.
And always remember the quote from Abraham Lincoln, he says that, "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."
Enjoy the process of life!
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Feel Healthy and Happy
Sunday, 9 May 2010
How to Easily Overcome Your Fears in less than 10 minutes
A Message from Noelyne...
Lets clarify what I mean by fears. One dictionary definition states 'be afraid or feel anxious or apprehensive about a possible or probable situation or event; "I fear she might get aggressive".'
It's a combination of a feeling and thought that you have about an unknown situation based on your belief or preconceptions of what might happen in the future. It can be based on a previous bad experience or from listening to others
In some situations the feeling of fear that you get is an instinctive response to a threatening situation, your intuition telling you that something is not right and that you need to be wary or even remove yourself from the situation. Sometimes described as the fight or flight response. This is a positive use for fear as it protects you from harm.
The fear I want to consider in this article is the feeling or emotion that causes you to decide not to take action. The sort of fear that gets in the way of you becoming all that you can be e.g. not applying for a new job, not speaking up for yourself at a meeting, not putting forward your ideas at home or work, not confronting someone about a problem they have caused, not volunteering to do a presentation for your employer... It's an adverse emotion that stops you moving forward and getting the life that you really want.
The great thing is that once you admit that you are afraid it's quite easy to overcome those fears.
The first thing you need to do is:
Believe that you can overcome your fears!
This is vital to your success. If you believe that you can’t overcome your fears then guess what? You won’t! Your beliefs about yourself and your life create the life that you have. What you believe to be true affects you every day and minute of your life. If you are holding back or not being as successful as you would like to be it will be due to a belief that you have about the situation or yourself.
The awesome thing is that a belief can be changed.
So what is a belief?
Beliefs are thoughts that you hold to be true about yourself and your life. There are many beliefs that we all hold which will be the same for example, I believe that the sun rises and sets every day. I believe that water evaporates to form clouds which rise over mountains and causes rain to fall. These are the sort of beliefs that will not change.
Where do beliefs come from?
Your beliefs are formed as a result of your education, your religion, your parents, your experiences, the media and many more. Each individual person has very different upbringing and experiences which makes you who you are. Each individual will have different beliefs and a different view of the world and depending on the experiences, these beliefs could be positive and resourceful or negative and un-resourceful.
Which of the following two possible beliefs do you think is more likely to result in a positive confident outgoing successful person?
1. ‘It’s a big wide scary world out there full of people out to manipulate and scheme against you and grab your money’. Or
2. ‘It’s a fantastic world filled with an abundance of opportunity and supportive people’.
If you don't get that it's 2. then this article is not for you.
Lets assume that you have accepted that your fear is holding you back and that you believe that you can overcome your fears.
You are now ready to move to the next level.
The Power of your thoughts
The thought of doing whatever it is that you want to do is often far worse than the reality. Think about a time when you nearly didn't do something because of how afraid, sick or fearful you felt. Did it turn out to be as bad as you thought?
The majority of the time it won't be. If it does at least you can make an informed decision based on experience rather than just your thoughts as to whether you wish to proceed with that course of action.
The thought that you have is normally based on your preconception of what might happen. Your mind starts to go into protective mode and imagine all sorts of negative outcomes all aimed at keeping you safe and in your comfort zone.
This of course is quite acceptable if you want to stay where you are doing the same old thing day after day.
To get what you want in life, to grow and improve you need to learn to overcome that feeling of fear and go out and do it.
To do this you need to become aware of the negative thoughts and then change them. Instead of thinking that everything will go pear shaped so there's no point in giving it a go, you need to imagine a positive outcome, the outcome that you really want.
For example, you have been asked to make a presentation at a conference and you know that it is a great opportunity however, your fear of public speaking stops you from accepting. The pictures you have in your mind currently are you standing up on stage stuttering, sweating profusely, tripping over the wires, the powerpoint not working etc etc. So much so that you decide not to do it.
A colleague with far less experience than you accepts, does a reasonable job and gets promoted as a result! How do you feel now!
Do you think this person didn't feel any fear? Most people do and that's quite normal, it's telling you that you need to prepare.
Part of that preparation is imagining yourself standing on stage speaking clearly, confidently and making a very effective presentation. Imagine the smiles and applause. Imagine feeling fantastic.
Obviously there are other things that you need to do to achieve the end goal. However, having a positive mindset at the outset will guarantee a good result.
If things don't go as well as you imagined that's OK too. Don't beat yourself up!. Celebrate completing the task and overcoming your fears You can review and learn from the experience, get some feedback, do more research and then give it another go. You learn from the experience and plan to do it better next time.
If you are worried about what other people will think of you if you make a mistake...don't be! People soon forget, they are much more interested in their own problems and fears. And anyway people tend to remember the first impression they get of you, which is created in the first 30 seconds of meeting someone for the first time. I can show you how to make a god first impression too for more information check out my blog via the link below.
Most of all start to enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
Lets clarify what I mean by fears. One dictionary definition states 'be afraid or feel anxious or apprehensive about a possible or probable situation or event; "I fear she might get aggressive".'
It's a combination of a feeling and thought that you have about an unknown situation based on your belief or preconceptions of what might happen in the future. It can be based on a previous bad experience or from listening to others
In some situations the feeling of fear that you get is an instinctive response to a threatening situation, your intuition telling you that something is not right and that you need to be wary or even remove yourself from the situation. Sometimes described as the fight or flight response. This is a positive use for fear as it protects you from harm.
The fear I want to consider in this article is the feeling or emotion that causes you to decide not to take action. The sort of fear that gets in the way of you becoming all that you can be e.g. not applying for a new job, not speaking up for yourself at a meeting, not putting forward your ideas at home or work, not confronting someone about a problem they have caused, not volunteering to do a presentation for your employer... It's an adverse emotion that stops you moving forward and getting the life that you really want.
The great thing is that once you admit that you are afraid it's quite easy to overcome those fears.
The first thing you need to do is:
Believe that you can overcome your fears!
This is vital to your success. If you believe that you can’t overcome your fears then guess what? You won’t! Your beliefs about yourself and your life create the life that you have. What you believe to be true affects you every day and minute of your life. If you are holding back or not being as successful as you would like to be it will be due to a belief that you have about the situation or yourself.
The awesome thing is that a belief can be changed.
So what is a belief?
Beliefs are thoughts that you hold to be true about yourself and your life. There are many beliefs that we all hold which will be the same for example, I believe that the sun rises and sets every day. I believe that water evaporates to form clouds which rise over mountains and causes rain to fall. These are the sort of beliefs that will not change.
Where do beliefs come from?
Your beliefs are formed as a result of your education, your religion, your parents, your experiences, the media and many more. Each individual person has very different upbringing and experiences which makes you who you are. Each individual will have different beliefs and a different view of the world and depending on the experiences, these beliefs could be positive and resourceful or negative and un-resourceful.
Which of the following two possible beliefs do you think is more likely to result in a positive confident outgoing successful person?
1. ‘It’s a big wide scary world out there full of people out to manipulate and scheme against you and grab your money’. Or
2. ‘It’s a fantastic world filled with an abundance of opportunity and supportive people’.
If you don't get that it's 2. then this article is not for you.
Lets assume that you have accepted that your fear is holding you back and that you believe that you can overcome your fears.
You are now ready to move to the next level.
The Power of your thoughts
The thought of doing whatever it is that you want to do is often far worse than the reality. Think about a time when you nearly didn't do something because of how afraid, sick or fearful you felt. Did it turn out to be as bad as you thought?
The majority of the time it won't be. If it does at least you can make an informed decision based on experience rather than just your thoughts as to whether you wish to proceed with that course of action.
The thought that you have is normally based on your preconception of what might happen. Your mind starts to go into protective mode and imagine all sorts of negative outcomes all aimed at keeping you safe and in your comfort zone.
This of course is quite acceptable if you want to stay where you are doing the same old thing day after day.
To get what you want in life, to grow and improve you need to learn to overcome that feeling of fear and go out and do it.
To do this you need to become aware of the negative thoughts and then change them. Instead of thinking that everything will go pear shaped so there's no point in giving it a go, you need to imagine a positive outcome, the outcome that you really want.
For example, you have been asked to make a presentation at a conference and you know that it is a great opportunity however, your fear of public speaking stops you from accepting. The pictures you have in your mind currently are you standing up on stage stuttering, sweating profusely, tripping over the wires, the powerpoint not working etc etc. So much so that you decide not to do it.
A colleague with far less experience than you accepts, does a reasonable job and gets promoted as a result! How do you feel now!
Do you think this person didn't feel any fear? Most people do and that's quite normal, it's telling you that you need to prepare.
Part of that preparation is imagining yourself standing on stage speaking clearly, confidently and making a very effective presentation. Imagine the smiles and applause. Imagine feeling fantastic.
Obviously there are other things that you need to do to achieve the end goal. However, having a positive mindset at the outset will guarantee a good result.
If things don't go as well as you imagined that's OK too. Don't beat yourself up!. Celebrate completing the task and overcoming your fears You can review and learn from the experience, get some feedback, do more research and then give it another go. You learn from the experience and plan to do it better next time.
If you are worried about what other people will think of you if you make a mistake...don't be! People soon forget, they are much more interested in their own problems and fears. And anyway people tend to remember the first impression they get of you, which is created in the first 30 seconds of meeting someone for the first time. I can show you how to make a god first impression too for more information check out my blog via the link below.
Most of all start to enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
Saturday, 8 May 2010
Do what you love to do.
I used to love to play tennis at school although didn't take it seriously as I was more interested in Netball and Athletics. On leaving school I decided to join the local tennis club however, it didn't last long as I didn't feel as though I fitted in, a bit clicquey. That was 31 years ago!
In January I made the decision to reduce my business mileage and concentrate on building my home based business. It's been one of the best decisions I've made this year. Not only do I feel happier in myself I am no longer shattered from driving quite ridiculous distances. As a result I am building my life here in Oundle.
I've just joined the Oundle Tennis club and have been out on the court a couple of times. I'm very rusty as it's 31 years since I picked up a tennis racket however, it's so much fun. I'm meeting new people who live lcoally and everyone seems very pleasant no clicques yet.....
It feels so good to be planning weekly things for me outside of my business life. Next week I'm planning to start a Pilates class locally. I so enjoyed doing Pilates on holiday, although the view I had there was quite spectacular, imagine standing under a canopy facing out to sea, the sun gently bathing the surroundings, spring flowers, the aroma from the jasmine....quite something. I'll just have to imagine I'm back there when I join the new class here in Oundle. Which reminds me I need to sign up.
Be happy doing what you love to do
Health and happiness always,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here www.howtofeelhealthyandhappy.com
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Overcoming challenges on holiday
Towards the end of a recent holiday to Turkey we discovered that all flights back to the UK were cancelled due to the Volcanic Ash Cloud produced by the erupting Ielandic volcano. This presented us with the challenge of overcoming some obstacles. For example, we were unable to contact any of the emergency numbers due to the phone lines being engaged or going straight to answer machine. This was of course frustrating and created anxiety. It's the not knowing what's happening, the fear of the unknown and the consequences of the fact that we could not get home in time to keep commitments.
To overcome our fear and anxiety my partner and I helped each other through these first couple of days by dicussing options and expressing any fears and doubts we had. This helped tremedously. We did as much as we could to overcome the adversity and to resolve the situation. However, eventually we resigned ourselves to sitting tight until it was time to check out of the hotel. About 8 hours later we received a message that our flight operator had tried to contact us at the hotel. This was a huge relief as we realised that someone did know about us. The nervousness and difficulties of the previous two days started to dissipate.
On speaking with the company rep we were even more relieved to discover that the flight operator were more than happy to accommodate us in one of their hotels nearer the airport to await confirmation of the return flight. In one phone call and with new information we had overcome the difficulties of being stranded in a foriegn country. So that day the next stage of our holiday/ return to the UK commenced. Our original transfer taxi dropped us off at the new hotel and we settled in. We felt so grateful and gave thanks for our very good fortune. Reports on the TV were coming through thick and fast about other people's misfortune and struggles to return home.
Then followed days of waiting for information, checking with the reps regularly and generally making the most of the situation. Calls and messages to the UK had been made to cancel appointments and training courses, so minimising the effect on others.
What was very surprising was the number of people in the Hotel who complained about the situation, saying that more needed to be done to get them home. They complained to the Reps who in my opinion did an exceptional job of keeping us informed in difficult times.
We were just happy to be safe, in a wonderful country, plenty of food, lovely hotel and exceptional views. The sun shone every day, so we just relaxed and enjoyed our good fortune.
I did learn a few other things as a result of being stranded.
- check holiday insurance thoroughly so you are clear on what is and isn't covered
- make sure you know how to access important accounts such as bank accounts, in case you need to pay bills, transfer money etc.
- if you run a business make sure you can access important information whilst abroad, take a laptop if poss or a portable memory stick/back disk
- automate your business as much as possible
- take extra medication/important supplements that you are unable to get abroad
- Have fun no matter what!
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
How to Be all You Can Be - 10 Questions to Ask Yourself
"What Really Makes You Tick?" 10 questions you should ask to yourself: a preparation to self-improvement
How to Be all You Can Be.
1. What do I really want?
The question of the ages. So many things you want to do with your life and so little time to even go about during the day.
Finding something that you are good at can help realize that small step towards improvement.
2. Should I really change?
Only you can be the judge of that. Be the change that you wish to see. When you change it's amazing how the people around you change. So if you perceive a problem in someone in your life, first look at yourself and consider where you need to change. Make the changes and then notice how the problem in the other person disappears.
3. What's the bright side in all of this?
With so much is happening there seems to be no room for even considering that light at the end of the tunnel. If it's a train at the end of the tunnel, take it for a ride and see where it might take you!
4. Am I comfortable with what I'm doing?
If not, then open your eyes to the opportunity and abundance around you. Try something new.
5. Have I done enough for myself?
Have you, or is there something more you want to do? Discontentment in every aspect can be dangerous in large doses, but in small amounts you'll be able to see and do stuff you could never imagine doing.
6. Am I happy at where I am today?
It's an unfair question so let it be an answer! You love being a good and loving mom or dad to your kids, then take it up a notch! Your kids will love you forever. The same goes with everyday life! Be Happy with what you have now and you will attract even more happiness.
7. Am I appealing to the opposite sex?
So maybe I don't have an answer to that, but that doesn't mean I can't try it, though. Whether you shape-up, change the way you wear your clothes or hair, or even your attitude towards people, you should always remember it will always be for your own benefit.
8. How much could I have?
I suppose in this case there is no such thing as too much or too little, it's more on how badly you really want it. When you have a burning desire for something, puts lots of energy into getting it, magic will happen.
9. What motivates me?
What motivates you? It's an answer you have to find out for yourself. There are so many things that motivate and it varies from person to person. You know yourself best and what makes you tick so work out what your motivators are. It's not like you can't have one serving of your favorite food in a buffet and that's it. Just try it piece by piece.
10. What Really Makes You Tick?
So? What really makes you tick? You can be just about anything you always wanted to be...and that thought it itself may seem very difficult and can cause you to give up before you even start that journey. Always remember, that self-improvement is not just about the physical or philosophical change you have to undergo, it's about your emotional attachment to the outcome. How much do you really really want it?
Enjoy the process of life,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears - Get your FREE Copy here
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
A Spot of Self-improvement Humour from Woody Allen
A Message from Noelyne...
"Life With Woody" 10 inspirational quotes than can improve yourself
Woody Allen has this to say:
1. "Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons." It sounds good to me, I mean the practicality of all things does involve money but it doesn't have to take an arm and a leg to get it.
2. "I believe there is something out there watching us. Unfortunately, it's the government." 'Nuff said.
3. "There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman?" This happens to be one of the classic ones. I mean the issue about life's little problems isn't all that bad, until 'he' shows up.
Sure, relationships can get complicated, or does have its complications that probably any author about relationships is bound to discover it soon. We follow what our heart desires, unless you're talking about the heart as in the heart that pump blood throughout your body.
4. "Love is the answer, but while you're waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty interesting questions." And if you want more, just keep on asking!
5. "A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me, she said 'no'." It sounds, 'practical', I think.
And when it comes to everyday life, he really knows how to make the best out of every possible scenario, and it doesn't involve a lawsuit if he strikes a nerve.
6. "Basically my wife was immature. I'd be at home in the bath and she'd come in and sink my boats." I never had a boat in my bathtub before. Just staring at it while soaking in hot water makes me seasick already.
7. "I am not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens." If it rains, it pours.
8. "I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose." It could get worse when you're guzzling on beer… or mouthwash, and it happened to me once!
9. "If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans." At least he doesn't smite us with lightning, and I'm thankful for that.
And despite of what may happen to all of us in the next ten, twenty, or even thirty years, I guess we all have to see things in a different kind of light and not just perspective. I can't seem to imagine life without any piece of wisdom that could guide us. Whether we're religious or not, it takes more courage to accept your fears and learn how to deal with them is all that matters when it comes to even just getting along.
And to sum things up, here is the last nugget of wisdom to go by… however, whenever, and wherever we may be.
10. "The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don't have."
Until next time,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears
"Life With Woody" 10 inspirational quotes than can improve yourself
Woody Allen has this to say:
1. "Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons." It sounds good to me, I mean the practicality of all things does involve money but it doesn't have to take an arm and a leg to get it.
2. "I believe there is something out there watching us. Unfortunately, it's the government." 'Nuff said.
3. "There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman?" This happens to be one of the classic ones. I mean the issue about life's little problems isn't all that bad, until 'he' shows up.
Sure, relationships can get complicated, or does have its complications that probably any author about relationships is bound to discover it soon. We follow what our heart desires, unless you're talking about the heart as in the heart that pump blood throughout your body.
4. "Love is the answer, but while you're waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty interesting questions." And if you want more, just keep on asking!
5. "A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me, she said 'no'." It sounds, 'practical', I think.
And when it comes to everyday life, he really knows how to make the best out of every possible scenario, and it doesn't involve a lawsuit if he strikes a nerve.
6. "Basically my wife was immature. I'd be at home in the bath and she'd come in and sink my boats." I never had a boat in my bathtub before. Just staring at it while soaking in hot water makes me seasick already.
7. "I am not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens." If it rains, it pours.
8. "I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose." It could get worse when you're guzzling on beer… or mouthwash, and it happened to me once!
9. "If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans." At least he doesn't smite us with lightning, and I'm thankful for that.
And despite of what may happen to all of us in the next ten, twenty, or even thirty years, I guess we all have to see things in a different kind of light and not just perspective. I can't seem to imagine life without any piece of wisdom that could guide us. Whether we're religious or not, it takes more courage to accept your fears and learn how to deal with them is all that matters when it comes to even just getting along.
And to sum things up, here is the last nugget of wisdom to go by… however, whenever, and wherever we may be.
10. "The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don't have."
Until next time,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report on How to Easily Overcome Your Fears
Monday, 3 May 2010
The Right Way to Set and Achieve Your Goals
The Right Way to Set and Achieve Your Goals
People set their goals differently, depending on their current situation, resources, physical capacity and other
factors. You can, however, follow some guidelines to make sure that your goals are credible and possible. Too many individuals set their goals too high unknowingly, only to lose and get disappointed for life. Here are some tips for you.
Being Specific
Goals need to be specific, so that you know which part of the process you're currently in and the particular ways on how you will achieve it. Most people have goals to get promoted, get rich, improve relationship and the like, but these are very vague and your mind can become confused about what you truly mean. General descriptions usually do not have boundaries, so you always leave room for mistakes and compromise. If you want results that you can be proud of, be specific.
To be specific, you need to include the full details. Write down something like, "I want to get $1 million by October of this year." or "I need to become key supervisor of the sales division by next week." Include the names, the position, the amount, the date and everything else needed to train your mind to start working towards that goal.
Being Measurable
Goals need to be measurable so that you can gauge how well you have done lately. To help measure your paths and goals, you should include measurable details. For your job, you can include details such as the number of hours you're working, the amount you're earning, the staff you're handling, etc. For the goal of money, you can include details such as the amount you want to have as a whole, the number of companies or businesses you own, your contact persons, etc. Always have things and items to be measured so you can understand how close you are to getting your goals. If your goal is to earn $100,000 a month, then you know you're halfway there if you're already earning $50,000 a month.
Being Attainable and Realistic
Only set goals that can possibly be accomplished. Some people set goals that are too high to reach, that they are almost setting up things that are impossible. Make sure you only set objectives that you can reach within a given amount of time, provided the current resources and capabilities you have. Some examples of impossible goals are doubling your salary overnight, getting a promotion higher than your boss's position, etc. Some goals can be achieved faster compared to others if you have some strengths and paths to back these up. Always include a strategic plan for big objectives.
Set deadlines to achieve your goals or else you'll never going to finish anything. Stay specific when setting timelines and schedules. For example, indicate things like "To spend an hour with my wife everyday starting tomorrow (indicate exact date and year)". Setting the exact time and date will spur you to start working on your goals, instead of putting it off for another available time. Some goals can take years to accomplish so it is wiser to break these down into smaller objectives, still complete with deadlines. You can finish everything in a sequence to finally reach the biggest one.
Enjoy setting some SMART goals,
Noelyne Jones
P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here How to Easily Overcome Your Fears
How to overcome anything,
Sunday, 2 May 2010
The Right Attitudes to Achieve Your Goals
The Right Attitudes to Achieve Your Goals
If you want to be truly successful in how you achieve your goals, then you need to harbor the right
habits and attitudes that will keep you on track. There are a number of good traits you have to keep for
life to discover that more opportunities and good things are bound to happen, if only you allow these.
Here are some of the features that great people had.
Being Industrious
Hard work always pays off. There is no single famous individual person in history who achieved several
goals in life without working it off. Being industrious means working harder than anyone else, studying
more than anyone else and even suffering more than anyone else. You have to understand the importance of
delayed gratification as you work towards your ultimate goal. To begin hard work, you can begin by fixing
your schedule, writing down tasks and functions of the day and finding the right people and resources that
can assist you. Keep in mind that you have to be as independent as possible to finish more in the long term.
Discipline and Consistency
Discipline is what separates the leaders from the followers. If you truly want to make changes in your
life, you have to understand doing things even if you do not want to at times, and maintaining excellent
quality and optimum performance each time. Being consistent is intertwined with patience, wherein you
continue performing well, regardless of the situations and hindrances, to render the results you want in the end.
Discipline and consistency are also interrelated, in the sense that discipline breeds consistency. If
you continue practicing good habits and sticking to the functions that lead to your main goal, you will
find it easier to do over time. You will change as an entire person and experience the opportunities that
come with being dedicated.
Problems are a part of every man's life, but it is the resilient person who always prevails and achieves
their goals. You need to learn from your past mistakes and convert these into more productive actions the
next time. Learn to pick yourself up after each fall and put in double effort to become better. Some of the
most successful people, as well as those who truly left a mark in history are known to have faced big difficulties
and resentment before they let others understand their own way of doing things.
You need to stay positive about your situation, regardless of the problems that you face. It is vital that you
stay optimistic and always believe that you will get to your goal, no matter what. If you tell yourself that you
will reach it sooner, chances are you will. It might help to believe in the powers of the Universal Law of Attraction
which draws opportunities toward you just the way you intend to, and in the right intensity as you desired.
Some goals are very big and will take time to accomplish. Do not allow yourself to think that some goals are just
too huge to be possible. Be specific and set goals that are attainable to your current situation and start working
to achieve these. You can break it down into smaller tasks that are much easier to do within the given timeframe
that you have.
If you want to be truly successful in how you achieve your goals, then you need to harbor the right
habits and attitudes that will keep you on track. There are a number of good traits you have to keep for
life to discover that more opportunities and good things are bound to happen, if only you allow these.
Here are some of the features that great people had.
Being Industrious
Hard work always pays off. There is no single famous individual person in history who achieved several
goals in life without working it off. Being industrious means working harder than anyone else, studying
more than anyone else and even suffering more than anyone else. You have to understand the importance of
delayed gratification as you work towards your ultimate goal. To begin hard work, you can begin by fixing
your schedule, writing down tasks and functions of the day and finding the right people and resources that
can assist you. Keep in mind that you have to be as independent as possible to finish more in the long term.
Discipline and Consistency
Discipline is what separates the leaders from the followers. If you truly want to make changes in your
life, you have to understand doing things even if you do not want to at times, and maintaining excellent
quality and optimum performance each time. Being consistent is intertwined with patience, wherein you
continue performing well, regardless of the situations and hindrances, to render the results you want in the end.
Discipline and consistency are also interrelated, in the sense that discipline breeds consistency. If
you continue practicing good habits and sticking to the functions that lead to your main goal, you will
find it easier to do over time. You will change as an entire person and experience the opportunities that
come with being dedicated.
Problems are a part of every man's life, but it is the resilient person who always prevails and achieves
their goals. You need to learn from your past mistakes and convert these into more productive actions the
next time. Learn to pick yourself up after each fall and put in double effort to become better. Some of the
most successful people, as well as those who truly left a mark in history are known to have faced big difficulties
and resentment before they let others understand their own way of doing things.
You need to stay positive about your situation, regardless of the problems that you face. It is vital that you
stay optimistic and always believe that you will get to your goal, no matter what. If you tell yourself that you
will reach it sooner, chances are you will. It might help to believe in the powers of the Universal Law of Attraction
which draws opportunities toward you just the way you intend to, and in the right intensity as you desired.
Some goals are very big and will take time to accomplish. Do not allow yourself to think that some goals are just
too huge to be possible. Be specific and set goals that are attainable to your current situation and start working
to achieve these. You can break it down into smaller tasks that are much easier to do within the given timeframe
that you have.
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