Sunday 28 November 2010

What a week!

A Message from Noelyne...

I was just reflecting on last week and it amazes me how lucky I am and how grateful I am for everything in my life.  I had a brilliant time at the Training Handover event in Birmingham which enables me to deliver training for the Census 2011.  So good to catch up with a few fellow trainers who were part of the  team delivering Diversity training last year.  I also had an excellent time at the hotel making the most of not having to get out of bed to feed and walk a dog.  I just didn't realise how much the past few weeks have takedn out of me.

Time to recharge my batteries and readjust my mental attitude to caring for a pup, or else I'll be aging faster than I would like.  So far I've done pretty well at not looking my age, however, I'm starting to feel weary from the early starts.  There's no respite for the next ten days either as my partner has gone away to convalesce and get his strength back before he returns to work in January after major surgery on his back.

I also started another new training contract last week which will deliver a communications package into care homes locally.  Excellent stuff.

So the boys are with me this week and I feel quite privileged that they opted to stay with me even thought their Dad is away.  Yes quite privileged indeed.  Although I'm not so chuffed at having to go an pick the 17 year old up at 10pm after he finishes's freezing out there and the car will need to be defrosted.  Brrrrr...

A busy week coming up too so I'd better get on a do some planning.

Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Get a copy of my Free Special Report here

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