Wednesday 3 November 2010

There's a reason for everything

A Message from Noelyne...

If you have been following me and reading my blog over the past few days you will know that I am learning to handle an addition to the family in the form of a nine week old pup.  You will also know that I didn't expect to be doing the caring and house training and other training.  I though that my partner and the boys would be doing that.

Now that I have accepted my role I am finding that the experience is very enjoyable and I am also learning new things about myself.  I got angry and frustrated initially when the pup wouldn't do what I wanted.  I have rarely been abgry in my life and in fact find it difficult to get in touch with that emotion no matter what has happened.  However, a seven week old pup brough that out in me and of course when you are dealing with a pup you have to learn to control that emotion otherwise it can escalate the unacceptable behaviour.

I'm reading and researching all about communicating with a pup and it's amazing to se how quickly she progresses.  I even went to a puppy party on Monday at the local vets clinic where they do a little socialisation and training.  The other pups were older than Ellie so were a little more under control.  Now that I am reassured and have a few new tips I am much more confident when communicating with the pup.  When I am confident and calm then so is the pup.  I know what to do once she starts to misbehave and how to stop her from continuing the poor behaviour without shouting, getting angry or touching her.

What I have noticed though is that having got in touch with the anger emotion I am no longer so tolerant of other people's behaviour.  For example, I bought a red berry muffin from the fresh bakery of the supermarket only to find that it was frozen in the middle and so could not eat it.  My normal reaction would have been to let it defrost and forget all about it.  However, I was so angry and disappointed at not being able to eat it staright awayI decided to write to the company.  This resulted in an apology, a reassurance that the branch manager had been contacted and an additional 1000 points on my card.

There have been other minor incidents that would not have affected me however, now I am much more aware of taking action when things are not to the standard that I expect.  It's not just about me because as I take action and get things changed then it stops other people from receiving poor customer service.

So there's a reason fro everything and I am not only learning to communicate with an animal I am also learning about myself and improving my own behaviour.


Enjoy the process of life,

Noelyne Jones

P.S. Request a copy of my Free Special Report here
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